
git diff - handling long lines?

I'm running git-diff on a file, but the change is at the end of a long line. If I use cursor keys to move right it loses colour coding and worse the lines don't line up, making it harder to track the change. Is there a way to prevent that problem, or to simply make the lines wrap instead? (running git 1.5.5 via mingw32) ...

git-diff to ignore ^M

In a project where some of the files contains ^M as newline separators. Diffing these files are apparently impossible, since git-diff sees it as the entire file is just a single line. How does one diff with the previous version? Is there an option like "treat ^M as newline when diffing" ? prompt> git-diff "HEAD^" -- diff --...

Git diff gone mad?

I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my local Git repo. I edit a file. Git reports everything has changed in the file (I only changed one line) At first I think "must be a newline problem", but it's not. I do a diff in TortoiseGit, everything looks fine. I do a diff with Netbeans (git plugin), everything seems fine. I do a res...

Git: how to diff the same file between two different commits on the same branch?

On git, how could i compare the same file between two different commits (not contiguos) on the same branch (master for example)? Is it possible? (i'm searching for a "Compare" feature like the one in VSS or TFS) ...

Using git diff in same file between first and last commit

I have a text file (.yml) that I enter some texts to my system use. But now we need to know what new lines at once. I thought to use git to solve our problem, but I cant find a clarified command to do this. Is this possible? ...

Customizing headings in git diff

When viewing a diff using git diff, each change starts with line like: @@ -28,41 +20,10 @@ namespace ConsoleApplication1 For C, the final part is quite descriptive – it shows for example the function in which the change occurred. But for C#, it only ever shows the namespace, which isn't very useful. I think that's because it shows las...

git diff with author filter

I have a series of commits by different authors and I would like to see a git dff output between 2 commits but only considering the commits by one of the authors, something like, something like --author in git log. I am interested in the final summary diff and not the diffs of the individual commits. Is there a git trick for that? ...

"git diff" does nothing

Hi all, I presume this is a configuration error somewhere, but I can't figure out where. Regular git commands appear to work fine, but "git diff" does nothing. To be safe, I removed external diff tools from my .gitconfig file. This was installed via MacPorts and is the lates version ( What I see is that when I run "git diff...

What are the differences between these git diff commands?

What are the differences between the following git commands? git diff HEAD git diff HEAD^ git diff --cached or the synonym git diff --staged git diff ...

git diff - show me line ending changes ?

For some reason my editor looks like it is occasionaly changing changing the line endings of my source files. When I do 'git diff', all i get is a mysterious empty '-' followed by a '+', but no information to confirm this was teh actual change. How do I get git diff to show me what this change actually was ? ...

Git workflow for a single developer on a local repository

I'm trying to refine a personal git workflow to something a little easier to deal with. Here's some background of how I'm using git for purposes of this post: A single developer who is the only one working on the repository. A single copy of the repository that is stored on the local machine. Only two branches "dev" and "master". All ...