
OpenSSL signing and Google App Engine

Is there a way to sign values with a PEM formatted private key in Google App Engine (Python)? For example in PHP it could be achieved like this: $key = openssl_pkey_get_private($privateKey); openssl_sign($strToBeSigned, $signature, $key); echo "signature: ".base64_encode($signature); Is there a way to do the same thing with Python in...

Google App Engine dev_appserver can't find PIL (I've installed it)

I recently upgraded my Google App Engine launcher on my Mac, running OSX 10.5.8, and afterwards my projects that work with images stopped working locally. It seems to be the same problem that I had when first using GAE locally to work with images, before I installed PIL. Here is the error I get: SystemError: Parent module 'PIL' not lo...

Force a delay on Ajax responses when using the App Engine eclipse plugin?

I'd like to increase the time it takes the ajax to return in order to test various animations. By default it takes ~3-5ms. Is there a way to force a delay? I'm using java. ...

Google Bigtable-primarykey

I know how to create table in google bigtable.My constriant is how to set primary key for my table using jpa. ...

app engine's back referencing is too slow. How can I make it faster?

Google app engine has smart feature named back references and I usually iterate them where the traditional SQL's computed column need to be used. Just imagine that need to accumulate specific force's total hp. class Force(db.Model): hp = db.IntegerProperty() class UnitGroup(db.Model): force = db.ReferenceProperty(reference_class=Fo...

Use GAE remote api with local (dev) installation

Has anyone find to use the GAE remote api but instead of connecting to AppEngine to connect to localhost? For dev purposes of course ...

Google App Engine - SiteMap Creation for a social network

Hi all. I am creating a social tool - I want to allow search engines to pick up "public" user profiles - like twitter and face-book. I have seen all the protocol info at and i understand this and how to build such a file - along with an index if i exceed the 50K limit. Where i am struggling is the concept of ho...

Appengine Python Bulk Export error

This seems to run for a few thousand records then dies on its arse import datetime import time from google.appengine.ext import db from import bulkloader from google.appengine.api import datastore_types class SearchRec(db.Model): WebSite = db.StringProperty() WebPage = db.StringProperty() DateStamp = db.Da...

Converting Text to String and vise-versa in Google App-Engine JAVA

How can one convert from String to Text java.lang.String to; and vise-versa? ...

How do I create an anchor tag on AppEngine?

I got the URL for the logout screen but I don't know how to create an anchor tag to reference it resp.getWriter().println(userService.createLogoutURL(req.getRequestURI())); Tks ...

Unique task queue task names only for active duration

I want to guarantee that a task is not in a task queue more then once, so I generate a unique name based on it's payload. But, that task name is reserved for up to 7 days, which is not what I want; I only want it reserved for the duration the task is queued; it could be immediately re-queued. Once a Task with name N is written, any...

Cost of sending XMPP messages via Google App engine

Hopefully this question is allowed over here. It does not really have to do with programming per se but with the costs associated with it. My question is: "How much does sending/receiving XMPP messages cost". I can find all the information about email etc. But I could not find information about costs sending/receiving XMPP mess...

Problem connecting to Hsqldb via Hibernate when running a Eclipse GWT project.

Hi, I'm trying to run a simple GWT project where I'm trying to do a simple persitence via hibernate to a HSQLDB database. The database I'm using I have been using for at least 2 years with several osgi applications without any problems. So all I done is reused the same configuration and added a simple object mapping file. The problem I ...

Reg Google app engine datastore -primarykey

hi, I created table in google Big table datastore ,In that the i set primary key using @annotations as follows @Id @Column(name = "groupname") private String groupname; @Basic private String groupdesc; I worked corretly,but it override the previous record,how to solve this for eg if i entered groupname=group1 groupdesc=g...

Generating unique number sequence for use as entity key for app engine datastore

Has anyone got any example code for creating a unique number sequence to be used as keys for an entity in a Google app engine datastore? Would like to use sequential order numbers as the key. ...

Does Google appengine cache external requests?

I have a very simple application running on appengine that requests a web page every five minutes and parses for a specific piece of data. Everything works fine except that the response I get back from the external request (using urllib2) doesn't reflect the latest changes to the page. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to get the latest,...

Google App Engine update an object from servlet not working ?

I use the following code to update an object from servlet in Google App Engine : String Time_Stamp=Get_Date_Format(6),query="select from "+Contact_Info_Entry.class.getName()+" where Contact_Id == '"+Contact_Id+"' order by Contact_Id desc"; PersistenceManager pm=null; try { pm=PMF.get().getPersistenceManager(); // note that this re...

Google App Engine - Will the Id of a datastore entity ever be negative?

Will the Id of a datastore entity ever be negative? Or are they guaranteed to be positive numbers? ...

how to access ServletRequest object in gwt-dispatch ActionHandler<>?

This may be obvious but I can't see to find my way to the ServletRequest object within a gwt-dispatch ActionHandler.execute() method. I'm needing to get to the servlet's getRemoteHost() method. I'm using v1.0 of gwt-dispatch. ...

Google App Engine Python: get image upload size server-side

I am building a Google App Engine App that lets users upload images; I have everything working fine, but I am struggling to find a way to ensure that the user does not upload an image too large (because I am resizing the images, so this crashes my python script). When a user uploads a large image, I get this error RequestTooLargeError: ...