
What is "rfcTextOfMessage" value? : Google Apps Email Migration API Developer's Guide

I am using Google API to test below code: MailItemService mailItemService = new MailItemService(domain, "Sample Migration Application"); mailItemService.setUserCredentials(userEmail, password); MailItemEntry entry = new MailItemEntry(); entry.Rfc822Msg = new Rfc822MsgElement(rfcTextOfMessage); Referring to this Link . I used Sample...

How to save a datatable if it contains an object that refuses to serialize?

Hello expert coders, I'm storing GData "Event" objects from the Google API in a datable (Ok, I had to cast them as an object or they wouldn't go in), and I can access all the properties of the events perfectly, and use them to update Google, but I cannot serialize the datatable (or a parent dataset) to file because: Type 'Google.GData.C...

google.loader.ClientLocation: What does it return for "region" for US users?

I can't seem to find this info anywhere: When you get geo info about a user who's in the US through Google AJAX APIs, does google.loader.ClientLocation.address.region return the full state name (e.g. "California") or the abbreviation ("CA")? If you're in the US: What result do you get for "Region" on

Anyone in the enterprise using Google-hosted jQuery script?

I would like to use Google's copy of jQuery, to spare some load on my company's local web servers: While this is great for many sites (include stackoverflow and my personal website), I am hesitant to introduce this change to my company's public website. Personally, I ...

questions on how to import google-api-translate-java.jar

Dear all, I am now going to use the .jar file on However,after I download it ,I tried to import it in my current project folder(in Eclipse) the two import statements import; import; always get complained by the ...

Disable Highlighting in Google API WebSearch Result Title

Hey Everyone, I've been using Google Web Search API but the searched keyword is coming highlighted - with b tag- in the title property of the return object. I thought webSearchControl.setNoHtmlGeneration(); could work but didn't change anything. I know how to deal with other ways but is there any ways Google API provides to avoid any ...

How to mail to a particular email id using my gmail credentials from desktop application

Hello all, I am just developing an a desktop application for Twitter, Buzz and facebook. Google Buzz has not released their whole api to post buzz, but today I came to know that to create a new Buzz just mail to [email protected] with subject as Buzz content you want to create. Now I got stuck that how to mail to [email protected] from my gm...

Does anyone know if Google plans to release an Earth API on Android?

Now that Google Earth has been released for Android 2.1, does anyone know what, if any, plans there are to extend the Google API's to support it in a future version? ...

How to Edit a Google Doc

There doesn't seem to be (to my knowledge) an API to edit Google Docs (not spreadsheets, their HTML based documents). Has anyone done something like the? Maybe by downloading the HTML version, editing and uploading the changes? ...

How to create Task using Google Calendar API

I want to create Task in Google Calendar using Google Calendar API.Using C#. Looking for some sample codes. ...

What is the best way to translate a big amount of text data?

I have a lot of text data and want to translate it to different languages. Possible ways I know: Google Translate API Bing Translate API The problem is that all these services have limitations on text length, number of calls etc. which makes them inconveniente in use. What services / ways you could advice to use in this case? ...

Font Family Selection With Google Charts?

Is it possible to set font-family for any of the non-flash Google chart visualizations? Specifically for things like the text on the chart axis. Google charts is powerful, but ugly. And unfortunately I can’t move to something nicer, like gRaphael. ...

Google Contacts API - No Redirection

Hello there, I am currently working on Contact Importer web app (in PHP) so I will be able to grab email address from a user's account on Gmail, Yahoo, etc and use them for my own evil purposes. Just kidding, my web app is very friendly. I thought I would start with Google. I found they have a fantastic little API called Google Contact...

Can I use Google/Yahoo Maps API to lookup cities/states based on the zip?

I came across this when I did a search on SO: But I'm wondering, why can't we just use the Maps APIs for this? Has anyone tried doing this? ...

Can I use google API to convert a PDF into PNGs?

I have noticed that when you view PDFs in google docs the PDF viewer renders the PDF file into PNG images. I was wondering if you could use Google Data API to upload a PDF and get the URLs of the rendered PNG files? I have never used the google API or really had the extra time to learn it, but if it help me do this it will be well ...

Flex 4: use google APIs in RIA without server side code?

Just to confirm what I think I understand from reading about use of google APIs in RIAs (FLEX 4 and ActionScript) there is no way to connect to blogger API for example, directly from RIA because of google's crossdomain.xml file, right? So if I want to use their APIs to get some data like content of my mailbox or list of posts on my blo...

Google Apps shared contacts API get a contact for python

I'm having some issues trying to pull a shared contact using the gdata api for python that Google provides. Here is what I have to get the contacts.. but they are not all listed there feed = gd_client.GetContactsFeed() for i, entry in enumerate(feed.entry): print entry.title I can't figure out how to pull out a single contact so I...

what exatly google.setOnLoadCallback(initalize) function means?

while coding javascript and ajax, there is no proper documentation for this function? i searched this term using api src=" " and searchControl.execute("abhilashm86"); how does this google.setOnLoadCallback(initalize) called internally? is this function just for a new search term when user clears previous sea...

Update a Google Doc (or file stored with Docs) with PHP

It seems Zend Gdata doesn't provide a way to interface with the PUT API for Google Docs. I'd like to clear a document with a known id and update its contents. Should I authenticate with Zend's Gdata and use an HTTP PUT request? How? ...

Can I access a (private) google spreadsheet by inserting a password in the URL ?

I see the answer here is no, but wondered if there is any update to that. Thanks. ...