
how to add checkbox to a custom grid?

I am having a custom grid control, where each cell is entered with values., I need to add a control (checkbox) to the cells of the grid which i wish., Whats the best method to do that? From the custom grid i could get the cell location etc. ...

[Ext-Gwt (Gxt) Grid] Setting Record Data resets ToggleButton

Hi All, I am facing a strange problem. I have created a normal ext-gwt grid with two columns. One column displays a number and the other renders a ToggleButton. As soon as the ToggleButton gets pressed a small window appears with: 1- a textfield (to enter a number), 2- an ok button. When the ok button is pressed the column containing th...

ASP.NET Gridview paging does not work if the grid is not loaded during Page_load. Tried all methods

Hi, I have a gridview which I load with data on click of a button. For some reason the paging did not work. The paging number shows up but clicking on page # 2, 3 or 4 does not take you anywhere. the grid just disappears on clicking them. right after that when i click the button to generate the grid, the grid came up this time the gird ...

How to select 12 rows of a given result set for use in DataGrid/Paging? Need to override Grid default caching.

I have a SQL query that will return over 10,000 rows. Since the client only will view 12 rows at a time, how do I alter my SQL so that I can select just the needed rows? My expectation is that I'll requery the database each time the user clicks on the grid. My solution is based on the demo below, however I'm trying to make this work w...

Place grid over map using CSS?

I have a world map image. I would like to place a SQUARE GRID over the entire map. I would like each square (cell grid) to change via mouseover with a border color change and background color change. The grid needs to be layered over the map, transparent except the borders (which is the grid). Can I achieve this using CSS or there a ...

ExtJS - Open tab through clicking on link in GridPanel (column renderer)

Hi, I created link in the grid panel, so that when I click on the link and it will open another tab in the tab panel. Currently I render the column cell output into html href with onClick event. But it seems that got error when the renderer method openrender() call the other method newtab(), which showing error function newtab() cannot b...

ExtJS: how can we get the size of the store in a grid

Hi, I am trying to get the size of the store I am using in the grid. But I am not able to find any method to get the size of the store(number of records in the grid). Could anyone plz help, how can I achieve this. Thanks, Neha ...