
Django DB design to glob words quickly

I need to quickly look up words for a web application that I am writing in Django. I was thinking of putting each character of the word in an integerfield of its own, indexed by position. class Word(models.Model): word = models.CharField(max_length=5) length = models.IntegerField() c0 = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null...

PHP - How do I open files and read them then write new ones with "x" lines per file?

I posted this question here before but there were no responses. I may have done something wrong so, here it is again with some more details. The files in the directory are named 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt etc.... The snippet below enters that directory, opens all the *,txt files reading them, removes the dupes and creates one file with all the...

PHP - alpha sort lines from several files in one directory and save them to files of "x" lines max in alpha named folders.

This below goes through files in a directory, reads them and saves them in files of 500 lines max to a new directory. This works great for me (thanks Daniel) but, I need a modification. I would like to save to alpha num based files. First, sort the array alpha numerically (already lowercase) would be the first step I assume. Grab all o...

php glob() on another directory on Server 2003 (IIS 6)

Always returns an empty array despite giving the IUSR_ "List Folder Contents" permission (and "Read" and "Read & Execute" permissons) on the folder being 'globbed'. glob() on a child directory (within the directory I gave the permissions too) works fine. glob() also works on a specific file (which inherited the permissons) in the afore m...

php find file with highest value in its filename

Consider this file structure: /folder/locaux-S04_3.html /folder/blurb.txt /folder/locaux-S04_2.html /folder/locaux-S05_1.html /folder/tarata.02.jpg /folder/locaux-S04_1.html /folder/dfdsf.pdf I need to retrieve the file which name contains the highest numeric value in a directory. In the above example, it is locaux-S05_1.html I came ...

How to list an image sequence in an efficient way? Numercial sequence comparison in Python

I have a directory of 9 images: image_0001, image_0002, image_0003 image_0010, image_0011 image_0011-1, image_0011-2, image_0011-3 image_9999 I would like to be able to list them in an efficient way, like this (4 entries for 9 images): (image_000[1-3], image_00[10-11], image_0011-[1-3], image_9999) Is there a way in python, to re...

unable to convert pdf to text using python script

i want to convert all my .pdf files from a specific directory to .txt format using the command pdftotext... but i wanna do this using a python script... my script contains: import glob import os fullPath = os.path.abspath("/home/eth1/Downloads") for fileName in glob.glob(os.path.join(fullPath,'*.pdf')): fullFileName = os.path.join...

How to use Scons to compile same objects in different environments with Glob?

I have a C++ project builds with Scons. At first I have only the optimized version to compile, it works fine. Then I also need a debug version, then I add another environment for it. Here is the Scons code: env = Environment() opt = env.Clone(CCFLAGS=['-pthread', '-O3', '-Wall']) opt_objs = opt.Glob('src/*.cpp') prog = opt.Program('p...

Mac OS X - bash default pathname expansion or bug

I'm trying to run the following line of script in bash on Mac OS X 10.6.4 (from this question): $ export EDITOR='mvim -f -c "au VimLeave * !open -a Terminal"' Alas, what I get is something unexpected: $ echo $EDITOR mvim -f -c "au VimLeave Desktop Documents Downloads Library Movies Music Pictures Public Sites bin !open -a Terminal" ...