
Can I use facelets in a google app engine app?

I would like to do some more learning of facelets. Now that java is a supported Google app engine language, is there anything in the facelets implementation that would prevent use on app engine? Edit: This page at google now has a list of various frameworks and their status in regards to app engine.

Mini-OSGi that can run in a sandbox (like AppEngine or WebStart)?

I really like the concept of modular bundles as implemented by OSGi. I also like "managed deployment" services like Google AppEngine (for web application) or Java WebStart (for client software). These two ideas seem to complement each-other rather well conceptually. However, the OSGi standard includes a couple of features that make i...

How do I dynamically determine if a Model class exist in Google App Engine?

I want to be able to take a dynamically created string, say "Pigeon" and determine at runtime whether Google App Engine has a Model class defined in this project named "Pigeon". If "Pigeon" is the name of a existant model class, I would like to then get a reference to the Pigeon class so defined. Also, I don't want to use eval at all, s...

If I have a direct reference to a google app engine Property object, how do I get() or set() upon it?

Assume I have a Model class called Bird and a instance of Bird called pigeon. I know I can get all the Properties of Pigeon (or bird) using properties = #Note, would also work This returns me a dictionary where the keys are strings that match the name I gave said properties in birds, and the value...

Does GQL support commonly available SQL Style aggregation?

What I'm looking for a simple Aggregate Functions that are widely available in versions of SQL. Simple things like Select Count(*) from table1 to the more complex. If these are available, is there some documentation you could point me to? Thanks - Giggy ...

Anyone started developing java web application using the google app engine?

what kind of application you all developing? And what is the best way to get started? ...

Data Viewer for AppEngine (Java) development server

The Google AppEngine development server simulates Google's backend database with an embedded database. It creates a file on you local disk that you can delete to clear the DB. Is there a tool that allows to browse and edit this data, similar to the Data Viewer that you get for deployed applications? Clarification: I am asking about the ...

Google App Engine: Intro to their Data Store API for people with SQL Background?

Hi All, Does anyone have any good information aside from the Google App Engine docs provided by Google that gives a good overview for people with MS SQL background to porting their knowledge and using Google App Engine Data Store API effectively. For Example, if you have a self created Users Table and a Message Table Where there is a ...

Problem installing Google App Engine from MSI

I downloaded Python and installed it, and when I go download GoogleAppEngine_1.2.0.msi and try to install it and I get this error: This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. Am I forgetting something? I am assuming this is pretty si...

Webapps: Storing and searching through user submitted blocks of text.

Background: I'm building a poetry site with user submitted content. The relevant user actions for my questions are that users can: a. Go to to see all poems so far b. Go to to submit your own poem. c. Go to to view a particular poem you've bookmarked befo...

Which web development framework works best with Google App Engine?

Now that Google allows Java on App Engine, I'm wondering what effect this has on a choice of web framework for App Engine. I realize Google provides the webapp framework which is pretty barebones. And the .96 version of django that's available for App Engine is restrictive. web2py burns up resources, from what I've heard. Rails (now a...

Getting invalid runtime when publishing google app java web application

Anyone know what is wrong? See the Eclipse error log for more details !STACK 0 Unable to upload app: Error posting to URL: 400 Bad Request Invalid runtime specified. at

Django: Adding additional properties to Model Class Object

This is using Google App Engine. I am not sure if this is applicable to just normal Django development or if Google App Engine will play a part. If it does, would you let me know so I can update the description of this problem. class MessageModel(db.Model): to_user_id = db.IntegerProperty() to_user = db.StringProperty(multiline=...

how does one upload data in bulk to a google appengine datastore?

I have about 4000 records that i need to upload to the datastore. They are currently in CSV format. I'd appreciate if someone would point me to or explain how to upload data in bulk to GAE. Thank you very much. Help appreciated. ...

What is the fastest way to upload a huge data set to appengine?

I have some 4000+ records to be uploaded on the appengine. Does GAE allow you to upload so much data? If yes, then I have some questions: How to upload that data? How much time will it take to complete this thing? What is the fastest method to upload it. duplicate of:

Hosting/transferring a web site on Google App Engine

hi there all, I have my website currently hosted on paid server, but i want to transfer it on GAE. How can i do it? Can anyone please help me in this case.I'd appreciate your help. Thanks:) ...

Google App Engine--Dynamically created templates

Hi. I'm trying to build an a simple CRUD admin section of my application. Basically, for a given Model, I want to have a template loop through the model's attributes into a simple table (once I do this, I can actually implement the CRUD part). A possible way to accomplish this is to dynamically generate a template with all the necessary ...

Adding a user supplied property (at runtime) to an instance of Expando class in google app engine?

By creating datastore models that inherit from the Expando class I can make my model-entities/instances have dynamic properties. That is great! But what I want is the names of these dynamic properties to be determined at runtime. Is that possible? For example, class ExpandoTest (db.Expando): prop1 = db.StringProperty() prop2 = db.Str...

How can I associate images with entities in Google App Engine

I'm working on a Google App Engine application, and have come to the point where I want to associate images on the filesystem to entities in the database. I'm using the script to upload entities to the database, but am stuck trying to figure out how to associate filesystem files to the entities. If an entity has th...

Logic (if any) behind Google App Engine excluding standard JDK 1.6 APIs

It looks like GAE has chosen a subset of JDK 1.6 classes, as per: Google App Engine JDK white list which is very unfortunate as one gets class linkage errors all over the place with most common java libraries that deal with data binding, reflection, class loading and annotations. Although some omissions may be for deprecated or legacy ...