
How can I direct edge to get out of the diamond on the right?

I have a simple dot diagram to show how to perform tests. PerformTests; PerformTests<---+ PerformTests -> TestsPassed; | | TestsPassed [shape="diamond"]; v | TestsPassed -> Release [label="Yes"]; TestsPassed | TestsPas...

Installing PygraphViz on Windows, Python 2.6

Anybody out there has successfully installed PygraphViz on Windows? Since there is not an official release for Windows, I'm trying to build it myself, but it fails to compile. I'm not the first one to face this issue, but I could not find an answer. This is the console output: C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pygraphviz-0.99.1>c:\python2...

Can GraphViz be used for a graph editing GUI?

I am creating an application which will allow a developer to create a program flow-chart by selecting pre-defined functions from a ToolBox (which will show up as small graphical elements). In other words, developer will select one or more pre-defined functions (graphical elements) from ToolBox and drag-drop on the main work area. The app...

Difficulties getting GraphViz working as a library in C++

Am working on a program that will allow a graph of nodes to be displayed and then updated visually as the nodes themselves are updated. I am fairly new to Visual Studio 2010 and am following the GraphViz guide located at in order to get GraphViz working as a library. I have the following code whic...

complicated graphviz tree structure

Hello. I am trying to create a tree structure with graphviz. I am open to either writing the graphviz code by hand or using the ruby-graphviz gem for ruby. Given the below picture can anyone provide any insight on the necessary code? Ignore that the lines are not straight...they should be when graphviz builds the graph. I am open to havi...

Ruby GraphViz Binary Tree Record

I'm using the ruby-graphviz gem and I'm trying to draw binary trees. I'd like to use the record shape so that each node can have a left, middle, and right field and, thus, if there are two edges leaving a node, the left and right edges can be distinguished. I tried specifying the field by concatenating the field name like this: @node1.n...

Straight edge between clusters in Graphviz

I'm trying to have an edge between clusters in Graphviz where the edge does not affect the ranking. This looks fine: digraph { subgraph clusterX { A B } subgraph clusterY { C D } A -> B B -> C [constraint=false] C -> D } However when I add a label to the C -> D edge the B -> C edge tries to circ...

Graphviz Image Map ALT Text

Is there anyway to set the alt text on the image maps generated by graphviz using -Tcmapx? I couldn't find any node attributes in the documentation. ...

Writing contents of file to HTML page with Javascript

I'm using graphviz to generate a client side imagemap, which generates both the image file and a text file containing the map HTML code. Is there anyway I can dynamically read this file and write this map information onto the HTML page when it loads? ...

Problem with graphviz on Unix

When I'm on Unix, my graphs with graphviz are less nice. The tail or the head of the edge is not always linked to the boundary of the port. You can see the result here : <xsl:value-of select="$source"/>:<xsl:value-of select="$prot"/> -&gt; <xsl:value-of select="$destination"/...

GUI editor for DOT language (Mac OS)

Hi, i have a problem. I need to create pure diagram for my project (Django). I use django-extensions to generate DOT diagram. Diagram is very pure, but now i want to add for example comments on this diagram. It is possible to do this? Maybe anyone can advise me some software for this? ...

Calling Graphviz dot from Java

What's the best way to call an external program (graphviz's dot in this case) from a Java program and grab the output? ...

How to get balanced diagrams from graphviz?

Is there a setting in graphviz to generate balanced diagrams like this: When diagram is more complex like below - it isn't balanced like that above (4 is below **). Code to generate second diagram: graph { n1 [label="+"]; n1 -- n2; n2 [label="/"]; n2 -- n3; n3 [label="*"]; n3 -- n4; n4 [label="1"]; n3 -- n5; n5 [...

Graphviz: how to assign the same style to a group of edges?

I've got a graph that I want graphviz to layout and visualize for me. The graph has 122 edges and 123 nodes. The edges are of 4 different kinds and I want them to be visually distinguishable. However I've not yet decided what would be the best way of doing that, I'd like to play around with the dials a bit. Unfortunately I do not see any...

Indenting Java Output

I am generating a graphviz DOT file in a Java program (here is a example of what one looks like: I want to automatically indent this file based on the braces. Is there an easy way to do this in Java? Thanks! ...

How can I visualize Fortran (90 or later) source code, e.g. using Graphviz?

I've been thrown into a large Fortran project with a large number of source files. I need to contribute to this project and it would seem prudent that I first understand the source. As a first step, I'd like to visualize the interdependences between the various source files, i.e. which source files need which modules. As far as I can t...

How to draw the Graphviz "record" shape using Draw2d in a GEF editor?

Hi all, I m developing an eclipse plug-in to display graphs (an editor for graphs) using GEF/Draw2d. To do layouting for these, i plan to send the details to graphviz and get layout information to position them in the editor. I don't know how can record shapes be drawn in Draw2D, as it is not a fixed shape and can keep changing based o...

How to write custom arrowheads in Graphviz

I use Graphviz (mainly dot and fdp) to automatically generate some diagrams that I need. For these diagrams I need some special arrow heads that are not a part of the standard collection of arrows: A small black triangle inside a large white triangle, and the same with the black triangle pointing downwards. What is the best way to add s...

Where can I get a prebuilt tcldot dll for Windows?

I have built a tcl program using tcldot on MacOS. I have to supply it to someone who uses Windows 7, but I do not have development tools for Windows 7. The prebuilt binaries for graphviz at for MacOS contain what I need (at /usr/local/lib/graphviz/tcl), but I cannot find the corresponding dll in the...

Rendering directed graphs in a browser

I need to render Graphviz DOT graphs in a browser. I also need some interactive functionality such as allowing node names to be hyperlinks. I have tried using Canviz (Javascript renderer), but it doesn't handle large graphs very well. Many of my links also do not work on large graphs. ...