
Graphviz: break flat but sparsely connected graph into multiple rows?

Howto break a flat but sparsely connected graphviz graph into multiple rows? Graphviz yields a graph of about 4 ranks, but over 9000 nodes wide. However since the graph is sparsely connected we could break it in to rows, for example each 1000 nodes, and thus make it fit on nine rows one page. How can this be done? Not looking for unfl...

How to generate function call graphs for JavaScript?

Are there softwares that can generate graphs that show which functions call which functions? I need to analyze JavaScript source code, a language which Doxygen/Graphviz does not support, though it does support C++ and others. If there are no tools that support JavaScript out-of-the-box, is there a way to convert JS to C++ so I can use ...

How to link graphviz with VIsual C++

Someone please tell me How to link graphviz( or call its code) in C++ (VIsual Studio) ...

Graphwiz: Is there a way to force a node to the bottom?

I'm building a CFG, and I'd like the exit node to always be at the bottom of the graph. Sometimes it happens naturally, sometimes it doesn't. Example: digraph G { 0; 1; 4; 5; 7; 8; 0 -> 4; 5 -> 7; 7 -> 8; 7 -> 1; 8 -> 5; 4 -> 7; } Draws (using dot): Node 1 is my exit node, I'd like that to be at the bottom....

How to force all nodes in the same column in graphviz?

I'm trying to model a certain flow using graphviz, and I can't figure out how to model the following graph to share the same horizontal center digraph exmp { A -> B -> C -> D C -> E [constraint=false] A -> C [style="dotted", constraint=false] A -> D [style="dotted", constraint=false] B -> D [constraint=false] D -> A [...

Automatic multiline labels in Graphviz?

I'm using Graphviz to draw some graphs. I'm using labels on nodes and I can put in "\n" to force it to split the label across 2 lines. Is there some way to get Graphviz (or dot which I'm using) to automatically see that it should split some nodes labels, and for it itself to make the best choice automagically? ...

How to force position of edges in graphviz?

I'm having problems with edges overlapping each other. In my previous question of how to force the nodes to be in the same column, found out how to force the nodes in to one column, but this causes some other problems to appear. digraph exmp { A -> B -> C -> D -> E C -> F [constraint=false] A -> C [style="dotted", constraint=false...

How to include libraries and dlls of graphviz in Windows?

I am writing a C program using graphviz. But I am not able to link graphviz as library. I have tried several approaches. When I do #include "gvc.h" and include all .lib,.dll and *.h files in my working directory, gcc gives this linker error: /cygdrive/c/Users/aditya/AppData/Local/Temp/ccMRaUr9.o:a.c:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference...

Graphviz top to bottom AND left to right

Hi there I want to have a uml sequence diagram with dot language, now I have the following problem I want to have the layout as follows with a, b, c and d in a straight line at top but with the lines going straight to the bottom. How can I achieve that? a b c d | | | | | | | | perhaps can I achieve that the a, b, c ...

Graphviz: How to go from .dot to a graph?

I can't seem to figure this out. I have a .dot file, which is valid according to the syntax. How do I use graphviz to convert this into an image? (note that I'm on Windows, not linux) ...

Right to left edges in dot (Graphviz)

I'm trying to display edges going from right to left (i.e. backwards) using dot: A <= B => C The best I could do was: digraph { a->b; c->a [dir="back"]; {rank=same;a b c} } ..which is fine, except I don't like using "c->a" when the edge is directed the other way. So I wanted to share this solution (which didn't seem to be me...

graphviz : dynamically creation of node

i m writing a program such that it requires no of nodes to be control by some variable. is there any way by which we can draw nodes dynamically if no, of nodes is not decided while writing a code? ...

GraphViz - How to have a subgraph be left-to-right when main graph is top-to-bottom?

I have a graph file like this: digraph { "Step1" -> "Step2" -> "Step3"; subgraph step2detail { "Step2" -> "note1"; "Step2" -> "note2"; "Step2" -> "note3"; "Step2" -> "note4"; rankdir=TB } } I want the subgraph step2detail to hang off to the right of 'Step2'. Right now it looks like...

Star-shaped graph in dot ?

Ḧi, I'd like to draw a graph using the dot language that looks like a star ( a central node, wih all the other nodes with one link to this other node). I've been googling around without finding much. Do you have a basic example ? thanks ...

Graphviz - temporary image fails to open

Hi I just installed the Graphviz PEAR package in Cpanel and tried running the following script: (from ) [?php require_once '/home/user_directory/php/Image/GraphViz.php'; $gv = new Image_GraphViz(); $gv->addEdge(array('wake up' => 'visit bathroom')); $gv->ad...

Difference Between QuickGraph from CodePlex and CodeProject

I'm wanting to use QuickGraph to draw some graphs in C# using GraphViz. I've had a look at the libraries available from CodePlex and CodeProject. They appear to be quite different. What are the major differences between the two? ...

What language is good to write simple nice GUI apps?

Hi, I never did to much GUI programming (besides a bit of QT and Delphi). I need to write simple GUI app which would interactively visualize graphs. Very similar tool to "GraphViz GUI for Mac". What would you suggest? Thanks. ...

GraphViz and ASP.NET

I woud like to generate graphs using GraphViz and display them on an ASP.NET webpage. What is the best library to use for this? ...

How to generate multiple levels with GraphViz (Image_Graphviz interface for PHP)

Hi, i'm trying to generate the following diagram using Image_GraphViz for PEAR. However It only shows a top-level node (with the text "0") and childnodes "1", "2", "3" and "4" directly under the top-node. Am I missing something? This is the code: $gv = new Image_GraphViz(true); $gv->addEdge(array('1', '2')); $gv->addEdge...

Arched Relationship Infographic In Python

This is a very specific inforgraphic challange altough the fundemental question is how do you build archs between words using matplotlib, cario or an other python libary. Given a the following data structure. me, you, 7 | me, apple, 9 | apple, you, 1 | bike, me, 5 Names would be displayed horizontally the names with the most relation...