
Language specific redirect

I want to create simple application that detects language(using Google API) of phrase and send it to corresponded search engine. For example, if search query is in Russian then I need to redirect it to in all other cases to Google. That's how I do this: def get(self): ...

GWT + AppEngine app in dev mode not available on local network

I'm developing an GWT + AppEngine app. All works well except when I run it in dev mode the app is not visible to machine on local network. Even on local machine http://localhost:8080/app is working, while http://192.168.x.x:8080/app is not available. Any thoughts how to fix this? ...

Storing images in google datastore using Flask (Python)

Hi all, I am using flask on google app engine and am desperately looking for help to solve this. The GAE documentation talks of storing images in the datastore using the BlobProperty , which should be done something like this:- class MyPics(db.Model): name=db.StringProperty() pic=db.BlobProperty() Now the image should be ...

App Engine datastore get number of childs from multiple parents

I'm using the datastore of the Google App Engine (DataNucleus). I have two classes, one Chat and one Rating. A chat can be rated more then ones so I created an one-many relationship by adding a list to the Chat class. Now I want to know the number of unrated chats, so I did the following: int numberOfChatsInStock = 0; for(Chat chat : ...

Is it easier to scrape data for a gae app in dev and upload it to prod or should you scrape in prod?

I have to run a scraping task to collect data for my App Engine (Java) app. I'm not sure which is best - scrape data in development mode and upload it to prod or scrape it while the app is running in production. Does it make a difference? Are there any difficulties with bringing large quantities of data from one environment to the ot...

Case-insensitive order_by on GAE using django non-rel

Using google app engine and Django non-rel, I'm querying a list of movies and want to order them alphabetically. movies = Movie.objects.all().order_by("title") The problem is for any titles that do not start with an uppercase character is not following the same sort pattern. So if queried these movies and returned them sorted then "i...

makePersistent is appending elements to my list instead of replacing the list

I'm using the GAE datastore with JDO to hold course information. Each Course has a List of GradeDefinition objects (e.g. "A=90%+", "B=80%+", etc) When I try to change the List, the new elements are simply appended behind the old elements. I suspect there is a problem with the way I am using detachable objects and persistence managers....

OSS implementation of Google app engine?

After Google pioneered map-reduce the community came out with Hadoop, is there a OSS Google AppEngine project? Or, put another way: What is the best off the shelf python or java cloud software? Specifically I'm looking for something that I could host on my own and have some sort of auto-scale feature (more frequently used apps would be ...

Why get a DeadlineExceededException in MakePersistentAll from app engine data store?

Folks -- I am getting the following exception and can't explain why. The number of objects to persist are usually small (<10), but I get a DeadlineExceededException intermittently when using makepersistentall from the persistencemanager. The http request code also handles other queries into the datastore prior to the makepersistentall ...

AppEngine + django: is reliable to rely on both?

I need to create a In-App-Purchase backend for a iPhone App, and think in build it on GAE. However, after my experience in a recent gig in one of the largest GAE customers and reading stuff like this, I wonder if right now is good idea (ie: reliable) to host a django+gae project like this. I expect l...

Problem getting to work with images in google app engine in development server.

* 1. Download the Windows installer from the PIL website. * 2. Double click on the installer to start the installation process. * 3. Choose the correct directory for PIL install. * 4. Finish the installation and test out our sample application locally. These are instructions from google website. but what is the "Choose the correct dire...

Is it thread-safe to store data inside a static field when deploying on Google App Engine?

I was browsing through the code of Vosao CMS, an open source CMS hosted on Google App Engine (which I think is an awesome idea), and I stumbled upon the following code inside the CurrentUser class: /** * Current user session value cache class. Due to GAE single-threaded nature * we can cache currently logged in user in static property...

Changing the key name of an entity

I understand that they are not supposed to be changed, this is somewhat of a schema migration and only a one-time thing. I would like to change the key names of entities in my Google App Engine application, effectively deleting and re-crating an entity and updating all references to it. What is the best way to do this? I'm interesting ...

Google app engine regular expression

I'm working on a Google appengine project and I've encountered a quandary. The following should (if the regex's are normal) redirect everything which does not contain the word "test" to the MainPage class, and the rest to the TestPage class. application = webapp.WSGIApplication( [ ...

Using non-persistence related methods and fields in persistence entity

I have a persistence related java-ee code which I need to rewrite to make the app work on the Google App Engine and its data storage. When I use java-ee persistence providers, I generate persistence entities with my IDE and I keep them the way they are in case I need to regenerate them. However autogenerating entity classes for app-engin...

Compatibility layer above AWS & GAE?

Has anyone developed an abstraction layer above Amazon Web Services and the Google App Engine? It would be nice to be able to develop a system that could be migrated between either of those two platforms. I am interested in Python. ...

Retrieving hierarchial data from datastore

Hi! I am building an app with Google App Engine (and Python). I have two questions about retrieving data from datastore. I have information about users and information about posts made by users. Here is part of DB Models: class User(db.Model): country = db.StringProperty() # many other entities class Post(db.Model): auth...

Struts2 or Django for GAE and future scalability

Hi, I am developing location based service. FYI, the database will expand vastly as time and location are the variables. I am considering GAE for initial deployment. I am open for any of python or java based development. While calculating the scalability, I am getting confused. I never thought of scalability before as I haven't worked on...

JDO + GoogleAppEngine - search class by value in collection

Hi, I'm making application running on Google App Engine and I'm having problem with getting data using JDO. I have class Message, which has property private List<String> labels;. Now I want to have some search function which takes one string (label) as a parameter and searches all messages to get messages with given label. The problem ...

Good ways to create step by step creation process in google app engine with django forms

I'm using AppEngine and django forms passing template_values and using base.html with {% extends "base.html" %} this works well in a testing environment when I have one big form for adding entities. I'm good in python, good with the datastore, but my html is weak/OLD I want to have a step by step process for creating datastore entities...