
Does anyone use GoogleData?

I was recently considering using GoogleData for a hobby project to store my service's old data, (say 24+hours old), while I keep the fresh data on my servers (hobby project==cheap home server). However I haven't really heard of anyone using GoogleData, so I was wondering about what other's experiences have been. Edit: My brief usage pa...

Is there a Delphi implementation of Google Data APIs?

Google offers various libraries for interfacing with the Google Data APIs. Currently these do not include Delphi (Win32) support. Has anyone done any work on a Delphi interface to Google Data, or the underlying Atom/AtomPub protocols? ...

ClientLogin for Picasa Web Albums Data API with a Google App Domain login

I'm using the Picasa Web Albums Data API to access users' photo albums from a WPF application. I've followed the code located here: I have created a Picasa Web Albums account with a Google Apps (hosted) account. Whenever I tried logging in with my WPF application, I get the "BadAuthen...

Are other companies/products/websites providing access via Google Data APIs?

Google uses the XML/RSS/Atom-based Google Data APIs to provide programmatic access to its various services. Because it is Google doing this, these API are becoming quite popular, as in: there are many client applications supporting it. Google even provides a lot of client libraries themselves. It should be possible to use the APIs for ...

Wordpress And Zend

Hey all, I am wanting to do stuff with the Google Data API, the contacts specifically. The easist method i have found so far is using Zend. The problem I am having is adding the Zend framework. Does anyone know how to do this with WordPress? Thanks ...

Programmatically change gmail status via OAuth or Authsub

I would like my application to programmatically update my user's gmail/google talk status on their behalf but I dont want to store their password because of the privacy risk Does anyone know if/how it is possible to use Oauth or some other form of authentication that does not require password storage. The Google data api docs I have s...

Google Federated Login vs Hybrid Protocol vs Google Data Authentication. Whats's the Difference?

Hi, I am trying to implement Google Authentication in my website, in which I would also be pulling some Google Data using the Google Data API and I am using Google App Engine with Jinja2. My question is, so many ways are mentioned to do it. I am confused between Google Federated Login,Google Data Protocol, Hybrid Protocol. Are these ...

Java and Google Calendar

I would be shocked if this were immediately answered here, as this is a question specific to the Google Calendar Java API, but I'll put it out there anyway. The tutorials for Google Calendar give a nice explanation of Calendar Insertion as well as Event Insertion. However, I would really like to create a calendar on my server, add even...

Get a exception of "error connecting with login URI" when running Google Data's example

When I run the example CalendarFeedDemo in the JAVA package of the Google Data API client library, I've encounterd a exception like this java -classpath "classes:lib/*" CalendarFeedDemo [email protected] mypassed[email protected] Error connecting with log...

add playlist entry via youtube python api

i am trying to add entries to a playlist in youtube via the code below. when i pass the playlist uri ( to AddPlaylistVideoEntryToPlaylist method i get from the get playlist method i get error saying Invalid request URI. what is th...