
add reminder to Google Calendar

I have worked out how to add a reminder after setting a CalendarEventEntry using insertedEntry = myService.insert( postUrl, myEntry ) reminder = new Reminder() reminder.setMethod( Reminder$Method.ALERT ) //foo insertedEntry.getReminder().add( reminder ) insertedEntry.update() but if you update it becomes an EventEntry and the getRemi...

How to delete a google calendar list feed with zend framework?

I've seen plenty of tutorials on how to delete calendar events with zend framework but none on actually deleting calendars themselves? (ie calendar lists). Is it possible? How would I do it? ...

Chrome Extensions and loading external Google APIs Uncaught ReferenceError

Right now I'm in the process of creating a Chrome extension. For it, I need to use Google's Calendar Data API. Here is my manifest.json file: { "name": "Test", "version": "1.0", "background_page": "background.html", "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["<all_urls>"], "js": ["jquery.js", "content_script.js"] } ], "permissio...

Can I create a single EXE in Microsoft Visual # 2010 Express when my applications is depending on Google Data API SDK?

Hi everyone, I have an application depending on the Google Data API SDK (which are .dll's). When I publish the application (Debug > Build Solution), my EXE-file only works on another computer when I copy the references in the same directory which I have included in my Visual Studio project. The application is querying my Google Calend...

GData API Share Calendar Zend

Hey I have been playing with the GDATA_Calendar implementation inside the Zend Framework and have been successfully able to create sub calendars. However, I have been having trouble in dynamically sharing these calendars with users. Looking over the official Google docs (

Google Calendar api, get gd:visibility event.default value

How can I retrive the visibility default value of a calendar event. ...

Adding Google Calendar API to a Chrome Extensions

Steps to reproduce issue: 1. Create a Chrome extension using content_scripts. 2. Add the Google JS api to your background.html file in order to use the Calendar API. 3. Try running google.load("gdata", "1"); I'm trying to use the Calendar API in my Chrome extension. I'm using content_scripts to run my js file when the page initially loa...

Select event in Google Calendar to produce Javascript event

I'm builing a project where I'd like to use an embedded Google Calendar ( where my users can view a set of events and then click on an event to choose it. Is there anyway that I can trigger a JavaScript funktion when clicking on an event? I've looked through the Google documentation on this b...

Google Calendar API returns events outside date range

I'm trying to select events for the next 2 weeks starting from today's date. The logic used is pretty easy. I get all calendars, then pick one i need to pull events from and supply the date range. I'm pulling dates from the selected calendar however it doesn't look like the date range is applied. Now, i have 2 events scheduled for the f...

Can you use jQuery POST in a Chrome extension?

I'm trying to get my Chrome extension working with the Google Calendar API. However, the way Google has set up the extension sandbox makes anything almost impossible. I can't add the Calendar API using JavaScript because I've tried 200 different ways to include the library. Therefore, I want to try interact w...

How to integrate Google Spreadsheet with Google Calendar?

I've a Google spreadsheet in Google Apps. When I enter a date/time in spreadsheet, I want to create a corresponding entry in a particular Google Calendar? How can I do this? This thread suggests some sort of scripting but complete solution is not given. And I'm using Google Apps instead of Google Docs as suggested by this thread. Updat...

Does anyone know how to get Zend_Gdata_Calendar to fetch events for secondary calendars?

I have got as far as using ClientLogin to log in to the Google Account, I can retrieve a list of the calendar names for this user (using the example code on the Dev Guide). This is great. However, when I demand a list of events (again using Google's example code) only the events for the primary calendar are returned. If it is the case ...

Google Calendar - get events from a SPECIFIC calendar

Hello I'm hoping this will be relatively easy to someone who is familiar with the Google Calendar API, have done some searching but the API isn't giving me the answer! Imagine that a Google Account has 3 calendars, all created by that user. I'm trying to get events from a SPECIFIC calendar of that user, using the .NET Google API, as f...

How do I control the TimeZone of events returned by the .NET Google Calendar API?

I have the following code for use in my website: CalendarService service = new CalendarService("mycalendar"); EventQuery query = new EventQuery(); query.Uri = new Uri(group.GroupEventsURL); query.SingleEvents = true; query.SortOrder = CalendarSortOrder.ascending; query.ExtraParameters = "orderby=starttime"; query.NumberToRetriev...

How can I push events into someone's google calendar from pythyon/django?

I want the easiest and simplest way to push events into user's Google Calendars from Python Django. I don't want to read their events or do anything else, just push the events they create in my application to their Google calendar once. Secondary is to possibly delete events in their google calendar (if the event I push into it is dele...

Google Data Calendar: Create a Web Content event that shows up on schedule as a block of time.

When I add a Web Content event using the Google Data API:;answer=48490 The web content event shows up at the top of a day, but even if it has a start/end time it won't show up as a block of time on the schedule. Is this by design? How do you get a web content event to show...