
Which is more evil: an unnecessary singleton or a God Object?

Here's the situation: I've got a class that is doing too much. It's mainly for accessing configuration information, but it also has the database connection. It's implemented as a singleton, so this also makes unit testing it difficult as most code is pretty tightly coupled to it. This is even more problematic as it creates an import-...

How can I take advantage of IObservable/IObserver to get rid of my "god object"?

In a system I'm currently working on, I have many components which are defined as interfaces and base classes. Each part of the system has some specific points where they interact with other parts of the system. For example, the data readying component readies some data which eventually needs to go to the data processing portion, the...

Designing a class in such a way that it doesn't become a "God object"

I'm designing an application that will allow me to draw some functions on a graphic. Each function will be drawn from a set of points that I will pass to this graphic class. There are different kinds of points, all inheriting from a MyPoint class. For some kind of points it will be just printing them on the screen as they are, others ca...

How can I write a Controller without making it a God object?

In my app I have a Controller that's started by the main method. The controller initializes hooks, database connections, the UI, another connection, and other things. It holds most of the state of the program (no, its not a Singleton). In another example there's a controller for the bot that handles interpreting and sending out of comman...