
How to Git merge a branch that only contains a subfolder of trunk?

I am currently working on a project using svn (server is version 1.4 which means no modern merge tools available). I want to merge a branch with quite a few weeks of work in it. The problem is that back when the branch was created, it was made as a copy only of a subfolder. Svn structure of project: /trunk/folder1 /file...

Git Svn Fetch More Revisions

I am using git-svn for our svn repository. However, the repo is huge, so I first checked out the project like so: git svn clone svn:// -s -r 12000:HEAD So, now I have only revisions 12000 to the current revision. I would like to checkout some more revisions, but the following does nothing: git svn fetch -r 11000...

git-svn rebase gone horribly wrong

Is there a way to redo a git-svn rebase. or reset any effects by it. In my +8000 commit git-svn repository, something went wrong after merging a branch. My local "master" does not reflect anything near a complete log of trunk. And running git svn rebase correctly fetches new revisions but then tries to apply what looks like all 8000+ c...

How to use Git to migrate SVN repository

Somebody is planning to move the subversion repository I work on (8000+ commits). Is there a way to use git-svn to replay the last, say, 20 commits from the old location once the migration is finished? (not only my own commits, but also other team members) Bonus question: How do I add multiple svn repositories to my git local copy? ...

GIT svn how to update a path

When using svn, I update a repository with the following command. TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"c:\FoldToSVNRepository" TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"c:\FoldToSVNRepositoryTwo" TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"c:\FoldToSVNRepositoryThree" How would you do the equivilant with the command git svn ? I've had a ...

Delete a svn-Branch via git?

I'am using git as scm of choice but have to use a svn-repo. I can create a svn-remote-branch like this: git svn branch the_branch But how can i delete the remote branch? ...

How to git svn fetch older history?

I have checkout'ed svn repo through git, but not from the first svn commit. Now I would like to extend the history a little back into past. Is it possible? ...

How to use Git as content distribution network

The book 'Git Internal' mentions about using git as peer to peer content distribution network at p50, but doesn't have much detail. Especially how to have several branches which has tracking different files. Example: (working dir) a00.exe a01.exe b00.exe c00.exe c01.exe c02.exe Master branch tracks all files, while branch A only tracks...

restricting git-svn activity to a single git branch

I'm using git-svn to work with an svn repository. I have my git master branch tracking svn, and several local git branches. Is there any way to set up things so that if I run git svn rebase or git svn dcommit on a git branch other than master it will simply do nothing? ...

Git: How to get remote updates without checkout?

Hi, I'm looking for a way to list all updated files in the remote master branch, similar to svn log. Is that possible in Git? Thanks, Christoffer EDIT (Solution): git fetch git diff --name-status origin/master ...

Can different git-svn clones of the same svn repository expect to be able to share changes then git svn dcommit ?

Hi, I've read a great deal of "go from svn to git" and other "git-svn workflow" articles on the web, and still I think they often deal with overly simple situations. They are often targeted at guys who just want to use git and hack locally, without using the full power of git, like pull, fetch, merge and the like between multiple develo...

git: ignoring files in the origin

Is there a way to tell git to ignore a file that's stored in its origin? Since the files in question are in the upstream repository, just adding them to .gitignore or .git/info/exclude don't work. Background: My upstream repository has some generated files in it. Every time I do a local rebuild, these generated files are changed and ...

How do I fetch/clone only a few branches using git-svn?

The SVN repository that I am working with has a rather large number of branches. I am only interested in working with three of them and maybe another new SVN branch that will be created in the future. What I have figured out so far is that the command git svn clone URL -T trunk -b branches -t tags will clone all SVN branches and subseq...

Tips on using Git with svn in presence of a large number of svn externals

I have a workflow(on svn) which I am trying to replicate with git, but am unable to. I have a large number of Django apps (which are plugged together to form a form a full project) Some of these are in one large repo and others are in smaller repos. My layout looks something like, app1 -> repo1/app1 app2 -> repo2/app2 app3 -> repo1/ap...

git svn fetch fatal: write error: Invalid argument

Odd situation is happening when I try to clone a remote svn repository. When I type: git svn fetch Git will fetch the first 20 revision of the remote repository then at some point after 20 revisions it fails and just prompts the following error message. fatal: write error: Invalid argument Then just sits there doing nothing else. Rep...

Git: 1.List all files in a branch, files from different branch

Looking for a command like 'ls -R' or 'dir/s' can list all files in a commit/branch. Is there any command can compare two files from different branch? Thanks! a lot! ...

Git: clone a specific branch

Git clone will behave copying remote current working branch into local. Is there any way to clone a specific branch by myself without switching branches on remote repo? Thanks ...

git-svn, how to use a directory in trunk as local trunk

i'm inheriting a codebase that has a lot of directories in trunk that really should live in separate repos. all of my development happens in one specific directory, what should be the only thing in trunk. e.g: /path/to/repo/trunk/true_trunk all the tags and branches in the repo refer exclusively to this 'true_trunk' directory. proble...

Why does on cygwin complain about 'Out of memory during "large" request?

Hi, I'm getting this error while doing a git svn rebase in cygwin Out of memory during "large" request for 268439552 bytes, total sbrk() is 140652544 bytes at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/ line 898, <GEN1> line 3. 268439552 is 256MB. Cygwin's maxium memory size is set to 1024MB so I'm guessing that it has a different maximum memor...

Emulate subwcrev when using git-svn

I use git-svn to interact with an existing SVN repository that contains some C++ projects. subwcrev.exe is used as a pre-build event to update some strings in a C++ header (svnversion.h). These strings get hardcompiled to form some version information for the resulting binary. Since subwcrev requires .svn metadata to work, the pre-build...