
Questions About The Foundation And NS Library

Hello, I'm a Objective-C learner and I don't have a Mac, then I need to use my Linux with GNUStep, but if I develop my own program on it, the end-user will need to have GNUStep(like .Net) installed and then I started thinking how can I solve this, then I had an idea: "Create this from scratch!", but now to do this I need to know: What ar...

GNUstep NSString.m file

Hi all, I'm using GNUstep to begin with learning Objective-C. I could find the header files for all, but don't know where to find its implementation files. I was thinking, with that I can understand the whole programming style and many more. I am working without mac , so if some body knows about any good tutorials , that i can use to i...

linking objective c++

I am trying to figure out why when I convert my main.m file to a file, it no longer will link properly. I have reduces the problem to the following example code: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <AppKit/AppKit.h> int main( int argc, const char ** argv ) { return NSApplicationMain( argc, argv); } I am using gnustep an...

Is Objective-C used without Cocoa?

It seems that Cocoa seems to be the main platform for Objective-C. GCC (which Xcode uses) supports Objective-C so it must be available on a wide range of platforms. Are there any notable cross-platform projects that use Objective-C but not Cocoa (or its open source cousin GNUStep)? Is it really used outside the Apple ecosystem? ...

data reloading in NSOutlineView

Hi, simple existentialist question that google can't answer me: When and NSOutlineView send the message outlineView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:byItem: to its data source, will it always reload its data? I have [sourceList reloadData]; as the last line of that method's implementation, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. Cheers ...

NSURLDownload not starting

I am attempting to download a URL using NSURLDownload, but it does not start downloading. Before continuing it must be said that I am using GNUStep for this. The outline of my project is as follows: MyClass.h: @interface MyClass : Object { } -(void)downloadDidBegin:(NSURLDownload*)download; -(void)downloadDidFinish:(NSURLDownload*)d...

key-value coding and to-many relationships

Hi there, I'm a bit confused with key value coding and to-many relationships. I've read that when having such relationship I should use [object mutableArrayValueForKey:@"key"]; to retrieve the mutable array that holds the objects in that ordered relationship. What I don't understand is what's the difference between mutableArrayValueFor...

Automating GNUStep from Notepad++

I use GNUStep to compile Objective-C on Windows 7 using GCC and MinGW. I'd like to be able to automate the "make" instruction (with make files) from Notepad++ and have any complier errors reported to Notepad++s console window. Edit: What I am trying to do is script GNUStep/Bash to login to the right directory, build the directory, then ...

Referencing DLLs for Objective-C (GNUStep on Windows)

Hi, How do you reference DLLs from Objective-C? I use GNUStep Make files on Windows. RIch ...

Core-data: when accessing a relationship, the count method on NSSet fails

I'm trying to access a relationship (one to many) programatically. My Data model contains an NSManagedEntity called language (with a two string attributes) with a relationship to an entity called WordCategory (one-to-many). I use an NSFetchRequest to get all the Language entities. that works fine. I get the valueForKey for the relationsh...

GNUStep make with a precompiled (and prefixed) .pch header from Xcode project?

I'm trying to build an Xcode project with GNUStep-make. Right now the project is very small (3 classes) however it will grow to hundreds of classes over the coming weeks so I'm trying to get everything figured out and well-organised now. Xcode creates a ProjectName_Prefix.pch file which is a header that: a) get precompiled and b) is pr...

Force a GNUstep "bundle" to be executable

Does anybody know how to get GNUstep-make to compile a bundle but make the resulting binary executable? ...

Build an Xcode project on a Linux machine

Without writing a GNUmakefile by hand, do any tools exist that understand Xcode projects and can build them directly against GNUstep, producing a Linux executable, thus simplifying (slightly) the work required to keep projects functional under Cocoa/Mac and GNUstep/Linux? Basically, is there an xcodebuild style app for Linux? I looked ...

Does Objective-C have a Standard Library?

Most somewhat modern programming languages have a standard library? It is my impression is that there isn't a decent sized standard library for Obj-C , rather that it relies mostly/all on Cocoa and that (plus people not wanting to use GNUstep) is why Obj-C is only used on macs)? Is this true/to what extent? Are there any standard obj-c...

Is it possible to run a compiled program with Xcode on Mac OS X in FreeBSD? (Objective-C/Cocoa)

Hi. I have a plan to build a web-site which running CGI made with Cocoa. My final goal is develop on Mac OS X, and run on FreeBSD. Is this possible? As I know, there is a free implementation of some NextStep classes, the GNUStep. The web-site is almost built with only strings. I read GNUStep documents, classes are enough. DB connection ...

How to compile an objective c program under windows with independant MingW

I know how to compile the objective c program using gnustep version of mingw. But I don't like their shell and I want to use the standard mingw gcc compiler. I put this gcc bin directory in environment path of course, open command prompt in my helloworld.m directory #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * ...

Objective-C 2.0 is not working in GNUstep

[GNUStep installers] gnustep-system-0.24.2-setup.exe gnustep-core-0.25.0-setup.exe gnustep-devel-1.1.1-setup.exe gnustep-cairo-0.22.1-setup.exe I installed them to windows 7. But, it is not able to use Objective-C 2.0 syntax. Example, @property, @synthesize, assign, and so on. And, I want to use CFSocket, but CoreFoundation was not su...

GNUstep - Can GORM open Interface Builder-created NIB files or not?

I have created a working project in XCode + Interface Builder on my iMac. I would like to port it to my Windows XP machine, which has GNUStep installed (and it seems to work okay as long as I create programs from scratch on there). I have transferred all the files to my Windows machine, created a new project in ProjectCenter and compiled...

Can't compile objective c app using GNUStep

I've downloaded gnustep core \ gnustep system (for Windows) and come example apps. When i run the gnustep shell from start>all program> GNUstep> shell, navigate to the folder containing en example makefile and type make, i get the following error : Compiling file main.m /bin/sh: gcc: command not found so basically i can't get anything...