
Access VBA: How to select particular columns in ado using getstring?

Hi, When we use getstring to get data from a recordset(ADO) then it returns all the columns, if only particular columns are required then how do we modify the getstring statement?# Thanks tksy ...

Getting null terminated string from System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString

I have an array of bytes that I receive from an external entity. It is a fixed size. The bytes contain a unicode string, with 0 values to pad out the rest of the buffer: So the bytes might be: H \0 E \0 L \0 L \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 ... etc I'm getting that buffer and converting it to a string like so: byte[] buffer = new byte[buffSize...

VS2005 UTF-8 generic HTTP handler: problem with certain chars in query string (e.g. þ æ)

I am developing a generic HTTP handler in VS2005 and testing it in Debug Mode. It works well except when the query string contains higher-bit characters, e.g. Latin Small Letter Thorn /u00FE þ and Latin Small Letter Ae /u00E6 æ. IE8 on my machine is set to send UTF-8 URLs. I am typing the following into the IE8 address bar when debuggi...

Help writing getstring function

Im having some trouble writing a getstring function, this is what I have so far. Regards, V const char* getstring() { char *buffer; int i = 255; buffer = (char *)malloc(i*sizeof(char)); *buffer = getchar(); while ( *buffer != '\n' ) { buffer++; *buffer = getchar(); } *buffer = '\0'; ...

Using intent.getStringExtra from within an activity

I am relatively new to android. I have two applications A and B. I have an activity in A, lets name it x, that would launch the application B. Now the intent sent by x contains StringExtra that I want the Starting activity in B to use. Is there a way for the activity in B to do that? Thanks! ...

Android: getString(R.string in static method

When programming for Android sometimes you have to use static methods. But when you try to acces you resources in a static method with getString(R.string.text) you'll get an error. Making it static doesn't works. Does anyone knows a good way around this because the resource files in Android are very helpfull for creating things in diffe...