
git selective revert local changes from a file

In my git repo which is tracking a svn repo I have made a number of edits to a single file. Now I want to revert those changes(like svn revert), but only portions of the file. I want to be able to view the diffs on the file, discard(revert) the changes that I don't want and retain the changes I want. the git add -i command seems t...

git-svn: how to copy git commits from one SVN branch to another?

I've got a git-svn checkout of my entire repo (initialized in the standard git svn init -t tags -b branches -T trunk $repo_url fashion, then git svn fetched). I manually svn copy $repo_url/branches/branch1 $repo_url/branches/branch2. I then ran git svn fetch, git checkout -b local-branch2 branch2, made a few commits to branch2, dcommited...

Migrating odd subversion layout to git with history

I have a subversion repo with an odd layout: trunk Project1 Project2 tags Project1-0.2.4 Project2-1.9.0 branches Project1-crazyidea I know, I know, this was stupid. I should have had a trunk, tags, and branches directory underneath each Project. However, is there anyway to convert this to git (for a particular project) with...

git svn workflow - feature branches and merge

I am using git-svn with the following workflow now git clone <SVN TRUNK URL> #done once subsequently when I work on a feature git branch featureZ git checkout featureZ #make edits for featureZ git commit git checkout master git svn rebase # fetch changes from server git checkout featureZ #go back to branch #git merge master git re...

git svn fetch retrieves the same Subversion revision multiple times for branches

I am seeing git svn fetch repeatedly retrieve the same Subversion revisions when it finds branches in my Subversion repository. We are using the standard Subversion repository layout, with top level /trunk, /tags, and /branches directories (and the git repository was created with 'git svn init -s'). However, the problematic branches ar...

How does git-svn behave with svn repositories that have changed layout?

This question is similar to this one and this one, but the scenario is slightly more complex. I started out a few years ago with a private svn repository (which I use mainly for shared config files and the like between various machines). I wasn't too careful with the layout of the repository (where branches, go, etc.), so it changed qui...

Git-svn refuses to create branch on svn repository error: "not in the same repository"

I am attempting to create a svn branch using git-svn. The repository was created with --stdlayout. Unfortunately it generates an error stating the "Source and dest appear not to be in the same repository". The error appears to be the result of it not including the username in the source url. $ git svn branch foo-as-bar -m "Attempt to...

Porting GIT merging capabilities to SVN ?

I watched the YouTube presentation Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git a few weeks ago and one remark seems to be stuck in my mind. In this presentation (around minute 33) Linus says something along the line of "Some people clone a SVN repository, do merging (=headache in SVN) and then push the result back to SVN.". The thought that I ha...

Squashing or editing some commits before doing git-svn dcommit?

I am working on a project in a subversion repository with a strict check-in policy which includes: Every commit to the trunk has to be reviewed by another developer and this must be mentioned in the commit message. While working with git-svn I am making many incremental git check-ins that aren't reviewed. Their git commit messages refle...

How do I prepend history to a git repo?

I have a project that has existed in two SVN repositories. The second SVN repo was created simply by adding the repos from a checkout of the old SVN repository without SCM info stripped. The content of the files are byte identical, but there is no associated SCM meta-data. I have taken the new SVN repo and ported it into a Git repo vi...

How to recover from git-svn putting a different cased dulplicate file in the repository?

Git-svn allowed for a duplicate filename, just with different case, to be added to our subversion repository. On Windows this meant that subversion could not checkout the file, complaining of a duplicate. Another developer deleted the incorrectly cased version from the repository. Now when trying to do a git-svn rebase I get a "could n...

How to maintain a locally modified copy of an external svn repository

I have checked out an external svn repository that I have applied a couple of patches to. (Applying the patches can only be done manually due to conflicts.) Now I want to be able to maintain this local copy of the remote repository in a proper way. (I do not have any other access rights than read on the remote repository.) First of all...

Can't commit a delete using git-svn: Your file or directory is probably out of date

I've been looking over this post, but still can't figure out how to solve my particular issue. I'm using git-svn locally against a svn repository. I usually do the following: git svn rebase (to get the latest from the repo). git checkout local-dev git merge master (to merge this into my local branch) make changes, committing locally ...

git-svn based documentation workflow for mere mortals

At my place of work we are currently looking for a documentation system for writing manuals and other customer and internal documentation. Its features should be: Small templating possibilities, since sometimes a customer name must be inserted somewhere, but the text stays the same. Reusability of text parts, since some parts might be ...

git-svn dcommiting a single git commit

Given multiple unpushed git commits, is it possible to git-svn dcommit only one of those commits? e.g. I have commit foo, bar, and baz, but right now I only want to have bar end up in the svn repo. Is this possible? ...

Unable to determine upstream SVN information from HEAD history

Why do I get this error message? ...

How to set Subversion properties with git-svn

Is there a way to set subversion properties on a git repository that was created by git-svn? In my case, I want to edit the version of svn:external, svn:ignore and svn:executable. However, the only way to do so seems to involve a check-out with the subversion client. Is there a way to edit svn properties without having to check out the...

Removing redundant repo directories when importing with git-svn ?

I am trying to import a svn repository that follows the standard svn convention (trunk/branches/tags). The "problem" is that below each copy there are two totally useless directories that I'd really like to eliminate in my git repo. My svn structure looks like this: trunk/redundantdir1/redunddantdir2/realstuff branches/b1/redundantdir1/...

git svn repository changed domain name, how to fix?

Hello folks, I'm using git to track a SVN repository. It's all working fine, but now the domain name of the repository changed and I need to commit my changes back to SVN. Except for git svn rebase & git svn dcommit wont work since the domain name has changed. How can I change the repository to track the new location? I already tried ed...

Checking out an SVN repository using Git - Fatal: unable to run 'git-svn' error

Hey guys, I'm trying to check out a svn repository using git. I'm using the following command: git.exe svn clone "" I accept the certificate, and the repository transfer starts. After a while, say 15min, I get a "fatal: unable to run "git-svn"". I have tried pulling down multiple times, ...