
Friendly name from Google using OpenID?

When I play ping-pong with the Google OpenID provider, I can't get a friendly name/nickname/username (whatever you want to call it). I get something atrocious looking like the following: instead of something nice like JohnDoe What's the protocol for getting ...

Apps using Google Wave

I just watched Google Wave Keynote video on Google I/O and I must say I was very impressed with pretty much everything mentioned in the video, the possibilities with Google Wave are enormous. I'd like to ask if there are any projects using Google Wave already in beta (usable stage) and I would also like to know when is Google Wave suppo...

AJAX message under google ads

Hi everyone, i'm building a ASP.NET application using C#. On my website, I also use AJAX toolkit from Microsoft. When error message are diplayed, they appear under the google ads. It's very anoying because before adding the ads, everything was working good. In fact, it work perfectly but I'm searching for a way (probably CSS) to put th...

Dynamically serve up Google Analytics code with PHP

In trying to improve our Google Analytics data for our website, I created a piece of PHP code that would determine the server that the website is being served from, and only serve up the GA code when being run from our Production server. The code is below, and works as it should: <?php switch( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ){ case 'website....

Is the end of SOAP near?

Following "A well earned retirement for the SOAP Search API" from Google announcing they have recently removed their SOAP APIs, I'm curious what the community thinks of SOAP in 2009. I can see its use for remoting and more verbose client-server stateless communication, but for more generalised [Ajax] web usage is it now redundent? Have ...

How to add google search results on your site?

Is there any way to add google search results into your site such that the results appear under your domain (and the page doesn't get redirected to I know about google cse but this is not a free solution. Is paying for CSE the only way? Thanks. ...

How to get user info from Google Contact API?

How to get user's data from the user that I'm authenticating with using Google Contact API? ...

What is the consequence of not using a key with google ajax api load

I can call the google api this way with a key : <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; But i can also omit to specify a key like this: <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; and my code still work. ...

A draw-encoding algorithm similar to one in Google maps

As some of you may know, there is an encoding algorithm in Google maps API which optimizes polyline drawings in different zoom levels. It removes-adds the coordinates of a path according to the current zoom level and decreases-increases the drawing computation time. Specifically, I mean the algorithm in the GPolyline.fromEncoded method. ...

Massive URL Change

We need to make changes to an app that will cause all its URLS to change, we dont want to lose value and too many urls to 301. I am looking to change a mod rewritten URL to a non written one. My thoughts would be to Leave the mod rewritten URLS active (Temporarily) Place a canonical tag witht the NEW correct URL Make sure no links are ...

How do I allow Google to index login-required parts of my site?

It seems like Google can index certain sites or forums (I can't name any offhand as its been months since I last saw one) and when accessing you are prompted with a request to register or login. How would I make my site open for Google to index and have a regular login for others? ...

Google search results API usage?

My question is regarding the google AJAX search api. I have been trying to figure this out by exploring their site with no luck. How can I use this API on my site but have the results only be the google results from within my site (i.e. only shows the results and NOT the results from a standard search)? Is ...

How can I show my google analytics traffic report via or classic asp?

How can I show my google analytics traffic report (AKA 'View Report') via or classic asp? Thanks ...

Google Translate API - isReliable not returning anything

Has someone ever used isReliable with the Google Translate API? It always returns "undefined" value. google.language.translate('hello','','es',function(result){ alert(result.isReliable); // prints undefined alert(result.translation); // prints "hola" }); Resources: Google Translate API - Result objects ...

How to get a domain un-indexed by search engines

Hello all, I have a domain with a loto of indexed pages, I use this one as a online test domain. I understand that I should test it on a intranet or somewhat, but in time Google indexed a few websites which are not relavent anymore. Does anyone know how to get a domain totlally unindexed from the most search engines? ...

Ruby and Google Charts - using gchartrb

I'm having my first go at using Google charts using a Ruby wrapper called gchartrb. My first attempt was to draw a bar chart, which works fairly well, except that the largest value (Trend 2 - 800) hits the top of the y axis. I'm guessing this is a Google Charts issue, but I was wondering if there was a way around this problem so all va...

Is it possible to populate a google form from a google spreadsheet?

I'd like to create a form that uses the data from the spreadsheet, so that it's dynamic. Is it possible to do this? I haven't been able to find anywhere that describes how, or any examples. All that seems possible is to populate a spreadsheet from a form, which I'll also use but its not the primary concern here. ...

How to track Google Analytics Events in Server Side

Hello, Is there a way to track Google Analytics Events from Server Side in ASP.NET, the requirement is the the Event should be tracked on button click after some functionalities are executed on Serverside. ? OnClientClick of button, we cannot fulfill this requirement completely as some time serverside functionalities can fail but the ev...

Programatically get Google search results

How can I get Google search results from inside a program? I need to get an array of search results for a specified string. ...

How to post calendar event to participant's specific calendar

I am working Calendar API (Java). My specific requirement is I want to add participant to event and at the same time want to specify the participants calendar. Let us say I have 2 users. User-A and User-B User-A is creating calendar event and adding User-B as participant User-A's calendar is Cal-A and User-B's calendar is Cal-B. Now w...