
Copyleft license

I'm looking for a license that has the following requirements: is viral. your code must be open source. you must let the author know and credit the author. if you distribute and you use this source code you must use this license. even if you re-implement but you use the same ideas and concepts then you must also use this license. even ...

Interfacing with GPL applications from MIT licensed code - is a dual-license unavoidable?

I know this is going to be long but I felt like I needed to explain the whole situation and my concerns in detail. Thanks in advance for reading and answering this question! I'd like to write an application that depends on GPL licensed libraries or applications. However, I'm not keen on licensing my own code under GPL alone because I th...

Can I set a custom license using WiX?

The default license for an MSI generated by WiX is the common public license. How do I change this to GPLv2? ...

Is the LGPL applicable for applications?

I am working on an application that will have support for plug-ins. I am wondering if I can apply the LGPL on the application, or is the LGPL only for libraries? The main point is that I want the application to be roughly GPL, but that this is not enforced on plug-ins or scripts that the application loads. However, the GPL considers plu...

Using a BSD licensed library in a GPL application?

Say I'm writing a program I'm going to release under the GPL. I want to use NLog as the logging module, which is released under the BSD (I'm not just concerned specifically with NLog as there are other BSD modules out there I'd love to use). The BSD license is GPL compatible so I can do this. As far as I understand, I have to leave th...

Does clause preventing exposure of PyQt in an application's script API close loophole in license?

I am currently evaluating using PyQt in a commercial application, and I was surprised to learn that the PyQt Commercial License does not permit you to expose any of the PyQt library in the application's script API. From the PyQt site: The right to distribute the required PyQt modules and QScintilla library with your applications so l...

How do I write an exception under section 7 of the GPLv3?

I would like to release a smallish piece of software under the GPLv3. It is written in C# for the .NET 3.5 SP1 framework. It also uses the MEF library, which is released under the MS-PL. The MS-PL is not GPL compatible. However, the MEF library is eventually going to be rolled into the .NET 4 release, and at that time, it becomes a s...

Can I copyright and license under GPL3 files generated by django v 1.0.2?

After I've added my own code to, and other files generated by django, can I protect them using the GPL? Or is there a clash given there is code in there that has been auto generated by django which is not licensed under GPL? ...

If I use jQuery, must my Web App be GPL'd?

I'm working on a Web App Framework that I'd like to put under the Eclipse Public License for various reasons. The only problem is that I want to include jQuery in the framework, and that is under the GPL and / or MIT licenses. Edit 1: The core of the framework is coded in PHP, using jQuery to jazz up the client side of things. I'm not t...

Is there a non-GPL Python Library for reading ID3 information from an mp3?

I have found many GPL licensed libraries for reading information from mp3s in Python. Are there any non GPL libraries? ...

What happens when open source software has two or more licenses?

I'm considering using a jQuery plugin in a commercial project. The plugin (datepicker) is "dual licensed": Dual licensed under the MIT ( and GPL ( licenses. Now the MIT license is pretty permissive license, allowing me to ...

What is the best non-viral, GPL incompatible open source license?

I'd like to relicense my open source project under a non-viral GPL incompatible license. Which license should I choose? ...

My program calls one function on a GPL'ed program - do I have to distribute under terms of GPL?

I am working on an iPhone application and understand some difficulties in releasing a GPL application through the app store. The license states that a program forking-and-linking to another program licensed under the GPL doesn't attach any requirements to that program. Moreover, it also says "If the program dynamically links plug...

Non GPL alternative to JQuery's pngfix plugin

Like the question says the pngfix jquery plugin is GPL'd. I'd like to use it in a commercial way without having to comply with the GPL. Being that there is no way to do so, I was wondering if there is another alternative to this library that I could use? The plugin found here does seem to have limitations that affect my usage. ...

Can a GPL licensed theme be ported to a proprietary application as long as the derivative theme is placed back under the GPL?

I realize that responses will fall under the "I am not a lawyer" scope, and I do intend to talk to one. But first, I wanted to get some input about the basic proposal. If I port a GPL theme -- say a WordPress theme -- that is both free as in speech AND free as in beer to a proprietary application like ExpressionEngine, I assume that the...

Restrictions of GPL on javascript libraries

If I use GPL-licensed JavaScript components on my website, would it be considered as a release to the public (as client-side code of the components is loaded to users' browsers via http) and I have to "open-source" the whole website? So, can we say that the usage of JavaScript components on a website is distribution of the code and it...

Desktop application allowing backup (syncing) of local folders onto (multiple) Cloud Storage ?

I find it odd that this question hasn't been asked already... I thought there were more people paranoid that I am... Anyway, is there any desktop application, that allows me to backup a given folder to a (Cloud) storage service (Amazon / Rackspace / ...) ? Note: I am not looking for companies providing backup solutions, there are plent...

About MySQL++, GPL and LGPL

Hi all. MySQL++ is licensed though LGPL, that means that I could release an executable dynamically linked against it without worrying about the source code not being GPL. But, MySQL++ DOES link against libmysqlclient{_r}.{a,so} ( ) which is GPLed. As seen as then MySQL++ is technically just a '...

Compiling Tux Rider

Tux Rider is an iPhone port of the famous Tux Racer game. As it's GPL software, the source is available on the author's website. I downloaded the source, but can't get it to compile as it's missing resources. Specifically, I get the following compile errors: Rider: No such file or directory World: No such file or directory Challenge...

Can I release an extension to a GPL'd library under a BSD-esque license?

Consider a Java library "A", which is available under GPL v2, and under a proprietary commercial license. My company has licensed library A under its commercial license, and I've developed an extension to it, which we'd like to release (to github or whatever). However, we want the extension to be usable by all users of library A, inclu...