
Working with a forked git repository, except I cloned the public repo URL, not the private URL

New to git, so this is hopefully a simple question with a simple answer. I forked a repository on GitHub. I then cloned it on my local machine by using the public repo URL: [email protected]:samuelclay/django-mingus.git, as opposed to the private repo URL: git:// I made some changes to the code, com...

How do you manage your gists on github?

I love github and their gist service and that's why I'm keeping a lot of code snippets and even development notes as a gist on my github account. It also makes it easy to share them with my colleagues. The problem is that it doesn't scale!! the github features for gist are primitive and I have lots of gists there which make it really di...

Can I view changes made with SVN the way you can see Git changes on github?

I have never used SN or Git but I really want to start. I have doen some reasearch over the past couple months but it seems really confusing to me. I just now watched a tutorial video for using git with and it seems like something I can do. I have some questions though. 1) The reason I liked the git is because it seems r...

Git and WordPress (+ managing plugins and media)

I'd like to apply revision control - using git - to my WordPress-based website development. Based on my concerns below, how do I go about? Concern 1: Pushing "granular changes" In this specific case, it is hard to mimic the webserver environment locally. Therefore, I would like to push changes very often. Could I push changes on a "sub...

Changing your online repositiory from another computer

Hello, I created an online repository on I was adding/removing/modifying files on that repository normally from a computer I was using. Now, I am using a different computer and I do not have the original local repository that was stored on the other computer I was using. So, I created a folder whose name is the same as the...

Migrate repository from github to local filesystem?

I have a git repository on github. I would like to migrate the master version of the repository to a local filesystem, and clone from this local filesystem copy. How do I do so? ...

How can I make this long_description and README differ by a couple of sentences?

For a package of mine, I have a README.rst file that is read into the's long description like so: readme = open('README.rst', 'r') README_TEXT = readme.close() setup( ... long_description = README_TEXT, .... ) This way that I can have the README file show up on my github page every time I commit...

Someone sent me a pull request, what do I do?

Someone cloned my repository, fixed bugs, and sent me a pull request. Can anyone tell me how do I pull from the users repository in github and put changes in my tree? ...

How can you search Github project Network for unmerged commits to a particular file?

I'm working on a project that is hosted @ It seems that forum/ has some errors in it that are preventing me from syncdb. I was curious if there was a way to search through the network to find all the changes that had been made in the entire Branch Network to forum/ to see if someone had fixed the errors alre...

Setup a git external for remote repo

I'd create a repo which pulls in a remote repo, let's say I'd like to setup jQuery as a submodule for example git:// What would be the process of creating a repo with jQuery as a submodule and adding my own external as a remote repo. Also once this is setup, if I push / pull to my own remote, will the ext...

How do revert a local branch back to how it is in github?

I did a bit of development against the wrong branch in my local repository. I did a git branch without next doing a git checkout. The commands look something like this: #On branch development git branch release-v0.2.0b # changes and several commits git push origin release-v0.2.0b And that's when I realized I was working on the wrong...

Project Part of Two Git Repositories - How to Ignore Different Files For Each?

Along the same lines as this question - How do I clone all remote branches with Git?, if I have set up a Github repository like so: $ git clone [email protected]:viatropos/spree.git mycart $ cd mycart $ git branch * master $ git remote add origin [email protected]:viatropos/mycart.git fatal: remote origin already exists. $ git remote add myfo...

Git: Unable to understand why branch (topic) commits/merges are happening on the master branch

Note: I am not sure whether this has been already asked, as I can't find any question fitting to my context(or I am unable to understand the existing questions' contexts') I am loving Git these days. Especially, the topic branches. I am working on a small code sharing application. And I have got (local)branches like "master", "authentic...

Github, git, how to submit changes to an upstream repo.

We've been using GIT internally for quite some time now and have a pretty good work flow within our team. Yesterday we wanted to submit some bug fixes to a project on Github. That is something new to us. So this is what we did: Cloned their repo Forked the upstream Added our fork as a remote Fixed some bugs in the master branch Pushed ...

Configure (or mimic) svn:externals to include code from Github in a svn-hosted project

We use Subversion locally, and we're working on a project that uses a fork of Fluent NHibernate, which is hosted on Github. I'd like it set up so that a single svn checkout will retrieve everything necessary to build the project, but maintain the ability to fetch HEAD updates from github. Is there any way I can pull code from the Git r...

create a git repo for project skeleton

Hi all I created a custom project skeleton as a start for my django projects, hosted on a public repo at github. Id like to use this as root folder for my new, public and privates projects, also hosted @github. The problem is i cannot use this one as a submodule because as fas ar i know i cannot add submodules inside another submodule...

Simplest command to grab a read-only copy of a git repository?

Here's a git repository on github: git:// What's the simplest way to check out a read-only copy using the git command line tool? update: Here's a suggestion to the githubbers: Do something similar to google code, which automatically displays a message such as: Use this command to anonymously check out...

CMake + find package or check out and install

Hello there! I just switched to CMake. And yet found it very useful and realized some simple apps and libs. Somewhere I read that it's possible to query git to checkout repositories from within cmake scripts. I'd like to check for the existence of a package with my Find(package).cmake If it doesn't exist i'd like to initiate a checkout...

git workflow incorporating many, but not all commits from many forks

I have a git repo. It has been forked several times and many independent commits are made on top of it. Everything normal, like what happens in many github hosted projects. Now, what exact workflow should I follow, if I want to see all that commits individually and apply the ones I like. The workflow I followed, which is not the optima...

Download only changed files git

I have forked a project on GitHub and I want to download only the changed files from the original repo. Is it possible to do this? ...