
Is there any greasemonkey script or addon that deletes the cookies for a particular domain everytime the tab is closed?

I don't like searching with Google while logged into Gmail because I don't want Google to have that data about me even if I have web history disabled. I've noticed that after signing out of Gmail they still leave quite a few cookies. Like the paranoid person I am I always delete cookies after using Gmail. Am I wasting my time? Would they...

Is there any reliable way of accessing specific elements of Gmail from inside a userscript?

I'd like to make a script that replaces either the Notes box in the contact page, or the sidebar of a conversation thread, with content pulled from my server, very similar to the way Rapportive ( works. I'd even like to be able to grab the email address of the person being looked at or emailed with, the way they do...

Replacing page functions via userscript in Chrome?

I've created a Greasemonkey script which replaces a page function: (function() { var oldFunc = func; func = function() { oldFunc(); // other stuff }; )(); I had always intended this script to work in both Gresemonkey and Chrome and had read that Chrome doesn't support unsafeWindow, so have been injecting th...

Fetching gmail attachments directly from server without imap

I am writing a firefox greasemonkey script which is supposed to run inside gmail and allow users to submit all attachments from a gmail conversation thread to my server. I only see two ways of doing this currently. Ask user to authenticate and fetch via users imap/pop3 access directly from my server. I will have complete access to use...

Greasemonkey script for changing "inbox" to "test" at yahoo mail

Hi all, with Greasemonkey script, I would like to change the link "inbox" to "test", it's probably in AJAX. How to do it? Ram Update from OP remark, below: Well i'm a newbie, could some one please write the script to change the word "inbox" to "test" on yahoo mail? (Andy's script didn't work for me) ...

How can I discover what JavaScript function is called when clicking on something on a page?

I'm trying to deconstruct part of Gmail and can't seem to be able to find what is happening (what functions are called) when a specific button is clicked. I used Google Chrome's inspector and found the HTML for the button: <tbody id=":8y" class="vC " idlink="" role="option" aria-labelledby=":8x :8w"><tr class="vI"><td><img class="vt SF...

HTML 5 audio tags not appearing in GreaseMonkey

I'm working on my first GM script, to replace the Flash previews on with HTML 5 audio tags, and to add a download link to search results. I have the latter working fine, but I can't get the audio tag to display in Firefox 3.5.9. Here's my script: // ==UserScript== // @name FreeSound HTML 5 Preview // @...

Parse Greasemonkey metadata and/or grab comments from within a function

function blah(_x) {\/\/\s*@version\s+(.*)\s*\n/i)); } function foobar() { // ==UserScript== // @version // ==/UserScript== blah(arguments.callee); } foobar(); Is there any way to do this using JavaScript? I want to detect the version number / other attributes in a Greasemonkey...

Javascript text range in firefox + greasemonkey

Hello, i m a beginner but i need a script that could help me in some pages. I need a script that analazizes the text in the page and if there is the word that i m searching for it shows a popoup, if not does nothing. here s the code but it doesn t work with firefox because the text range function is only for IE (probably won t work eithe...

How do I get the jQuery-UI version?

This should be an easy question, but how do I detect the jQuery-UI version? This is for a Greasemonkey script and the (current) target page appears to be running jQuery-UI, 1.5.2. But, different target pages may run different versions. console.log ($.ui); did not show anything useful/obvious for version detection. ...

Local file access and compiling a greasemonkey script to xpi

I want to provide some functionality through an extension. This requires (read and execute) access to some resource files (an mp3 file, a swf file and two js). I know user scripts cannot access local files and I need an extension (add-on) to do that. But can I start by writing a greasemonkey script and compiling it to a xpi? How should...

Plugin to automate multiple searching?

Is there a Firefox plugin I can use to help automate multiple searches? i.e. I have a list of keyword combinations and I want to automatically paste each combination into a form like below and open each search in a new tab The actual website I'm using is ISI Web of Science. It has a sim...

add setters getters recursively

I realise that this is something that should probably not be so awkward but I'm still having trouble with the setters/getters.. It isn't so much the getters/setters programmatically, more getting the recursion multiple levels deep correct. Long story short I want to define a bunch of default settings, then add getters/setters that retri...

Injecting JS in Google Chrome's page with variables from the userscript?

Hello, I am having a script that used unsafeWindow in FireFox, since that did not work, I have searched for another option, and found it, I am only wondering: How can I use a variable from my userscript into the unsafeWindow workaround? My code is: // ==UserScript== // @name Test // @description Test // @include*...

How to copy and paste values from an input type="button"?

I have to copy and paste the values of input type="button" (ie value="1.25", value="3.50") from a lot of pages. Is it possible using jquery or greasemonkey? <td> <input type="button" onmouseout="btnGiocataOut(this)" onmouseover="btnGiocataOver(this)" onclick="aggiungiScommessa(6659, 12, 22, 1, 125)" value="1.25" class="ris"> </td> ...

Override default jQuery selector context

I'm trying to use jQuery inside a Firefox extension, and actually want to use jQuery to manipulate the DOM of the current page, as opposed to the context of the XUL file. Thus, I load jQuery in my XUL file, and pass it to some of my scripts in a sandbox (using the Greasemonkey extension compiler

Use jQuery+Greasemonkey to add a link to the bottom bar of Google Reader items.

I'm using this project as a learning opportunity and will probable be asking some easy questions. Luckily I'm not afraid to look stupid. :-) I've got jQuery loaded into a GreaseMonkey script. Time to start learning jQ. How do I go about adding a link to the bottom of Google Reader posts after the tag section? ...

How can I improve my first user script?

I wrote my first Greasemonkey user script to find logo requests on the college-football subreddit. One wrinkle is having to search for the appropriate stylesheet, and then once found, I look through the selectorText attributes of documents.styleSheets[i].cssRules for known usernames. At first, I used the following code to search for us...

Implementing a lock using GM_getValue GM_setValue

I've got a greasemonkey script that, when it runs, checks to see if an update is available, and prompts the user to download the update if so. This normally works fine, except that if a user opens multiple tabs simultaneously (say, on starting the browser, or using "Open All in Tabs" for a bookmark folder), the greasemonkey script will ...

Form File-Upload from URL or Data-URL?

Hi! Can I use an <input type="file"> field with an (data)URL? I would need something like this in an Greasemonkey-script, but it seems impossible. Or is there some way? The only working alternative seems at the moment trying to write a proxy, which replaces the file-field with an text-field for an URL, so the proxy can download the fil...