
Correct way to give users access to additional schemas in Oracle

I have two users Bob and Alice in Oracle, both created by running the following commands as sysdba from sqlplus: create user $blah identified by $password; grant resource, connect, create view to $blah; I want Bob to have complete access to Alice's schema (that is, all tables), but I'm not sure what grant to run, and whether to...

Oracle database role - select from table across schemas without schema identifier

Which Oracle database role will allow a user to select from a table in another schema without specifying the schema identifier? i.e., as user A- Grant select on A.table to user B; B can then- "Select * from table" without specifying the 'A'. One of our databases allows this, the other returns a 'table or view does not exist' error. ...

User Granted Access to Stored Procedure but Can't Run Query

I am working on a product that runs an SQL server which allows some applications to login and their logins are granted permission to run a stored procedure- AND NOTHING ELSE. The stored procedure is owned by an admin; the stored procedure takes a query and executes it, then the results are returned to the application. Unfortunately I c...

How to grant permissions to developers to grant permissions to users?

Is there a way I can give developers permission to grant a user permissions over objects without giving them the option to create users or functions? I'm trying to limit developers permissions, I recently found out that developers had db_owner permissions in dev and prod environments! So I'm doing my best to stop this madness. Any good...

Oracle - How to grant to a user the rights to another user's objects

I need to give to user TARGETUSER the rights to select/insert/update to all tables of user SOURCEUSER (I can figure this all out from here) and the ability to run all their stored procedures. Basically, I wouldn't complain if I can give TARGETUSER the ability for all non-ddl activity with SOURCE_USER's objects. How do I do this? ...

Informix, grant select on all tables

With Informix I can grant select on a table like; grant select on 'dba'.mytable to someuser as dba; How can I perform this on all tables in the database? ...

How do I check which schemata have been granted EXECUTE permission on an Oracle object?

I need to find out which schemata have already been granted execute permission on a certain object in an Oracle 10g db (in this case, a package). What's the simplest way for me to do this? Is there a built-in function to provide this information? ...

Meaning of Execute_priv on mysql.db table

I created user 'restriceduser' on my mysql server that is 'locked down'. The mysql.user table has a N for all priveledges for that account. The mysql.db table has Y for only Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Drop; all other privileges are N for that account. I tried to create a stored procedure and then grant him access to run o...

select privilege on more than one table

How do I grant select privilege on more than one table in a single statement? mysql> grant select on dbName.crw_changes to sink; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql> grant select on dbName.crw_changes, dbName.bs_services to sink; ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your ...

Can wildcards be used on tablenames for a GRANT in MySQL

Is it possible in MySQL to do a GRANT to a user on a set of tables within a database, e.g. to allow CREATE AND DROP ing of some table names but not others? Neither of these seem to work: GRANT SELECT ON `testdb`.`%_testing` TO 'wildcardtest'@'localhost'; GRANT SELECT ON `testdb`.`testing%` TO 'wildcardtest'@'localhost'; and the M...

References style without line breaks.

I'm writing a grant application and space is at a premium. I want LaTeX to print my references section without line breaks, so References [1] [2] [3] becomes References [1], [2], [3] I don't think the exact references style is too important (this is NSF), but I can't seem to find any bibliography style that will do this. ...

MySQL Users and All Privileges

Ok, I'm trying to add a user to a MySQL database. This user should be able to add other users to the database it has privileges for. So I did this: GRANT ALL privileges ON thedbname.* TO 'topuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'; However, I this user cannot add users. Is that because I only gave them 'all' for a single database? The permissi...

SQL Server 2000 - View list of sprocs with GRANT EXECUTE for a particular role exclusively ?

There are approx 500 sprocs in my SQLSERVER 2000 database; each sproc has a typical Grant Execute statement similar to the following. GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sproc_name] TO [role1], [role2], [role3], [role4], etc... How to view the names of the sprocs which have grant to a particular role and only that particular role exclusively...

Regenerate GRANTs for roles across schemas

Similar to this question, I would like to know how to generate all GRANT statements issued to all roles in a set of schemas and a list of roles whose names end in "PROXY". I want to recreate statements like: GRANT SELECT ON TABLE_NAME TO ROLE_NAME; GRANT EXECUTE ON PACKAGE_NAME TO ROLE_NAME; The purpose is to help migrate from a devel...

Why is a "GRANT USAGE" created the first time I grant a user privileges?

I'm new to the admin side of DBMS and was setting up a new database tonight (using MySQL) when I noticed this. After granting a user a privilege for the first time, another grant is created that looks like GRANT USAGE on *.* TO user IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD password The documentation says that the "USAGE" privilege means "no privileges,...

Column-level privileges vs. legacy application

Hello, I got a request to implement Column-level privileges, for example: GRANT UPDATE("column1") ON "TABLE" TO ROLE; But I found that client applications ( in Delphi+ODAC ) always emits SQL updates like: update TABLE set column1=:column1,column2=:column2,column3=:column3,...etc where id_c=:id_c; what causes Oracle to always thro...

Grant permissions to a set of databases matching a pattern in MysQL 5.0

I'm lead to understand that the following grants all proveleges to all databases that name begin with 'xian_', but mysql complains about a syntax error near ''xian_... GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'xian_%.*' TO xian@'192.168.1.%'; What is the correct syntax? Am I right in thinking that the _ needs escaping to \_ too as it is also a wildcard...

GRANT with database name wildcard in MySQL?

I want to create a user 'projectA' that has the same permissions to every database named 'projectA_%' I know its possible but MySQL doesn't like my syntax: grant all on 'projectA\_%'.* to 'projectA'@'%'; Reference: ...

Oracle vocabulary, what is the mysql/SQL Server equivalent of a database

Hi, I need some help with vocabulary, I don't use Oracle that often but I am familiar with MySQL and SQL Server. I have an application I need to upgrade and migrate, and part of the procedure to do that involves exporting to an XML file, allowing the installer to create new database tables, then import to the new database tables from ...

Problem starting up mySQL

I just downloaded PHP and I tried running mySQL with the command: C:\Program Files\EasyPHP-5.3.2i\mySQL\bin\mysql.exe And I got the error: ERROR 1045 (28000): Acess denied for user 'ODBC'@localhost' (using password: YES) I found a solution online with linux, but I'm running vista on this machine and have no clue what all of that me...