
Google Docs as Content Management System

I'm thinking of using Google Docs as a content management system, and to integrate it with my java/j2ee web application. I only need to upload, view, search meta-data, and organize docs. Would anybody have a reason to believe I should not try this? ...

Seo friendly urls with unique id as a directory count as duplicate content ?

Hello, I am looking to implement a similar url as stackoverflow to an eshop: But i have a few concerns: 1. does google consider it duplicate content as the page: I knew that google alwasy goes down the url, does it not consider the numbers as ...

Google adsense track clicks method?

Hey, I am wondering what method Google uses to track clicks for there Adsense ads? do they send you to another page when you click on an ad that will track a click and then send you to the destination or do they do it another way? Thanks for any help. ...

Any alternatives to Google Trends?

I'm writing a small helper utility for obscure software that is used at a local shop. Basically, I would like to know if anyone searches for anything associated with that software and if publishing my work on the Internet would make any sense. I entered the name of the software into Google Trends, but my terms "do not have enough search ...

Static Google Maps Custom Icons

I've been looking for a way to add custom markers to a static Google map. I know the API doesn't provide the functionality, but I was wondering if there are any third party scripts that would do this. If not, how would I place my custom transparent images onto the static map? Thanks ...

Google Analytics & iFrame

Hi Guys, So I have a simple page and when a user clicks on a link an iframe opens. I am trying to use the pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/'); Inside the iframe - but it seems that its not working ? I have read this page

How to order concurrent google image searches in order of execution?

Hi all I am not sure how to approach this problem. I have a function that is passed an array of HTML img elements. It loops through these images checking the SRC attribute for images using a blank "no image" thumb nail. It then executes an image search using the img tags ALT attribute as the query. The callback function on the search the...

SEO - Landing Pages registration

Hi, I have created 3 Landing Pages. What is the best way to reference them in Google? 1) Save it in my sitemap.xml? 2) created real links in my site that redirect to these pages ? (hidden link ?) why you prefer one technique over another? ...

Bigtable implementations

I would like to know if there is any fast free/opensource BigTable implementations. ...

Automatically Login Google Web Crawler

I would like to automatically detect Google and other Crawlers and log them into my ASP.NET website. Has anyone found a reliable way to do this? The Login part is easy, however to reliably detect them is the real issue. Regards. ...

How does google generate the formatted list of links under the #1 result on a google search?

If you google a specific entity, occasionally the website listed first is given a little listing of content, sort of like a mini site-map that the user can click on to navigate the linked site, bypassing the home page. My question is this: Can I control this mini-sitemap when I am PR1? If so, how do I do so? I'm trying to build a list ...

What do you think of Google's new programming language: Noop? Noop (pronounced noh-awp, like the machine instruction) is a new language that attempts to blend the best lessons of languages old and new, while syntactically encouraging industry best-practices and discouraging the worst offenses. Noop is initially targeted to run on the Java Virtual Machine. What's...

the google api to get the list of websites for given adwords

Hi i am developing a desktop application using where i need to get the list of all websites that are using google adsense for the given list of keywords for that what Google api i need to use. Thanks Anil Veeraghattapu. ...

openinfowindowhtml on google map after retrive information from server

hey i have a google map in my site and attach to it event handler of moveend GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", function() { map.clearovrelays(); GetLayerDataFromServer(); //it set the markers again on the map acording the map position }); and also i have event handler for click on marker GEven...

How do I implement an application similar to google maps on android ???

Hi, I have a couple of images on available to my program. They are parts of jigsaw puzzle (with rectangular pieces though). I wanted the look and feel similar to that of google maps in android. One way I could implement was to create a set of ImageViews and keep recycling them, as the user pans the image in any direction. However, to ...

Google Maps -- Set default location so you don't have to type in City, State for every routing request

I am using Google Maps, I have a lat-lon for the first point and a street name for the second point. How can I get Google Maps to search for the street name in the same city as the latlon? Also, specifying 1234 Some Street, City, State should work as well as 1234 Some Street ...

Pagerank and its mathematics: Explanation needed

I am a student interested in developing a search engine that indexes pages from my country. I have been researching algorithms to use for sometime now and I have identified HITS and PageRank as the best out there. I have decided to go with PageRank since it is more stable than the HITS algorithm (or so I have read). I have found countle...

How can I enable folder sharing in Google Docs? Can I write my own program/application for it?

Google Docs does provide sharing of files.But it does not provide sharing of folders. Is there any way by which I can share the folders too? Can I write my own application/program for it? If yes, then how? UPDATE: Now this question is no longer useful.Gmail now supports folder sharing too.Cheers! ...

Label width in Google Charts

Hi, I am trying to have a fixed width size for the labels in my Google chars. The problem is that I am showing several charts, one below the other. Since the y axis is filled with the names of people, depending on the names' lengths, I get a wider or narrower lebel area. The final result is ugly because each chart has a different label w...

How can I avoid using exceptions in C++?

What techniques can I use to avoid exceptions in C++, as mentioned in Google's style guide? ...