
Linear gradients library

Is there a place online where I can find like 16 linear gradients that match good with each other? I need them for a chart of mine and the ones generated (by Flex) aren't good enough. So, I'm kind off searching for a library of gradients (linear in my case). ...

CSS3 gradient background set on body doesn't stretch but instead repeats?

ok say the content inside the <body> totals 300px high. If I set the background of my <body> using -webkit-gradient or -moz-linear-gradient Then I maximize my window (or just make it taller than 300px) the gradient will be exactly 300px tall (the height of the content) and just repeat to fill the rest of the window. I am assuming this...

Point to point linear gradient?

I want to make an application that can generate point to point gradient (like Photoshop does). I'm familiar with how to generate an up to down gradient but not point to point. How is this conceptually done. Thanks ...

What would cause this behavior in only one person's IE8?

Stack Overflow won't let me post my whole question because I'm an untrusted new user, so if you're interested in this question please visit The backgrounds in question are drawn with a single-pixel, xy-repeated, semitransparent PNG. This person's IE8 is drawing thi...

ActionScript Gradient Banding Problem

i'm having a strange issue with banding between certain colors of a gradient. to create the gradient, i'm drawing evenly spaced circle wedges from the center to the border, and filling each circle wedge from a bitmap line gradient pixel in a loop. i'm creating a circle with 3600 wedges, although it doesn't look like it based on the scr...

Test For CSS3 Radial Gradient Vendor Syntax

I'm having an issue where I'm trying to update the background gradient of an element with JavaScript based on values I specify. I tried this route: = '-webkit-gradient(radial, '+x+' '+y+', 0, '+x+' '+y+', 800, from(#ccc), to(#333)), -moz-radial-gradient('+x+'px '+y+'px, circle cover, #ccc 0, #333 100%)'; S...

ActionScript Drawing Gradient Line With Transparency

i'm attempting to draw a simple gradient line with some transparency, but the portion of the line that receives 0 for the alpha draws black. var lineMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); lineMatrix.createGradientBox(500, 1); var line:Sprite = new Sprite();, 0, 0, false, LineScaleMode.NONE, CapsStyle.NONE); line.graphi...

Is there a MergedGradientBrush in wpf?

Suppose I had two brushes. One that was a linear gradient brush that was from Dark to light One was a radial brush that went from Dark to light. How could I merge the brushes so that when I apply them, I can apply both at once. EG Check this: 1) 2) http://www....

Android: Using linear gradient as background looks banded

Hi All! I'm trying to apply a linear gradient to my ListView. This is the content of my drawable xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android=""&gt; <gradient android:startColor="#3A3C39" android:endColor="#181818" android:angle="270" /> ...

How to draw a smooth/dithered gradient on a canvas in Android

Several answers mention to use GradientDrawable.setDither(true) to draw smooth gradients in Android. That has no effect in my code. Any idea what I have to change to get a well looking gradient in my live wallpaper? GradientDrawable gradient = new GradientDrawable(Orientation.TL_BR, colors); gradient.setGradientType(GradientDrawable.RAD...

C# - How to initialize gradient panel demo?

I found a web page that describes how to create a gradient panel in a WinForms application. Does anyone know how to initialize this panel demonstration? There is source code but no comments or examples how the code can be used. ...

4 Colors gradient logic needed

I need to create 4 color gradient logic. One of the posts gave me the pattern to calculate 4 color gradient. However I am having difficutlties to implement it. I am able to calculate color of point E ( middle one) however I do not know how to develop the gradient from it MY code COLORREF NewColor = RGB(255,0,0); COLORREF NewColor2 ...

Gradients and memory

I'm creating a drawing application with OpenGL. I'v created an algorithm that generates gradient textures. I then map these to my polygons and this works quite well. What I realized is how much memory this requires. Creating 1000 gradients takes about 800MB and that's way too much. Is there an alternative to textures, or a way to compres...

Silverlight Line Graph with Gradient

I have a series of points which I will turn into a line on a graph. What I want is to give the area under the graph a gradient fill. It would look somewhat similar to a Bloomberg graph like this; My question really has three parts; First, how should I fill only the area under the graph? Second, how do I fill that with a gradient? F...

Gradient algorithm produces little white dots

I'm working on an algorithm to generate point to point linear gradients. I have a rough proof of concept implementation done: GLuint OGLENGINEFUNCTIONS::CreateGradient( std::vector<ARGBCOLORF> &input,POINTFLOAT start, POINTFLOAT end, int width, int height,bool radial ) { std::vector<POINT> pol; std::vector<GLubyte> pdata(width *...

Algorithm to generate radial gradient

I have this algorithm here: pc = # the point you are coloring now p0 = # start point p1 = # end point v = p1 - p0 d = Length(v) v = Normalize(v) # or Scale(v, 1/d) v0 = pc - p0 t = Dot(v0, v) t = Clamp(t/d, 0, 1) color = (start_color * t) + (end_color * (1 - t)) to generate point to point linear gradients. It works very well for me...

Why is android:FLAG_BLUR_BEHIND creating a gradient background in my new activity instead of bluring the window?

Hi, I've got two activities. One is supposed to be a blur in front of the other. The background activity has several ImageViews which are set up as thin gradients extending across most of the screen and 10dip high. When I start the second activity it sets the background as a gradient occupying the entire window space, that is it ap...

How do I use javascript to render blue gradient color

hi, I need to display text on a blue gradient color background within a table. How could I render this using Javascript? Thanks a lot! ...

How to apply gradient color in css?

Hi I want to use gradient color as my page background how do I apply css to get gradient background? ...

50% background + gradient

Hello, I want to add a gradient background to my web page (the area marked with yellow border is where the actual content is displayed) and I want it to take just 1/2 of the page (the bottom part): I believe this is possible with CSS, but so far I have only managed to get a gradient background (taking the whole height of the page). T...