
Ruby system command not working outside console

I am trying to run growlnotify from inside a ruby script. The command I am using is this system("growlnotify Test -m message"). If I use the terminal to execute the script it works fine. If I use Textmate to run the script or Geektool (the eventual target of the script) it does not ever run the growlnotify part. Each other part of the...

how to start growl via the command line

I have a bash script that uses growlnotify to send notifications. However, growlnotify doesn't work if Growl isn't already running, and it won't auto start Growl if it needs it, either. So I want to be able to check if Growl is running, and then start it if it isn't. I'm thinking of doing something like: g=$(ps -e | grep Growl | grep -v...

getting global name not defined error

i have the following class class notify(): def __init__(self,server="localhost", port=23053): = server self.port = port register = gntp.GNTPRegister() register.add_header('Application-Name',"SVN Monitor") register.add_notification("svnupdate",True) growl(register) de...

nlog with Growl for Windows target

I am trying to use the target which can be found I have the nlog framework working as before I add the config lines for growl all works fine. The config file is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-proje...

Adding Growl notifications after Rake tasks are finished

Is there a way to add Growl notifications to the end of all Rake tasks? I initially thought of creating a task that Growls, and adding it as a dependency to tasks I want alerts from, but realized the dependencies get run before the task begins. Is there a way to add tasks to be run after certain Rake tasks are finished? It'd be really...

Rails autotest with ubuntu and remote growl

I am using ubuntu to develop my rails apps in a virtual machine and I want to send growl notifications in my windows which is in a LAN (growl exists in windows also). I wrote a simple script to send notifications from ubuntu to windows remotely and it worked perfectly (with the ruby-growl gem), but I was wondering if autotest/growl sup...

Can modipyd run Doctests?

When doing quick scripts I like to use DocTests to make things a bit quicker, recently I saw someone using autospec at a recent DevCon I attended when they were introducing us to the concept of CodeKata. I spent the train ride home looking for a Python equivalent of Autospec & found modipyd, but I'm struggling to get it to run my doctes...