
What is the practical purpose of XML, that MySQL does not have?

I am interested in XML. I know it from Google's CSE. It is often a pain for me to manipulate 3000-rows XML files. This raises a question. Why does Google use XML, not MySQL, such that I need to manipulate large XML -files? ...

Why is there no cancel button in Android's progress dialogs ?

I'm facing the same head-scratching moment similar to what this person (from Jan 2008) experienced when I realize that there is no cancel button in Android's progress dialog or spinners. It is now July 2009 and I've just installed the cupcake version of Android. Has this thing changed ? If not, are you adding a cancel button into the dia...

which open source project is most like Google Notebook?

As we knew, Google stopped the development of Google Notebook. Though lots of alternatives exist, no one satisfies me (see below for the reasons). Many suggest Google to open source it, but Google didn't response by so far. So I'd like to turn to open source world to develop one. In a nutshell, Google Notebook attracts me in the followin...

Ruby, how should I design a parser?

Hello, I'm writing a small parser for Google and I'm not sure what's the best way to design it. The main problem is the way it will remember the position it stopped at. During parsing it's going to append new searches to the end of a file and go through the file startig with the first line. Now I want to do it so, that if for some reaso...

Problem with an iCalendar Feed

Hi, I'm outputting my iCalendar feed via PHP and it seems to work fine validation wise and when importing into iCal on the mac and windows calendar on vista however Google calendar throws it out completely... can anyone have a gander and give me some suggestion to see whats wrong? thanks a lot D...

Javascript synchronization methods

Hello, I am developing a simple web app that uses the Google translation API in order to translate a text into different languages and then back to the first one. The problem is that when I call google.language.translate(...) a callback function is specified which updates a textarea in my page. Here: while (i < translationNumber) { g...

What is the native way of implementing Publish Subscribe between Android widgets ?

I have a custom EditText and a TextView in an Activity. The custom EditText traps for key presses and calculates the number of character entered and wants to publish the character count to the TextView. Do I use the java.util.Observable/Observer way ? Or is there a more native android method to achive this ? Thanks. ...

how do I use the json google translate api?

I am trying to use google translate from python with utf-8 text. How do I call the json api? They have a document for embedding it in html but I can't find a proper API or wsdl anywhere. Thanks Raphael ...

javascript google gadget

Hello everyone, 1) I have this function in my .html file. This .html file is hosted on google site, but I can make a connection to using the makeRequest function, infact I can make connection to any site that is not hosted on google site. My problem is, the moment i change the URL to a http://mymachine:8080, the makeRequest...

How can I Programmatically perform a search without using an API?

I would like to create a program that will enter a string into the text box on a site like Google (without using their public API) and then submit the form and grab the results. Is this possible? Grabbing the results will require the use of HTML scraping I would assume, but how would I enter data into the text field and submit the form? ...

Display Google Spreadsheet by Google Chart

Does anyone try to populate the data from Google Spreadsheet, and format them in Google Chart, and display it in somewhere of the blog? How to do it in a principled way? I know there are official API (e.g., Java) to retrieve data from Google Spreadsheet, but does it help? ...

Google Adsense killing jQuery PrettyPhoto

Hi all, I'm using PrettyPhoto on a site I'm building, but for some reason the google adsense code is killing it in IE, there's no js errors, but the prettyphoto frame doesnt load and the links open up in the main window instead, however if I remove the google adsense code, PrettyPhoto works fine.. Has anyone else come across this, or som...

google api feed like twitter

im tryin to integrate my twitter search with google so that the query will show both twitter and google feedback BUT does google have an search api like twitter does where it will be able to send me back a json feed then what is the url that i need to use like in the case of twitter we use

jQuery append Google Adsense to div..

Hi everyone, I'm having issues with google adsense and it loading before my jQuery and killing my codes, so I thought I'd try to append the Google Adsense javascript to the appropriate div using the document ready function, here's the code I'm trying to write: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(funct...

Authentication server for Google Apps

We are using Google Apps services in our startup for email and docs. However for some other purposes such as svn and bug tracker we have our local machines on which we have installed the required apps. All of them have their own separate credentail sets. Ideally I'd like to have one authnetication (i.e. that of Google Apps) and authent...

e-mail from google for my domain name

I want to take google mail server for my domain. my problem is following- my website is hosted on other hosting panel but i want to use mail server of google for my domain name Ex. [email protected] is it possible if yes then how to configure domain name server for that ...

Exclude Xenu's Link Sleuth from Google Analytics

I've just added the Google Analytics tracking to my website (cca 350 static HTML pages). I realized that I run Xenu's Link Sleuth to check my links pretty often, nearly after each change in my HTML files. I guess such checking will be counted as regular accesses to my website by Google Analytics. I would like to exclude the Xenu checkin...

How Google is using HTML tags to enhance the search engine?

I knew that Google’s search algorithm is mainly based on pagerank. However, it also does analyse and use the structure of the document H1, H2, title and other HTML tags to enhance the search results. My question is: What is the name of this technique "using the document structure to enhance the search results"? And are there any acad...

How extensible is Google Moderator?

I am trying to integrate vote-up-buttons similar as in Reddit to Google Moderator. However, Google Moderator does not give me Shell access. This suggests me that the only way is to use Vote-up-buttons from an external server set by iframes. I would like to know How can you can assign Iframe_A to a question in Google Moderator? How c...

Google Webmaster error: "We've detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (Success) in the header."

I have an website (SQL Server, Windows 2003, IIS 6) and I am using to track visits. It all works fine. Now I would like to use Google Webmaster to get better information about my site but when I try to verify it by uploading a html file I get this error: "We've detected that your 404 (file not found) error...