
will an iframe in xul maintain ssl security?

Anyone reading my last batch of questions knows I'm working on a Firefox add-on for my office intranet. So, here's the latest; this time a concern instead of an obstacle: So, my first plan was to build a sign-in form right into the chrome, so that it blended and didn't require any dealings with iframes/browsers/etc. But after some think...

Do not you know how to take the capture of the arbitrary URL in a server-side? (with Chromium )

As for Google chrome, a site captures a reading history if I think personally. May not you acquire capture with the library? like this site;link text ...

How to check if specific web browser is installed on system?

How to check if specific web browser (chrome, firefox, opera) is installed on system? (C++/Windows platform). Maybe this can be check in somewhere in registry? ...

JQuery window width not correct in Chrome

I have created a plugin which i have cut down to the bare bones of a plugin (i.e. no functionality, just the structure) to debug this issue and it still exists. It deals with resizing divs and bases this on the document's width. The problem is that the documents reported width is reduced by 17px from its actual width and thus doesnt si...

JTabbedPane: Components before and after the tabs themselves.

This is similar to the question How to build a Google-chrome tabs and menubar interface in Java Swing? (I want to accomplish the same), but more to the point: How do I put components in front and behind the tabs in a JTabbedPane? I've already come up with the buttons-idea myself, but I'd rather have a JTabbedPane, since that is really w...

Access document of new window in chrome

My goal is to submit a form in a new window. I'm using the following code: var xmlWindow ="getXML.htm"); xmlWindow.document.getElementById("getXML").action = "getData.asp"; xmlWindow.document.getElementById("getXML").method = "post"; xmlWindow.document.getElementById("getXML").innerHTML = "<input type='hidden' name='moduleI...

HTML Custom Attributes Not Working in Chrome

When using HTML custom attributes it doesn't works in Chrome. What I mean is, suppose I have this HTML: <div id="my_div" my_attr="1"></div> If I try to get this attribute with JavaScript in Chrome, I get undefined alert( document.getElementById( "my_div" ).my_attr ); In IE it works just fine. ...

Google Chrome Javascript Debugger and Content Scripts

This question has been asked similarly before (, but I can't seem to debug Javascript in Google Chrome. If I go to Page > Developer the "Debug Javascript" (Ctrl+Shift+L) is disabled. Alt + ` doesn't work. I'm developing a 'content scrip...

how to see cookie information of chrome browser?

Is there such a plugin? ...

Why HourGlass not working with synchronous AJAX request in Google Chrome?

I am executing a function where first I am making cursor to wait state(hourglass) and then I am sending a synchrounous AJAX request .After getting the response I am making cursor to default state. The Actual Code is this.. // tests the smtp settings function TestSettings() { var buttonparams= new Object(); buttonparams.IsCommandBu...

How to do a Chrome/Opera specific stylesheet ?

I need to do chrome/opera hacks because of a font replacement script wanted by the client that breaks things... this is sad but everything is working in IE6-7, FF2-3 and Safari. I have no way of fixing the script itself, I can only hack around it using CSS and HTML. I'm trying to do something in the lines of : <!--[if IE 6]> <link r...

How can I set default homepage in FF and Chrome via javascript?

Hi! I have a code that works only in IE anb I was looking for something similar in FF and Chrome to set user's default homepage through a link 'click here to make this site your default homepage', but so far I didn't find anything. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!! ...

JTabbedPane: Attach mouse listener to the part of the tab-select UI that doesn't contain the tabs.

This is in conjunction to the question posed here: JTabbedPane: Components before and after the tabs themselves I want to attach a mouse listener that allows for dragging the constructed google chrome-like frame. Starting out, the initial dragging code is rather easy, and the mouse-dragging code at this Kirill-post can be used pretty mu...

pre-compressed gzip break on chrome, why?

I serve pre-compressed CSS and JS files on my site, and IE6-8 and FF is working perfectly with my .htaccess file. # Compressed files RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} .*gzip.* AddEncoding x-gzip .gz AddType application/x-javascript .gz AddType text/css .gz I call the files with the .gz extension already [example]: <link rel="styles...

br line-height in safari and chrome leaving gap

In my HTML I have a div and inside the div I have different vertical spacing between lines of text. I achieve this by using breaks and defining the height, i.e. <br /><br class="height5" /> or height2 or height10 or whatever. In my stylesheet I define it like: br.height2 {line-height:2px;} br.height5 {line-height:5px;} This is worki...

Add to browser favourites/bookmarks from javascript but for all browsers (mine doesn't work in CHROME)?

hi there, can anyone help, i am using the following for adding a bookmark to IE and firefox but its not working in CHROME and i don't get my error msg saying "not supported" either.. Anybody know of a good script to support ALL browsers or at least to come back and tell me its not supported, I have access to Jquery - maybe there is so...

jquery timepicker wrong behaviour in Google Chrome

Below is a jQuery Timepicker plugin which i am using in my project. Working fine in other browsers but in Google chrome - once you click on the scrollbar and then click outside, the timepicker will not disappear. This is because chrome is ...

jQuery datepicker dropdowns hidden when using chrome and blockUI

When I use the jQueryUI datepicker along with blockUI then the month and year dropdowns do not show when viewing the site in Chrome, they show fine in IE8 and FF3. Any ideas how to solve this issue? ...

radio buttons disappear in ie and chrome

The below is in style sheet select,input ,td a {border:1px solid green; width:25%;height:25px;font-size:20px;margin- left:.1em;} input.myradio {border:none;width:0%;height:0%;font-size:0%;} The below is in html <td><input class="myradio" type="radio" name="poolstatus" value="Add">Add</input><td> It's perfect in firefox but chrom...

The second floating div in chrome clears down before first div.

Two divs are next to eachother, both floating left within a wrapper. In IE and firefox they appear correctly, but in Chrome, the 2nd floating div clears down below Div A. When I remove "float:left" in the css, it goes to the correct position in Chrome, but clears down in IE and firefox (as it should). I dont know why it is appearing this...