
Change first commit of project with git?

I want to change something in the first commit of my project with out losing all subsequent commits. Is there any way to do this? (I accidentally listed my raw email, and I'd like to change it as I'm getting spammed from bots indexing github.) Edit/Addendum (whereby "listed my raw email" I mean listed my raw email in a comment in the ...

How to get git to pull changes for all branches

I'm working with a git repo that has an empty master and multiple branches. When I do a git pull, it only seems to pull stuff down for the master but does not apply for the branches. I find myself having to do git checkout branch; git pull for each branch before I can push. Is there a command or switch I can use that does Pull and app...

Using github to host public git repositories whilst ensuring that sensitive data files remain untracked

My app is hosted on Heroku and I have a public github repo too. My app has a config file containing my amazon S3 credentials. It's important to ensure that the file gets pushed to heroku but not github. So I was thinking that I could push my master branch to heroku and create a seperate github branch and ensure that it's .gitignore fi...

Does github have a Visual Studio Addin?

We are about to start a project and preparing the development environment. I was searching the possibilities of using github along with Visual Studio 10. so does github have a Visual Studio Addin? ...

Auto-push changes to one folder in a git repository to github?

I have a repository that I work in. There's one folder in there where I put all the stuff I want to open source so it's separate from the private parts. Is there a way to automatically get git to push anything committed to that folder to a github repository without me having to remember to push the newly changed files up there every time...

Git: Pull from other branch

Hi I have created a fork from a project on GitHub. How can I now pull changes from the project that I forked from? Thanks for tips and answers, Regards Ran ...

How to keep Drupal up to date with the GitHub repo?

Drupal has a GitHub repository at I, being a newbie to Git and the DVCS world in general, and having trouble figuring out how to use this repo as a method for keeping my Drupal core up to date, so I have the following questions: Is this the best way to check out a specific tag from the repo? git clone ...

What are Git and Subversion all about?

I see a lot of sites referring to git, github, svn, subversion etc, but I never really knew what all of those things are. I also hear a lot of terms like 'svn repo', 'commit', and 'push' - I tried googling but it seems that I have so little knowledge about the subject that I don't even know where to get started. Could someone give me th...

Git: delete a single remote revision

I've started switching my private subversion projects to git (Github) and release the code to the public. Therefore, I am a git newbie. Unfortunately, there is a revision of a project that contains confidential data. The revision is not tagged, I just know its hash value. Is there a way to completely erase that particular revision from...

Branching my own project from github, then pushing it back to github with branches intact

This feels like im missing something obvious, but i've been reading tutorials for 3 days and can't seem to make it happen. I have a private repo on github. I want to run it as two separate branches. As I understand it, I clone the repo so its on my local machine, then branch it using git branch newbranch git checkout newbranch so fa...

Subversion version of GitHub?

Hello :) I'd like to host some open source code on a public repository, and I really like how pretty GitHub makes this kind of sharing. Unfortunately, Git is not an option for these projects, for the most part because I'm developing for/on Windows, and Git support on Windows is not anywhere near where Subversion's support is. I'd like...

Git - only push up the most recent commit to github

Hi On my local git repo I've got many commits, which include 'secret' connection strings :-) I don't want this history on github when I push it there. Essentially I want to push everything I have, but want to get rid of a whole lot of history. Perhaps I would be better running in a branch for all my dev, then just merging back to mas...

some ownership issues with github hosting

I know SO is not really the right place for anything related to legal, but I'm not really asking any legal advice ... just some hints&tips. I'll soon be starting a project (academia) which I'll probably keep at github (for some not-getting-into-that-now reasons). Free package. And once the project is done, I'll remove it (I'll keep it l...

git: Can git realize that commits I have received from one remote are the same as those coming from a different remote?

I am wondering why some behaviour using git occurs: I forked a project on github to my own project on github. I then cloned my project to my computer. Some changes occured to the original project, so I told github to commit them using its fork queue. I do git pull on my computer to get these changes. Now some more changes came to th...

how to import project from github to computer

I have a rails + postgresql project hosted on github. I usually work on it from my laptop and push the changes out. I would like the same project source to come on my desktop as well so I can work on it if I am on my desktop. The project is also deployed to heroku so I'd like to pull the db changes and stuff as well. I already have g...

Entire file conflicting in git after first two lines

Between myself and another programmer who are working on the same project we consistently have a problem with git where we will commit a few changes to a specific file, push the changes up, and when the other pulls down the entire file is conflicted. It only happens with one file in our repository. Also we noticed in github when you vie...

Can I delete a dangling branch in my Git history if the merge is empty?

I am new to Git and have the newb following dilemma. I moved my old svn repo to github initially by just initializing a repository full of the files from my svn repository (minus the .svn stuff). Then, later I read that I could import my svn history, maintaining the history. So I deleted all contents of my master branch on github and ...

Remove and ignore all files that have an extension from a git repository

I'm working on a django project with a few other developers and we have recently realized that all the .pwc files in our app cause the commits and repository to be cluttered. Is there any way I can remove all .pwc files from all child directories in my git repository and then ignore them for any future commit? ...

Connecting git to github on windows 7 without bash

I'm setting up git on my new Windows 7 machine and I'm hitting a roadblock when it comes to getting github to acknowledge my ssh key. I am doing things a little different from the standard script in that I would rather not use cygwin and prefer to use my powershell prompt. The following is what I did: I installed msysgit (portable). I...

Good github structure when dealing with many small projects that have a common code base?

I'm working for a web development company and we're thinking about using GitHub for version control. We work with several different .NET-based CMS-platforms and of course with a lot of different customers. We have a standard code base for each CMS which we start from when building a new site. We of course would like to maintain that an...