
Github shows name instead of a linked username in commits

I just helped a friend to set up a Github account to collaborate on my project. His commits come through, but for some reason on the "Source" page of my repository next to his commit is only his name and not his username (with a link). It seems strange, since Github obviously recognizes him (I added him to the list of collaborators etc....

Github and SVN Workflow

I'm working on a project with 2 more developers. The problem is that 1 developer is using SVN and the other developer and I using github. Is there a way to keep everything synced on both sides SVN and git? ...

Pulling branch gets unable to connect error

I was hoping somebody might be able to give me a hand by pointing out where I'm going wrong with github. I have my branch cloned down to my machine and I'm attempting to fetch from another user's branch on github. >git remote add rally25rs git:// >git fetch rally25rs master[0: 207.97.227...

How can I change the remote/target repository URL on Windows?

I created a local GIT repository on Windows. Let's call it AAA. I staged, committed, and pushed the contents to GitHub. [email protected]:username/AAA.git I realized I made a mistake with the name. On GitHub, I renamed it to [email protected]:username/BBB.git Now, on my Windows machine, I need to change this [email protected]:username/

heroku using git branch is confusing!

Ok, so I have a big github project that i'm not supposed to merge my little Stacia branch into. However, it seems like Heroku only takes pushing MASTER seriously. It looks like I pushed my branch, but for example if I only have my branch, it even acts like there's no code on the server. I can't even get my gems installed since the .gems ...

SSH Public key denied on "git clone" command.

I am trying to clone a git repo that I forked in my GitHub Repository.It's a rails app. I want to clone it on my local git so that I can push it onto heroku. I generated a set of rsa keys and copied it onto my GitHUb public keys. When I try to git clone "public url" , It says public key denied. I tried an ssh [email protected] to verify my ...

git push heroku master permission denied on VISTA

(Using Vista)I'm trying to clone an app from my GitHub Repository and push it into Heroku. Okay, so I've tried to create an SSH key so many times with this: `ssh-keygen -t rsa` It seems to go perfectly. I have it on my C:/Users/***/.ssh folder. I now try to clone an app i forked in GitHub. When I try to clone it on the rails_apps dir...

GitHub git remote add origin [email protected]:username/ProjectName a one time process ?

if I have two git projects on my machine with two different ProjectNames can I manage it with this code in two directories like this /foo1$ git remote add origin [email protected]:username/ProjectName-1 /foo2$ git remote add origin [email protected]:username/ProjectName-2 Is it getting stored in the directory or in a git config file in sys...

Using git, how do I ignore a file in one branch but have it committed in another branch?

I've got a project that I'm deploying to heroku. The source code tree includes a bunch of mp3 files (the website will be for a recording project I was heavily involved with). I'd like to put the source code for it up on github, but github has a 300 MB limit on their free accounts. I don't want to use 50 MB of my limit on a bunch of m...

How do you use Netbeans to work with a Github project?

From what I can tell, nbGit doesn't talk to Github. The best idea I've had so far is to install msysgit, use it to clone the repository to the local drive, then point nbGit at the local clone (creating a second repository). Then I would use nbGit to talk to the repository on disk, and msysgit to sync the on-disk repository with Github....

Github-like hosting, with private source, public ticketing system

I am in need of a site that offers the same services as Github (Git hosting, Ticketing, downloads, etc, etc) but allows me to have my source be private. I don't mind paying if I can find these features, and I've already tried gitorious, unfuddled, and codebase. I also wouldn't mind hosting my own if the application already exists for th...

Good people or projects to follow in github ?

I'm following a a bunch of interesting projects on Github lately, What projects or people are you following ? I'm not talking only ruby, or RoR, projects. I'm looking forward to see projects that make me a better programmer in any language, or projects where I can find great pieces of code, even if they are small or personal projects. ...

Which version control system or platform is the best one for tracking and distributing personal Emacs configurations?

I currently use subversion to track my configuration changes of Emacs and to sync my '.emacs.d' directory to different platforms. A lot of packages like Ido, Muse or Org-mode are part of Emacs distributions which come with Debian or Carbon Emacs (osx). But other packages which I'm also using are not part of those distributions so I have...

Git client throwing error

I am trying to clone a project from GitHub but I keep getting this error:[0:]: errno=Result too large fatal: unable to connect a socket (Result too large) This is the version of the Git client I am using: git-gui version git version 1.6.4.msysgit.0 Has anyone seen this before? ...

Contributing using git

So I have cloned a project at github and fixed a patch. Since this is the first time Im working in git Im trying to figure out the best way to put it online. Upon checking out my own (cloned) repository on github there was only one branch: master. I created a branch, myfix, which now holds one commit, which is the fix for the bug. Sh...

How do I clone a github project to run locally?

Hi, I am trying to follow this railscast tutorial for authlogic - and it points to the source here - I have git installed - how do I replicate the source onto my localhost so that I can follow the tutorial like in the screencast? Thank you! ...

GitHub and Visual Studio

What's the most painless way for the Visual Studio developer to start using GitHub? Ideally the answer would involve a Visual Studio plugin, or some other integration app? What solutions are available today to view/update GitHub repositories? Can you rely or expect the same functionality as compared to other VS integrated source contr...

github how to checkout production branch

I have a private project hosted on github. I have a production branch of that project. I got a new machine and I need to fix something on production. This is what I did. git clone [email protected]:userid/project.git # now I have master branch git co -b production git pull origin production Using the above mechanism I am able to get prod...

How to remove unreferenced blobs from my git repo

I have a GitHub repo that had two branches - master & release. The release branch contained binary distribution files that were contributing to a very large repo size (> 250MB), so I decided to clean things up. First I deleted the remote release branch, via "git push origin :release" Then I deleted the local release branch. First I tr...

which wmd-editor repository to use

I read that the original wmd-editor is no longer maintained so there was an effort to reverse engineer it, hosted on github. However this version is not ready because it references a number of undefined functions, for example: processHeadings is not defined /static/js/lib/plugins/wmd/showdown.js Line 66 There is also a version ...