
How to capture a website API traffic data with Google Analytics?

I have a website where most of the traffic comes from the API ( I use Google Analytics to collect traffic data, however, the statistics do not include the API traffic because I couldn't include the Google Analytics javascript code into the API pages, and including it will affect the API results. (example: http://u...

Career Changer -- hoping for SAS analyst position

I'm a career changer (with only an academic background in IT-related areas) looking to break into the SAS programming/analyst world. My primary preference would be to work in a financial analysis position, but would definitely not be hesitant about working in the pharm. industry. I will be sitting for the "Base Programming for SAS 9" c...

Can I track an IFRAME widget with Google Analytics?

We are going to launch JS based widgets which webmasters (any site) will be putting on their site by embedding a small code snippet like : <iframe src="SOURCE_PATH" frameborder="0" width="300px" height="150px" scrolling="no" id="cd_frame"></iframe> Inside the widget there are three links and we need to track how many clicks are happe...

Facebook Google Analytics

I'm having some trouble getting Google Analytics to work with Facebook, has anyone here gotten this to work? Facebook provides the tag in FBML, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I've added it at the bottom of my document, and the status never changes from Tracking Not Installed in Google Analytics. I'm using this in a Django-based ...

Statistic solution

Hi, i need a solution for the following problem: Lets say i'm employing a "branch" website, where some shops can publish their data, like addresses, openinghours etc. I want every shop to have a login where he can lookup some statistical data, such like unique visitors for example... My question now: Can you think of the easiest way...

Google Analytics data - export Metrics to XML

Hello Currently looking at the Google Analytics Export API ( Does anyone know of any decent .NET wrappers that exist for this? My only requirement is to extract the data, so if there are even off-the-shelf software packages out there that would allow me to down...

Is it possible to put Google Analytics code in an external JS file?

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-XXXXXXX-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Woul...

Beginner: Regular Expression for URL

I have a huge list of URL's, in the format: What RegEx could I use to get the last three URL's, but miss the first two, so that every URL without a city attache...

_trackEvent() from Google Analytics not working?

I have Google Analytics setup on my site, and it is definitely recording page views. But I have added some code to call pageTracker._trackEvent(category, action, label, value), and it is not recording those hits or showing them in the reports. BTW, yes, I have waited for over 24hrs to see if the hits are in the reports. I have used th...

Google Analytics LIKE Tool

I'm considering writing my own tool for tracking visitors/sales as Google Analytics and others are just not comprehensive enough in the data dept. They have nice GUIs but if you have SQL skills those GUIs are unnecessary. I'm wondering what the best approach is to do this. I could simply just log the IP, etc to a text file and then ha...

Google analytics to track support for navigator.geolocation API?

The navigator.geolocation api for user positioning is now also supported by Firefox and not just Safari/Iphone. I suspect it will become a well suported api as more devices support positioning. Anyone know how to detect support of this api so that google analytics can chart it? ...

What is the best graphing/charting toolset to use for creating Google Analytics type graphs?

Given a Rails application on the server, what is the best charting/graphing solution for displaying dynamic, database driven charts/graph on a web page such as those available in Google Analytics. An optimal solution would include components that can speak JSON back-and-forth with the Rails application via AJAX. Thanks! ...

How Google Analytics knows which internet connection we are using?

In Google Analytics there is one option to know the connection information about the client access. I think everyone knows about this, but my question is how the Javascript knows these details? Am not talking about the IP or http/https suppose am using TATA Indicom, or cable connection for the use of Internet. how google know about thi...

Login Remotely To Google Analytics with ASP.NET

Hi there, I'm trying to login directly to Google Analytics. To explain, I have an account system and I'd like when you select an ASP.NET button for instance it re-directs you - via a silent login - to a specified Google Analytics account. I've looked long and hard at Dave Cullen's ASP.NET library and although I can login 'silently' us...

Grouping email referrals with Google Analytics filters

We have lots of referrals from Windows live mail that look like: and also from Yahoo mail that look like: d...

Two separate script tags for Google Analytics?

Does anyone know why Google Analytics requires two separate script tags? Specifically, their instructions advise users to embed the following snippet of code into a web page for tracking purposes: <!-- Google Analytics --> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http:...

Regex for dynamic goal page in Google Analytics

I have a page that I want to set as a goal in Google Analytics but there is a part of the URL that will be a random numnber (xxxxx). How do I specify such a URL with regex? /products/sf/cart/rf/xxxxx/f/477 ...

How to track anchor tags with Google Analytics

I'm trying to track clicks via Google Analytics that do not result in a new request. Specifically, clicks on tabs that are created via the jQuery UI tabs widget. I'm using the older version of the code ('urchin tracker') and trying to log the clicks like so: $('.ui-tabs-nav li a').click(function() { val = "/tab/" + $(this).attr('hre...

Parsing __utmz tracking cookie to get referral

I use Google Analytics on my site, and I want to read __umtz cookie to get referring link. I made some research and I wrote such code: $refer=explode('utmcsr=',$_COOKIE['__utmz']); if(count($refer)>1) $refer=explode('|',$refer[1]); $refer=addslashes($refer[0]); The problem is, this is not always working, sometimes I get junk as result...

What is the advantage of using unescape on document.write to load javacript?

The code that you have to add to track a web page with google analytics looks like: <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </s...