
Growl like notifications in Flex

Has anyone heard of a library to achieve such an effect in flex apps ? Otherwise it just be a simple panel with some skinning, fading effect and a timer. ...

Growl Notifications from a Web Server

Hi, I notice that Growl allows for the possibility of Growl notifications from a website. Has anyone tried implementing this? If so, what form did it take? Did you implement multi user support? And, can you provide any code examples (C# or Objective-C would preferable but I'm not that fussed)? Rich ...

Possible to send growl message with javascript?

Is it possible to post a growl notification to the user's computer with javascript? This will be only on an intranet application so security is not a major concern. Additionally it will be limited to only Mac users with Safari or Firefox. Thanks. ...

Is it possible to send a growl message to another user on the same computer on OSX?

My app currently uses growl to send the occasional message to the user, which works great when I am developing it. But once it is run as a in production, as a system-level Launch Daemon under a different user, the growl messages no longer appear. So, the question: Is it possible to send a growl message to another user on the same compu...

Ruby system command not working outside console

I am trying to run growlnotify from inside a ruby script. The command I am using is this system("growlnotify Test -m message"). If I use the terminal to execute the script it works fine. If I use Textmate to run the script or Geektool (the eventual target of the script) it does not ever run the growlnotify part. Each other part of the...

Is there a way to update a jgrowl message?

Is there a way using jgrowl(or any other growl like popup) to update a message if it hasn't been removed yet and if it has been removed just simply add it like normal? ...

Can't add (Growl) Framework to Release version of my App

Hello everybody! I've created a new App and want to test ist in release Version. So I copied the Growl Framework to my ProjectFolder and added into XCode. Then I copied the new files in the Target to my Project and copied the growl.framework to the new "Copy Files" Framework folder in "Targets". When i debug my Project, its all right, ...

Cross-platform desktop notifier in Python

I am looking for Growl-like, Windows balloon-tip-like notifications library in Python. Imagine writing code like: >>> import desktopnotifier as dn >>> dn.notify('Title', 'Long description goes here') .. and that would notify with corresponding tooltips on Mac, Windows and Linux. Does such a library exist? If not, how would I go about ...

OS X firewall popup about growlnotify keeps popping up

I have autotest setup with growlnotify using growl_glue (version 1.0.7): require 'growl_glue' GrowlGlue::Autotest.initialize do |config| config.notification :use_network_notifications => true end growl version is 1.2 each time autotest runs and displays the notification growl popup I also get an OS X firewall popup asking Do you wa...

how to start growl via the command line

I have a bash script that uses growlnotify to send notifications. However, growlnotify doesn't work if Growl isn't already running, and it won't auto start Growl if it needs it, either. So I want to be able to check if Growl is running, and then start it if it isn't. I'm thinking of doing something like: g=$(ps -e | grep Growl | grep -v...

Get domain user from IPAddress or Hostname in .Net

We're trying to implement a custom solution for Growl for Windows. We tell the Growl client to subscribe to notifications from our server. The server then gets a message from the client via the GNTP (Growl messaging protocol). We require the name of the user logged into the client machine in order to do database lookups. The GNTP does no...

growl example windows 7

I grabbed the growl for .NET on this page i ran the examples and nothing happened. Am i suppose to do something before running the example? I am using windows 7. ...

Equivalent to Android's Toast or Mac OSX Growl in Java Swing?

Hi all, Looking for a means of displaying transient, non-modal dialogs in a Swing application. In other words, I'd like to pop up a semi-transparent box with some text in it that can be immediately dismissed, or will fade away in a set amount of time. Is there a library to do this? I don't want to reinvent the wheel if it already exi...

Ruby gem for Growl

I'm looking for a gem that's able to send Growl notifications and receive a click-event on the notification. There are some gems available but the problem is none of them seem to be compatible with Ruby 1.9. Any suggestions? ...

file path error (WINDOWS) with autotest growl ( REvised)

hey all im going through the setup on and im stuck on this particular error: ERROR READOUT: What i can see being the tell-tale issue here is the No such file or directory - Files/rubygems-1.3.7/rails_projects/sample_app/spec/controllers...

autospec goes to sleep straight away

Hi, I've installed growl and autospec on mv Mac OSX and had autospec running yesterday. But now it goes to sleep after it runs the tests for the first time. Does anyone know of this error/feature? Thanks Rim EDIT: It depends on which file I edit. It's not listening to all the files in my app/ directory. EDIT EDIT: I'm following this...

Growl Python binding with Click feedback?

Hi, I'm trying to use Growl Python binding to write a small application. One of the feature that's currently missing is the click notification sent to Python. I know in Objective-C, when a user click the notification, it will send the trigger to the running application. I'd like to do the similar thing in Python binding. When a user c...

Growl notification C

Is it possible to send a Growl message in a C program? ...

Adding Growl notifications after Rake tasks are finished

Is there a way to add Growl notifications to the end of all Rake tasks? I initially thought of creating a task that Growls, and adding it as a dependency to tasks I want alerts from, but realized the dependencies get run before the task begins. Is there a way to add tasks to be run after certain Rake tasks are finished? It'd be really...

Rails autotest with ubuntu and remote growl

I am using ubuntu to develop my rails apps in a virtual machine and I want to send growl notifications in my windows which is in a LAN (growl exists in windows also). I wrote a simple script to send notifications from ubuntu to windows remotely and it worked perfectly (with the ruby-growl gem), but I was wondering if autotest/growl sup...