
GPS on Windows Tablets?

I have looked at many open source GPS programs that can parse GPS data from an external GPS device that connects to the computer via a serial port. But what about built-in GPS devices like a Panasonic Toughbook (a Windows XP Tablet)? Do these devices transmit their GPS data through a serial port? Thanks. ...

Turn off GPS icon when LocationListener is sleeping

Hello I am struggling a bit with the LocationListener in Android. I want to make an app that will get the current GPS location, and then afterwards sleep for a long time. A day or more. In this period of time i want the GPS notification icon to not show. What i have now, is in the onLocationChanged a Thread.sleep(x) but this will keep ...


Hi, I'm new in iPhone developement and I have a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. In my .h I declare: NSString *myString; In my .m I have to methods: . The (void)locationManager of CLLocationManager interface when I do it: myString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lf",loc.longitude]; NSLog(@"%@",myString); // it works . A (void)sendPosition ...

Mobile, GPS, .NET, Google Maps

I want to know if it is technically possible to capture the position of a mobile phone with GPS from an application in the mobile phone. And send this position to a web service to represent the location from a web page. Does the phone have to have a special feature or a brand / model specific? Can you write the trace information in a fi...

How Google Chrome knows my current GPS location and how to use it in my code?

Hello, today i realize that some pages can locate me (im using a laptop with no gps built-in) using google chrome with a an very impresive exactitude, i know that using my IP you can locate me, but not with such presision. Now in google maps you will see a button on top of the yellow men (street view) who locates you using google chrome....

Getting GPS Error at disnyland Park (iphone)

Hi! i am developing a navigation base app for Disneyland park it gets lotions from GPS. the app works fine out side the park. when i enter in park the GPS is not working. it is maybe due to spotty 3G singalongs in park. Need help to solve this problem. ...

Querying GPS location (only long. & lat.) from WM6 phone using .NET CF

Hello there, I am looking for a very simple solution of how to retrieve GPS data from WM6 cell phone. I am not looking for a GPS wrapper library (Google seems to find ONLY GPS libs...). I'd appreciate just a piece of code which does exactly this: start gps, retrieve long and lat, end gps. Nothing more. I guess with .NET Compact Framework...

Use of GPS chipset

Hello All, I'm new to the world of GPS. Please help me understand the following: 1) Why GPS chip is required? If the GPS antenna is enough to transmit and receive data, any normal processor could do the decoding of the received GPS data. 2) Does NaviLink 6.0 has its own GPS stack? Doesn't Android has its own GPS stack? 3) NaviLink 6....

testing GPS in iPhone simulator problem

I found some various articles about testing the GPS (corelocation) in the iPhone simulator. It seems pretty straightforward, but i can't get it to work. The error message i'am getting is: 2010-07-30 11:20:16.372 appname[50954:207] *** +[CLLocation initWithCoordinate:altitude:horizontalAccuracy:verticalAccuracy:timestamp:]: unrecogni...

What is active GPS effect on mobile devices battery life?

How much does active GPS drain the battery? Without the overhead of the gps navigator software. s ay I want to sample the gps every 2 minutes and save it to a file. how much battery power will that cost me? Will I get 10% shorter life? 20%? ..? ...

Problems when switching to xcode 3.2.3 and simulator 4.0

Hi All, Here is a list of problems I have after building my app with xcode 3.2.3 and running it on simulator 4.0. Of course, all these issues did work with the previous environment. Location manager does not update location. It used to update with the location at Cupertino but now I get locationManager:didFailWithError: called with er...

Android GPS My Location finding

Hi, I'm using this code to find my current location. But if I'm at home it can't locate me. But google maps and another similar applications can locate me although I'm at home. What is difference? ...

Android - how to get more accurate location?

I'm trying to get my current location and show it on a map. Class does most of the work for you. But it's coming back with a very coarse result that's off by a couple of clicks. I'm listening for onAccuracyChanged() but that never gets called. How can I get a more accurate...

Android draw a path on a mapView from a large amount of longitude/latitude points

I am writing a application that needs to draw a "route" comprised of lots of GPS points (long+lat). The points are close together and don't follow roads, simply drawing a line between each point is ideal. The current implementation I have is very slow as I am looping over all the GPS coordinates and creating a new Point and overlayitem ...

Small Location Change Detection

Hi All, I'm need to detect small location change for the iphone , I tried the sample that's called Locate Me, but it doesn't recognize the small change in the location. Is there any way for doing this? Thanks in Advance. Best regards John ...

Server architecture for a geosocial app?

I'm interested in getting some ideas and suggestions for a server architecture for a real time geosocial app. One that tracks at the very least user locations live. Are there any stacks that favour this kind of information? Java Servlets? Darkstar/RedDwarf? Others that I'm maybe not aware of? Live connections to clients and the abi...

How do I convert a mobile phone GPS to x,y,z with origin at the center of the Earth?

I need to accurately visualize points coming from iPhone (and other) GPS data in 3D. So, what I'd like is to take a WGS84 (right?) point and transform that into an X,Y,Z vector with the origin at the center of the Earth. I Googled for GPS/WGS84 to 3D but I think my search terms are not so great Does someone have a pointer for where to...

iOS/Android GPS battery draw?

I'm investigating the possiblity of writing an app for Android/iOS4/both that would use GPS in the background. I found the "Receiving Location Events in the Background" section of the iphone developer documentation, which recommends that I only register for "significant location change" events. I'm not aware of any such capability in th...

Improve GPS Accuracy Android

Hi im working on an app that use gps My testing devices are Nexus One and Htc Mytouch 3g Slide So does anyone know how to improve the gps accuracy? ...

using Python to import a CSV (lookup table) and add GPS coordinates to another output CSV

So I have already imported one XML-ish file with 3000 elements and parsed them into a CSV for output. But I also need to import a second CSV file with 'keyword','latitude','longitude' as columns and use it to add the GPS coordinates to additional columns on the first file. Reading the python tutorial, it seems like {dictionary} is what ...