
Dropdownlist to Filter GridView

I have tried different examples to filter a gridview by dropdownlist, but is it possible in a button on_click event? Do i create something like a SelectedItem on each dropdown and have them added to the button event? Sorry to be so vague....I would like to have the dropdowns with a selectedvalue and then add them together to perform a ...

How to format a number string in gridview?

In C# I have a processing time number data column in the database which is in in this format "###" or "##" ( eg: "813" or "67") When I bind it to the grid view I wanted to display it in this format "0.###" (eg: "0.813" or "0.067") I tried using {0:0.000} and other formatings. But none seem to work. Can anyone tell me how to write the ...

ASP.NET GridView second header row to span main header row

I have an ASP.NET GridView which has columns that look like this: | Foo | Bar | Total1 | Total2 | Total3 | Is it possible to create a header on two rows that looks like this? | | Totals | | Foo | Bar | 1 | 2 | 3 | The data in each row will remain unchanged as this is just to pretty up the header and decrease the ho...

Interleave row/column colors in a GridView

Suppose you have a GridView with a few columns like: | Foo | Bar | Total | and you use a style sheet to make the alternating rows different colors, say light blue and white. Is there a good way to make a particular column alternate in a different color? For example, I might want the Total column to alternate in medium and light red t...

Dynamic Columns and Data Sources with .NET Grid View

I am working on a multi-purpose page and rather than adding multiple grids to the same page we wanted to use a single GridView to the page, and on Page_Init add the needed columns, and set the respective DataSourceID. So to do this, we have something like the following in the aspx, the codebehind in the Page_Init is very simple adding a...

ASP.NET GridView Newbie Questions About TFOOT and TH

Greetings! I'm still learning about the GridView control and I have one bound to an ObjectDataSource. My Web form looks like this: <asp:GridView ID="ourGrid" runat="server" DataSourceID="ourDataSource" onrowdatabound="ourGrid_RowDataBound" HeaderStyle-CssClass="header_style" AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="altrow_style" ...

How to define CellPadding in GridView in ASP.NET

I autoformat a GridView in ASP.NET. It looks nice but the headers all run together like this: idfirstNamelastNameage I set CellPadding="5" but it does nothing. How can I set the cell padding of the headers and all cells? A D D E N D U M : Thanks Andrew, I fixed it with this. Works in Firefox and Explorer 7: .gridview2 tr td { ...

how to convert Gridview to Datatable

Hi all I am using GridView in my application for populating datas. Is there any easy way to copy a gridview to datatable ? Actually, in my GridView one of the control is textbox. So I can edit that control at any time... What I need is on the button click whatever changes I made in GridView has to copy in one datatable... I did this...

C# Add HyperLinkColumn to GridView

Hi, I'm trying to add HyperLinkColumns dynamically to my GridView. I have the following code: HyperLinkColumn objHC = new HyperLinkColumn(); objHC.DataNavigateUrlField = "title"; objHC.DataTextField = "Link text"; objHC.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = "id, title"; objHC.DataTextFormatString = "{2}"; GridView1.Columns.Add(objHC); This...

Multiple DataKeyNames in a GridView

I have a GridView populated from an ObjectDataSource with two items in its DataKeyNames field. One is the primary key, ID, the other is a category field (the category field is used to add header rows to delineate categories). Displaying works fine, but I'm trying to create a Delete action. The object's delete method only needs the ID ...

WPF: Check/Uncheck all checkbox for checkboxes located in gridview cell template?

I'm trying to create a check/uncheck all CheckBox for a number of CheckBoxes that are located inside the cell template of a GridViewColumn. I added this column to a GridView (along with other columns), set the GridView to the view property of a ListView, and then databound the ListView to a collection of custom DataObjects. So, each row ...

c# gridview row click

When i click on a row in my gridview, i want to go to a other page with the id i get from the database. In my RowCreated event i have the following line: e.Row.Attributes.Add("onClick", ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(this.grdSearchResults, "Select$" + e.Row.RowIndex)); To prevent error messages i have this code: protected ...

How to choose a databindable grid control

I recently started working with ASP.NET 3.5, having previously worked with C# and WinForms (mostly .NET 1.1) for about 6 years. My head spins every time I need allow the user to view, add/remove or edit a list of items. This is due to the similarities, and differences, of the following controls DataGrid GridView ListView DataList Ca...

Ajax GridView

Hi I am looking for a Ajax Grid control that can be used easily for binding data using js methods. I have tried using the GridView in AjaxDataControls, and its okay - but i am also looking for multiple select support in the gridView. Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

How to bind a GridView to a list of multiple types?

I get this error: System.Reflection.TargetException: Object does not match target type. when trying to bind a List<IEvent> where an IEvent can be an appointment, a birthday, or a few other calendar related event types. ...

Can the PostbackUrl be set for a GridView CommandField?

I have a GridView control on my page that I have defined a number of BoundFields for. Each row of the databound GridView has a CommandField (Select), for which I want to send the PostBack to a new page. Of course I could easily send the NewSelectedIndex in a QueryString, but I'd rather keep that information hidden from the user. Sugge...

A question about datasource objects in

When using DataSources in applications, paging and sorting along with GridView only works out of the box when using DataSet, DataTable, DataViews if you are using anything else you need to implement methods that perform paging as well as partial data retrieval from the datasource. I dont know many design nowadays that pass around...

Converting an asp:ButtonField to an asp:TemplateField in a GridView Control

I currently have a gridview that has an asp:ButtonField as one of the columns. The event handler for the command extracts the row id of the gridview from the command argument and uses that to perform some logic. I now need to switch to using a template field for this column, and want to do something like this: <asp:TemplateField HeaderT...

Wrapping GridView text without a visible space

I have a GridView with several fields, one of which can potentially have a crazy wide value in it like this: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa If that sort of thing is in the field, I want it to wrap. I can easily insert a character in code every 50 characters or so...but what ...

ASP.NET GridView "Client-Side Confirmation when Deleting" stopped working on ie - how come?

A few months ago, I have programmed an ASP.NET GridView with a custom "Delete" LinkButton and Client-Side JavaScript Confirmation according to this msdn article: (published in April 2007) or e.g. The c...