
Android: how to load KML

Hello, could some one please tell me if there is a way to load kml file into the google map in android. thanks ...

Easiest Google Maps API (javascript/PHP)

I have an array of latitudes/longitudes and Descriptions that I want to display on a Google Map. Does anyone know of an API (or even better a tutorial) that describes a good way to accomplish this or something similar using PHP and/or Javascript? ...

GMap.NET c# integration

Hello! I would like to integrate GMap.NET in a c# application but when i download the code from a get a Demo app and some .dlls and some .xmls . I was sort of expecting some c# classes. Has anyone encountered this? Regards, Alexandru Badescu ...

configuring GMap.NET for .NET 4.0

Hello! How can i configure GMap.NET for c# .NET 4.0 . I found this " If you target .NET4, use this configuration : <?xml version="1.0"?><configuration><startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true" ><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" /> </startup ></configuration > " but i don't know where to put ...

jQuery autocomplete result for google map api

I'm using jQuery's autocomplete. I'd like to draw the map based on the result that is selected from the autocomplete. I have the lat/long to use captured in variable "latlong" autocomplete code: google map code: var map = new GMap2($("#map").get(0)); var burnsvilleMN = new GLatLng(latlong); map.setCe...

Google Maps API 3 - searching the map like on

Hi! I appear to be missing something here so I'm hoping someone can point at the place I should be looking. I have a google map on my HTML page that I am manipulating to load markers and add markers on click, now I want a search box so people can search for the general area before they click to add a location. I am reading the Google M...

Load Google Map through JQuery Load?

Where in the flow of execution does the initialize() function need to appear in the code to allow a Google Map v3 API map to be loaded through a JQuery .load call. The code I have at the moment looks like this $('#maplink').click(function(){ $('.fades').fadeOut('slow'); $('#googleMap').show(); $('#googleMap').load("map.html"); initiali...

Is it possible to detect ctrl key state on dblclick event

I am using Google maps API version 3. I would like my double click event handler to work as follows: google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dblclick', function(e) { if (/* ctrl is pressed */) { doSomething(e) } else { doSomethingElse(e) } }); It looks the the event handler only provides a MouseEvent which does not contain ...

custom google map on android

I have a kml file which contains several 100 sidewalks as LineStrings. this would be constant for the entire android app. can i create a custom google map with such a kml file as an overlay and retrieve the same as a whole from the server and display on the phone. please let me know if its possible and if for now i have store...

Openlayers commericial application: licensing issues?

I am planning on creating a commercial fleet/asset tracking web app, but got discouraged when I found our about the high price Google and Microsoft charge to use their services in a commercial setting. I found Openlayers, and it claims to be free, so I am wondering if anyone has had experience using it commercially? I looks like the us...

how to customize the basic infowindow with tabs displayed using GInfoWindowTab on google map

I have the following function to display the infowindow with tabs on google map using GInfoWindowTab ,the default infowindow is displayed with two tabs ,my question is how can i change the size ,background color and styles of the infowindow and can i add videos into one of the tab in infowindow. function createMarker(point, name, addre...

Google Maps API 3 - Search within a specific area (eg Wales, Cornwall, Loire Valley)

Hi I have a list of lat longs stored that have been selected from a google map that I use to place pointers. I want to only place the pointers in a specific area chosen by the user eg Wales, Cornwall, Loire Valley. Is there a way of saying something like (in Pseudo Code) If MyLatlong IS IN LoireValley AddMarker to Map Will google ...

how to place videos into infowindow of google map

I have written the following code to display images and contents on the google map ,how can i place some sample video in one of the tab. function createMarker(point, name, address, imagepath) { var marker = new GMarker(point, gicons[imagepath]); //var html1 = '<div><a href="#" class="DataHead">' + name + '</b></div> <br...

Google Map causes unrelated part of page to dissapear in Safari

I am writting a google map using V3 of the API, into my page which results in a completley unrelated part of the page disappearing only in safai. If you look at this page the blue navigation bar is fine, yet when you go to any page with a google map on it, part of the navigation dissapears e.g. http://loca...

Where do Google Maps/Bing Maps get their satellite imagery from?

Hello, my questions are: 1.i just wanted to know that from where google and bing got the complete earth images or satellite imaginary? it possible to get data like that for a individual person? i found a question about google maps working at stackoverflow but it doesn't answer my question. -Thanks in advance. ...

Creating a search form for generating a Google Map

Hi everyone. I have to create a form that accepts as its relevant parameter the name of an Italian city. Once submitted, the form value should be sent to the Google Maps service which should in turn return a complete map showing the location of that city. I'm pretty a newbie with Google Maps, so I don't know exactly how this could be don...

Google Maps API - unable to set several infoWindows on several markers.

I have the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <style type="text/css"> html { height: 100% } body { height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px } #...

Open Google Maps info window on click outside map

I understand how addListener works within the map itself, but how can I get an info window to open up when I click an element outside the map? For instance, a div with the id #test? ...

Embedded google map not appearring as I choose

I am using the link iframe code, directly from the google maps site, but the map when rendered on the page is very different. It is too close and it lacks the custom objects I have placed on the map. The map is saved and public. <iframe width="300" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="h...

How to create own maps using own databse

I want to make map of a particular region, just for education purpose. I have gone through several web site , which tell to make maps. like, But i did't find the way as GOOGLE/BING/YAHOO show their maps like its graphics quality and all that its features. i need to add features in the map like ...