
How to use image resource in website?

I have a c# site which makes use of a lot of images with embedded english text. How can I use a standard resource file to swap out images depending on the language? I have a resx file in my App_GlobalResources directory, but I can't seem to get it plugged into an asp:image control for the imageurl correctly. Ideas? UPDATE: For so...

Localization: How to map culture info to a script name or Unicode character range?

I need some information about localization. I am using .net 2.0 with C# 2.0 which takes care of most of the localization related issues. However, I need to manually draw the alphabets corresponding to the current culture on the screen in one particular screen. This would be similar to the Contacts screen in Microsoft Outlook (Address Ca...

how to change language (culture) of aspx and ajax controls

hi I am working on a project and I have one page that displays a calendar extender in English and another extender in another page in Hebrew. How do I set up the culture of a control/page? The page that displays the calendar extender in Hebrew, also displays the File uploader in English, how is that possible? ...

Globalization of Membership exceptions isn't taking place... What to do?

I'm using the SqlMembershipProvider to carry out my ASP.NET website's user management. In particular, the site needs to be multi-lingual (globalized!). When I create users using Membership.CreateUser it's good that I get exceptions for things like duplicate emails, duplicate usernames etc. But what I want is to re-use that exception tex...

How to reset the globalization resource provider to default resx provider

Hi I would like to reset my globalization provider for an inner section of my web site. The site root uses a custom sql provider, I would like to use resx in my subfolder. what should I set in resourceProviderFactoryType="???" Thanks ...

Best way to implement languages menu in an ASP.NET application

I trying to implement a typical languages menu where users can select the language they want to view the site in through a menu that appears throughout all pages in the site. The menu will appear on multiple master pages (currently one for pages where users are logged in and one for pages where users are not). My current implementation...

What is system.globalization And what's the difference between it and localization

and to spice things a bit , what is the best approach for globalization in Mvc App ...

Dot Net and Java Culture Codes

I've been tasked with the awesome job of generating a look-up table for our application culture information. The columns I need to generate data for are: Dot Net Code Version Culture Name Country Name Language Name Java Country Code Java Language Code Iso Country Code Iso Language Code I have found the globalization name space, but ...

In Powershell how can I convert a string with a trailing 'sign' to a number?

I need to convert strings with optional trailing signs into actual numbers using Powershell. Possible strings are: 1000- 323+ 456 I'm trying to use System.Int.TryParse with a NumberStyles of AllowTrailingSign, but I can't work out how to make System.Globalization.NumberStyles available to Powershell. ...

ASP.NET Globalization -- Displaying dates

Good morning, Apologies for the newbie question. I'm just getting started with ASP.NET internationalization settings. Background info: I have a website which displays a <table> HTML object. In that <table> HTML object, I have a column which displays dates. My server being in the US, those dates show up as MM/DD/YYYY. Many of my us...

I need to store postal codes in a database. How big should the column be?

I expect the column to be a VARCHAR2, in my Oracle Database. US Zips are 9. Canadian is 7. I am thinking 32 characters would be reasonable upper limit What am I missing? ...

What is the difference between CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture properties of CultureInfo in .NET?

In .NET there is the CultureInfo class in the System.Globalization namespace. It has two similar properties both returning values of the CultureInfo type: CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture. What is the difference between them? Which one should I use when and why? ...

Localize Images in ASP.NET

A couple of years ago, we had a graphic designer revamp our website. His results looked great, but he unfortunately introduced a new unsupported font by the web browser. At first I was like, "What!?!"... since most of our content is dynamic and there was no real way to pre-make all of the images. There was also the issue of multiple la...

Can You Determine Timezone from Request Variables?

Is there a way to do your timezone offsets on the server side, by reading something in the request over http, instead of sending everything to the client and letting it deal with it? ...

Displaying International Text

I am looking to create an page that will have a control like GridView or Repeater and the data to be displayed in this page can be either unicode or Utf-8 . I am really struggling to display languages like Hebrew and some asian languages. How do I show any type of language on the page?? I have tried the meta tag option ...

Best way for multi-language sites virtual Directories

I have a site that will ultimately support 4 languages and 2 countries (US & Canada, English and Spanish) I'm wondering what's the best way to set up the directory structure? Right now, I have a root site called This will take you to a page where you choose your country and language. Ideally, I want to have the directory l...

The name of the Everyone group in non-english OSs

Oh no, media browser is crashing. Turns out we have an issue with the way we are creating a mutex. The problem line is: MutexAccessRule rule = new MutexAccessRule("Everyone", MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow); Turns out the hardcoded "Everyone" string only works on english OSs, how do we change this line so it works ...

Globalizing source code

I'm running an open source project and every now and then chinese users report build errors due to unrecognized escape sequences .cs and .js files. When they paste the files as they se them I notice that the latin characters are changed into chinese. I'm using Visual Studio and when I look at "Advanced Save Options" the setting is "West...

Terminology used for language and culture-aware software

I have always thought that the terms "internationalization" and "localization" (and their funny abbreviations i18n and l10n) were universally accepted and used for talking about software which is aware of language and cultural differences. But I recently read a question on SO about these subjects which referred to something called "globa... client/browser url

I'm wondering how I can get the url from the browser in I have a page that I use globalization/localization for and I am redirecting (via server not code) from to but the url is masked to still say I want to get what the browser's url is but when I try thing...