
get GPS coordinates via bluetooth with python on OSX

I just bought a GPS bluetooth receiver, which has been correctly paired with my OSX machine. Now I would like to query the device for my position with python. How do I do it? ...

Turing off functionality dpending on device iPhone, or iPod touch

Hi, I have what i thought was a relatively simple question but i cannot find an answer to it yet. I have an iPhone app that uses GPS on one of its screens. I want to disable this screen using code when the app loads,so disable it when a iPod touch is being used. This is so it can still be useful on a iPod touch as there is a lot of funct...

Getting GPS coordinates on Windows phone 7

How can I get the current GPS coordinates on Windows Phone 7? ...

How can i calculate the distance between two gps points in Java?

I used this code but it doesnt work: Need the distance between two gps coordinates like 41.1212, 11.2323 in kilometers (Java) double d2r = (180 / Math.PI); double distance = 0; try{ double dlong = (endpoint.getLon() - startpoint.getLon()) * d2r; double dlat = (endpoint.getLat() - startpoint.getLat()) * d2r; double a = ...

How to implement an odometer on an iPhone

I'm working on a fairly simplistic trip application for the iPhone for use when running, biking, etc. One of the features I'd like to implement is an odometer. I'm getting the location periodically via didUpdateToLocation. I've tried measuring the distance between newLocation and oldLocation and accumulating the result, but this is no...

Using WiFi to triangulate instead of GPS

I know its probably possible, but is it practical and doable to try and geo-position someone using WiFi to triangulate... Thinking if I was underground and didn't have access to GPS, could I setup WiFi spots around the place to help locate someone. Or if I was on a plane or a train (which is constantly moving), could I setup WiFi spot...

check wheather gps is available or not in iphone

hi i am making an app based on gps... i have tested it and working fine in iphone simulator 3.0.. but when gps is not available i want to generate an alert...(i just remove the internet connection) i used following method but did not work.... (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error { NSLog...

GPS icon won't disappear when activity destroyed?

Being an Android newbie experimenting with GPS stuff I managed to put together this code and it works just like I expect it to except for one thing, the GPS icon never goes away. How can get the GPS icon to disappear when the activity is destroyed? I have locationManager.removeUpdates(GPSMapTest.this); locationManager = null; i...

GPS code work on mac book pro but not on upgraded mac mini

Hi All, I am working on GPS utility for my project. Test code which I tried out was well know app "WhereAmI" When I am using my Mac Book pro, it returns me some value, but same is not working on another Mac mini. Mac mini has upgraded 4.0 OS SDK environment and Mac book pro had it already with it when I brought that. Is it some thing ...

Get GPS start/stop events with addGpsStatusListener

Hi, In an application I would like to start a Service that can receive two notification from GPS: GPS_EVENT_STARTED and GPS_EVENT_STOPPED. To do so I've done the following code: package com.test; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.location.GpsStatus; import andro...

iPhone: Problems after application submission in AppStore..

I've submitted my first iPhone App to the AppStore (on 10.09.10) and I have just found out that it was "Ready For Sale" (18.09.10). After a short moment of deep Happiness, I've found out some problems in my App, that I DO NOT have when I install it on my iPhone using XCode: 1) My APP uses the CLLocationManager to get the GPS coordinate...

GPS LocationListener and phone sleeping

Hi! I've created service which has LocationListener in it. In order to keep service running the service is set as foreground. I have some questions about phone power management and sleeping in that circumstances: Will phone go to sleep while such service is running? How can I save power in this stuation? Thanks in advance! ...

When Getting GPS Location, load another URL..

Hello :) I have a little problem... I have made an Android application which extends the webview. The webview Html page with a map on like this: Map example, it was also here I got my inspiration. My onCreate method looks like this: super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //Removes the title bar in the application reques...

What is a good Java library to write GPS metadata on JPEGs (in EXIF)?

I have developed a Java application (Latipics) that geotags pictures with location information pulled from Google Latitude. I use an open source library called Sanselan to read/write GPS coordinates from/into JPEGs' metadata. It works mostly great except that Apple's Preview (stock JPEG viewer in OS X) seems to misinterpret the GPS lon...

Problem: While stationary Android GPS gives different location updates - Closed

Hi, I am working on an Android Application where I am trying to track movement of the device from a service. The service registers itself for the location updates, here we are making sure that we are asking for "GPS Provider" and not a network provider (which can be inaccurate.) While calling public void requestLocationUpdates (Strin...

Request a DateTime from GPS Module

I am currently developing an android app that requires GPS module. I have code like this: LocationManager mlocManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); LocationListener mlocListener = new MyLocationListener(); mlocManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, mlocListener); public c...


I have a simple application that uses the Android system service LOCATION_SERVICE. On app close I need the service to stop. I have searched hard and long for how to do this but I must not be looking for the right thing. Does anybody know how to stop this service? Here is what I'm doing. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) ...

Communicating location between mobile devices

I am just brainstorming here. Let's say I have 2 mobile devices, iPhone, Android, WinPhone7, BlackBerry, Palm, whatever. I'd like to communicate my location (latitude/longitude) from my device to another one. What is the best way of doing this? The assumption that each device has either built-in mapping capabilities or a custom-built...

How to mark position of iPhone on Google Map?

I want to make a webpage with a Google Map that marks the geographical position of my iPhone, how do I go about this? I've looked into the Google Map API section on markers - so I can make a static marker, but I don't know how to pull the GPS data from my iPhone. ...

GPS radius search with Php 5 and MySQL

I have a PlaceID | PlaceName | Lat | Lon as my database structure. Say I have my current latitude and longitude as $lat = "37.331862"; $lon = "-122.029937"; I want to find places that are in a 100 feet radius. Might allow the user to choose. ...