
Best and fastest way to place items on a Google map with PHP

Hello guys, For the project I'm currently working on I have a database with locations (restaurants, hotels, coffee shops etc.) and I have to place each one on a map. For each location I have its name and full address. What is the best and fastest way to accomplish this using Google Maps? I'm using PHP. Thanks. ...

Google Checkout in Android

Hi, I am sending an xml request to google checkout and getting the xml response too. The request that i m sending is StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"); buf.append("<checkout-shopping-cart xmlns=\"\"&gt;"); buf.append("<shopping-cart>")...

Grails Google Maps - Render map as index it can't pick up the places saved in db

Hi, I have successfully followed the Google Maps example at IBM DeveloperWorks. The map is currently located at: localhost:8080/myapp/trip/map and I want to move the map to be as the index page, localhost:8080/myapp. I can easily render the map if I replace the code in index.gsp, but the points in the db are missing. It seems that the ...

Struggling to implement google directions api in Android App

Hello All, I would like to implement google walking/cycle directions into an Android app im creating but I'm struggling to get my head around how to do this. I've recognised that the most accepted way is to query google via http to retrieve a kml file, which is translated back into the android app. owever since I've been java/android pr...

Have we become too dependent on google?

In the good old days when the internet was non-existent , programmers had the following tools at there peril: Books Teachers Yes, thats it! just two resources. When searching for example code they either had to copy the code from a colleague or simply read several books until they found the code which they needed. It was a very long ...

Scala, Charts and Google Visualisation API

Hi Guys, Those anyone know of a Scala Library for Graphs / Charts or an implementation of the Google Visualisation API. Cheers ...

Integrating google checkout in Android?

Hi, Is there any way we can integrate Google Checkout in Android? I am able to post the order request and in response I get the checkout redirect url where the user is redirected. But then how to proceed with it. How will the android application come to know when the payment is done. The redirect url is called in Webview and then ther...

Google Chrome Extension - How can I include a content script more than once?

I've been working on Chrome Extension for a website for the past couple of days. It's coming along really nicely but I've encountered a problem that you might be able to help with. Here's an outline of what the extension does (this functionality is complete): A user can enter their username and password into the extensions popup - and...

FancyBox with Google Maps Inline Div breaks

<div style="display: none;"> <div id="location<?php echo $r->id ?>"> <?php echo $r->address; ?>, <?php echo $r->city; ?>, <?php echo $r->province; ?> <h3 class="sub">Map of Location</h3> <?php $CI->conjunction->showMap($r->id, $r->lat, $r->lon, $r->postal, 'map_canvas'...

Google Maps inside Delphi 2009 Application

Hi, In this project my aim is to create a software via GoogleMaps in Delphi 2009, it will be like this one but in different way. In this project the user can add a point on the map and in every point beside the icon I will add some information and these information should be relate with the icon, so if the user want to click on one of t...

How does google know if I type in redflower.jpg I mean Red Flower?

I'm curious what the programming terms or methodology is used when Google shows you the "did you mean" link for a word that is made up of multiple words? For example if I type in "redflower.jpg" It knows to break that up into Red Flower Is there a common paradigm for doing that sort of operation? Would a Lucene search give you that? th...

How can I have Google Checkout charge a subscription every 2, 3 or more years (longer-than-yearly)? Can PayPal do this?

Is it possible (and, if so, how) can I have Google Checkout charge someone for a magazine subscription every 2 years (or 3 years or 5 years). The idea is someone pays for a 3 year subscription in 2010 and then is billed again for the next 3 years in 2013. How can this be done? If Google cannot do it, can PayPal? Thanks! ...

Looking for a Google post on "How much time does it take do to X"

I remember reading a post by someone at Google with several ballpark statistics such as how much time does it take to: Obtain a lock Read/write a piece of data from registers, memory, disk, remote disk Fetch a page ... (Don't catch me on the exact statistics). Can you help me find this post? ...

Google Image Search request URL - more than 21 results

Hi Is there are a way to get more than 21 results on Google Image Search FIRST PAGE. It seems the parameter &num is also limited to 21. Thanks for helping ...

How Gmail spam filter works?

Hi, I'm always surprised by the high quality of Gmail spam filter. For the last year, it filtered 99.95% of the spam, and blocked by mistake only one mail. By comparison, any other mail service I used makes at least one mistake for every 50 mails. How, internally, Gmail does to reach this level of quality? Is it based on customers feed...

Google Maps default zoom level

I created a public map using my Google Map. I want to set a default zoom level, but it is not saved. Is this possible? Also, is it possible to change the list of place markers? ...

I want to make a map of the world, with people hitting my site as sparks. What's the best way to do this?

Whenever someone hits my site in NY, I want that map to show a spark in NY (then disappear). So, there will be sparks all over the map, as people hit my site. Is it possible to NOT use Google Maps to do this, with a nicer-looking background map? I'm not allowed to use Google maps. ...

Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG

Does anyone have experience with Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG? I'm thinking of moving from CKEDITOR to Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG. Ideally I'd love to use the etherpad editor but it doesn't appear that anyone has separated the editor from all the app. Anyhow, for Google Closure Editor/WYSIWYG, does anyone know, does it support the r...

How to enclose every cell with double quotes in Google docs spreadsheet

I have utf-8 data which I would like to save as csv. My old version of Excel mangles utf-8, so I have to resort to using google's spreadsheet which handles utf-8 beautifully. Some of my data have commas in them, so I must wrap every field of data in the csv with double quotes. I have hundreds of lines, so it would take some time to do it...

Workaround around height and width limitations for Google Visualization API's Intensity Map wanted.

The Intensity Map provided by Google's Visualization API will not render beyond 440x220 pixels; I am looking for alternatives. Any ideas for workarounds and/or alternatives? Thanks in advance. ...