
graphviz: minor tweaks to make the graph look nicer

I have a test graph here that I would like to tweak to make it look nicer. Here is the graphviz (dot) source, digraph G { ranksep=0.3; size="6.0,6.0"; node [fontsize=11]; subgraph clusterA { X2 [shape=box]; node [style=filled]; 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> X2 -> 5; 6; 7; label = ...

Graphviz subgraph fixed width with unlimit height

// digraph G { graph [bb="0,0,10,1000"] node [width=1 height=0.5 fixedsize=true]; 1[shape=rectangle]; 2[shape=rectangle]; 3[shape=rectangle]; 4[shape=rectangle]; 5[shape=rectangle]; 6[shape=rectangle]; 7[shape=rectangle]; 8[shape=rectangle]; ...

graphviz: left/right align nodes instead of centering?

Is there any way to get graphviz to left-align or right-align nodes in the same rank, instead of centering? digraph h { rankdir=LR; node [shape=record,height=.08,fontsize=11]; elk[label="elk|I am an American Elk"]; buffalo[label="buffalo|Just a buffalo|everywhere I go|people know the part I'm playing"]; ...

Converting output of `hg history` into a dot file

How can I take the output of hg history and convert it into a dot file? ...

Using python graphviz ImportError: No module named _gv

Hi! I'm trying to use graphviz with python and I get the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/", line 7, in <module> import _gv ImportError: No module named _gv The system state: dpkg -l|grep graphviz ii graphviz 2.20.2-3ubuntu5 ...

How can I make Sphinx's inheritance_diagram readable?

Similar to this chap's post, I'm seeing Sphinx generate unreadable graphviz output: How can I generate readable output? Nothing happens if I add -Gfontsize=140 If I tell it to use neato instead of dot it produces readable output, but the graphs aren't tree-like. ...

Access violation where there wasn't one before

I'm P/Invoking out to Graphviz as shown here. When I wrote that blog entry, the code worked just fine. Now, I'm putting together an HttpModule that renders Graphviz graphs using that code, but I get an AccessViolationException at agmemread. // Native signature Agraph_t agmemread(char *); // P/Invoke Signature [DllImport(LIB_GRAPH)] pri...

Placing nodes vertically in Graphviz using pydot

I am using Graphviz in Python via pydot. The diagram I am making has many clusters of directed graphs. pydot is putting them next to each other horizontally resulting in an image that is very wide. How can I tell it to output images of a maximum width so that I can scroll vertically instead? ...

How to visualize an Erlang gen_fsm

Do you know of any existing tool to graphically render the diagram of an Erlang gen_fsm starting from the source code? ...

subprocess.Popen(..).communicate(..) throw away data at random when used with graphviz!

Hey all! I am using graphviz's dot to generate some svg graphs for a web application. I call dot using Popen: p = subprocess.Popen(u'/usr/bin/dot -Kfdp -Tsvg', shell=True,\ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) str = u'long-unicode-string-i-want-to-convert' (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate(str) What happends is...

Connecting arcs between lines in Dot (GraphViz)

I've got to do up a state space graph for my AI course, and I was hoping to use GraphViz to make it (so much faster than Dia). The one thing I can't seem to figure out how to do is how to do an "And" connection, which is basically an arc between two lines connecting to the same node. Is this possible? ...

Library to render Directed Graphs (similar to graphviz) on Google App Engine

I am looking for a Java or Python library that can render graphs in the Dot language as image file. The problem is that I need a library that I can use on Google App Engine. Basically I am looking for a library that can convert the text description of a directed graph into an image of the graph. For example: Covert this edge list: [A...

Family tree layout with Dot/GraphViz

I am trying to draw a family tree with Dot and GraphViz. This is what I currently have: # just graph set-up digraph simpsons { ratio = "auto" mincross = 2.0 # draw some nodes "Abraham" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ; "Mona" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ; "Clancy" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ; "Jackel...

Improving graphviz layout

Hi, I have perfection paralysis when it comes to producing something graphic. If symmetries of the visual have not been fully explored, I have a harder time comprehending what is going on. I am a very visual learner as well, and I LOVE to simplify things that I just learned and draw them on paper. Graphviz is a nice tool to draw thing a...

How to output huge dependency relationships diagram of Plone with Graphviz?

I wrote a tool for find dependency relationships behind a Python project. It is Gluttony. I run it on Plone, the result is impressive. I output the diagram with Networkx, and it looks like this: (Gee! It looks like World of Goo!) A mess! I didn't handle layout with Networkx. That's why it is a mess. The tool can output Graphviz f...

GraphViz, fixed layout when clustering

Hi, I have dot (graphviz) file with given graph which consist several nodes and edges. I would like to create a copy of that graph and cluster cluster (group) few nodes together. However whenever I am doing that the layout of the graph is changing (adopting to the cluster). Is there any way I could fix the position of the graph and the...

GraphViz, grouping the same edges

Hi, digraph G { a -> b [ label = "foo" ]; a -> b [ label = "bar" ]; } This will create two edges between 'a' and 'b' nodes. Is there a way to have only one edge (group them)? Thanks ...

Graphviz, changing the size of edge

Hi, How to change the size of edge in dot (graphviz)? I would like to make some edges "bolded". Thanks. ...

Planar Graph Layouts

What are some edge overlap minimization techniques when laying out a graph? (Preferably related to GraphViz) Also are there any existing software that can layout a graph in a planar fashion? Current Layout - The pink section in the upper left hand corner looks fine while the light blue section...

How to place edge labels ON edge in graphviz

By default in Graphviz, edge labels are placed just to the right of the edge. I'm looking for a way to place the labels OVER the edge, centred on the edge. (It'll still be readable because I'm changing the colour of the edge). Any ideas? ...