
Google goggles API

Does anyone know if there is a google goggles API for Android? If not, is there one coming any time soon? With an API for this thing the possibilities are endless... So far all I've been able to find on this subject is a discussion about not currently having a version for the iPhone due to it's "google labs" status (iPhone version comin...

API for Google Goggles or Visual Search?

Are there any APIs similar to Google Goggles that accepts a picture as input and outputs text descriptions? In other words, we're looking for a visual search API. if we submit photos, we want the service to say what the item is and provide a brief description ... similar to Google Goggles. Does this exist? ...

Google Goggles API (esp. on iPhone)

Does anyone have a link to or information on an API for Google Goggles? It appears there must be something as there's another iPhone App called Noogle Noggles that uses Google Goggles, so there must be SOME way to access it. Anyone know how? Thanks! ...