
Fill screen with a fixed column/row gridview

Hi, I want a GridView, or other view more suitable, that fills the full screen size. It should have 3 columns and 4 rows. Each cell should contain an image. If it is a big screen the grid size (3x4) should not change. Instead should each cell expand and each image as well. If it is a small size screen cell and photo should reduce in siz...

With the ASP.NET GridView control, how can I disable controls or individual cells in a GridViewRow after PageIndexChanged?

I have a data bound GridView control, in which I am able to disable individual cells based on the User role. This only works on the first page. private void LimitAccessToGridFields() { if (User.IsInRole("Processing")) return; foreach (GridViewRow gridViewRow in gvScrubbed.Rows) { var checkBox = (...

DropDownList.SelectedIndexChanged renders a code generated GridView incorrectly (doubles, triples, etc...)

Hi Guys, I have a dropdownlist that controls the contents of 3 gridview controls. These are used in a webpart. However, every time the selectedindexchanged method of the dropdownlist fires an event, the contents of the dependent gridviews adds another rendering of a gridview. Hence, it doubles and even triples the contents of those grid...

Link Button have some Problems

I have one ASP.NET application which includes one gridview. This gridview contains 4 template columns of checkboxes and 2 template columns of link buttons. If I click on the first checkbox, then both of the link buttons should be enabled, otherwise they should be in disabled mode. This functionality is working fine. But my problem is, at...

Databind only 3 columns of a table in Gridview

Hey i have a simple ASP.NET application Table with this schema: id | Owner | Customer | SentOn | Deleted |. I want the gridview to show only Owner | Customer | SentOn columns of the DataTable which is inside the DataSet. How can i do this? Note: I want to do this programmatic without any dataSource Controls. I want to display CheckBox...

ASP.NET WebForms - How to set colspan for header row in the GridView?

Hi everyone! I want to set colspan for the header row in the grid view to look the same as on the image below: Html code is: <html> <body> <table border="1"> <tr> <th colspan=2>Header</th> </tr> <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> ...

Sorting a ListView by deriving GridViewColumnHeader

I am trying to implement a ListView with a GridView with sortable columns. To sort the ListView I hook up the Click event for the GridViewColumnHeaders and adding SortDescriptors to the default view source (similar to what is done in MSDN). Something like this: <ListView ItemsSource="MY ITEMS SOURCE BINDING"> <ListView.View> ...

Eval/Bind TimeOfDay property without milliseconds?

Hi all, I'm trying to format the following: <%# Bind("TimeOfDay","{0:HH:mm:ss}") %> <%# Eval("TimeOfDay","{0:HH:mm:ss}") %> <%# Bind("TimeOfDay","{0:HH:mm:ss tt}") %> But using either of those returns time as following: 08:33:08.1430000 How can I only get the 08:33:08 part? Thanks, EtonB. ...

How to change values of Fields in GridView/RadGrid EditTemplate when a chkBox is checked?

When a 'Update' is clicked the row shows the Edititem mode. I have a check box that when it is 'clicked' I want the other fields to dissapear/become read-only. How can this be done client or server side? My best guess is for server side I have something like this below.. but then in the event how do I get access to those items in ed...

ASP.Net DataGrid OnCheckChanged Event Row Information

When using a GridView, not in edit mode, is there a way to get ANY information to the Event in the CodeBehind. I would really like to be able to use the same thing that is used on button with CommandArgument But it dosent have anything like that on a checkbox. I could of course just use images, but I shouldnt have to, there should be an ...

Display text in multiline inside a grid view in

I am using a grid view in my application. In one column i need to display description(minimum 5 characters. Maximum 255 characters).i am using a label to hold description in that grid view. But my problem is that if the description is larger it stretches in the browser and show it in one line. I want to display description in m...

Checkboxes to select an entry in a grid (GWT)

Hello. Basically, I want to create a table like this: I created a grid, and added the text values, and the checkboxes. Exactly like in your email box, where you select some mails, and delete them or mark spam. This is what I have done till now: Grid grid = new Grid(4, 3); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { ...

set value of dropdown lists in Gridview with javascript

I have a dropdownlist and a gridview with a drop down list in every row. I have removed other cols in Grid for simplicity. Whenever a new value in the dropdownlist is selected I would like to set all of the dropdownlists in the gridview to that same value via javascript. (Yea both the dropdownlist outside the gird and the ones inside t...

How can I use jquery tablesorter with an gridview?

I'm trying to add sorting of a gridview using the tablesorter plugin. However, the gridview does not render the THEAD and TBODY tags. Is there a way to get it to add them? ...

GridView with images from xml file in the web

Hi!!! I'm trying to show some images which URLs are in an XML file that you can find it on the web. I've tried the gridview and it worked, I've tried to show an image from the XML file and it worked, but when I put both together, it doesn't work!! I don't know the reason. Any help please? The code is: package com.examples.xmlparser; ...

Gridview Update changing my update parameter?

Hi all, I have a Gridview where I can modify the Time portion of a DateTime field. The update method is working well, except for one thing: The field should only allow the time portion, e.g 08:23:09 but on the Database it saves it as a full DateTime, e.g 10/18/2010 08:23:09 AM. The problem is that upon editing, instead of adding the ex...

Need to remove the border from gridview header

I have created a custom gridview that show "Select All | Clear All" hyper links in header to select the checkboxes in the gridview. That means that I have added these two hyperlink controls to the gridview header and am not showing the actual column headers. private void CreateMyHeader() { GridViewRow row = new GridViewRow(0,...

can anyone help me please - validator in modal popup prevent my button from postback

i m using .net 3.5 with c# and ajax control toolkit i have a very strange problem for some reasons i m forced to use the following solution i have a situation that includs a validation control inside a usercontrol that is loaded on the page using a modalpopup when i click a button from inside a gridview the problem is that t...

problem with RowCommand in GridView

Hi, have this weird problem with the first click of a row item in a gridview where it doesnt fire. Im loading up a user control dynamically into a placeholder. After the first click fails, subsequent clicks are fine, and the RowCommand event fires. Any suggestions appreciated protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) ...

How to add a class to a GridView using attributes..

Hi, i want to add items to a gridview in from a custom class. The class has Properties X and Y. Does anyone know if im able to add special attributes to these properties so i can just add the class and not have to muck around? eg.. [Column("Name")] public string Name { get; set; } Ideally i can then write something like.. th...