
Automating an application

I've always wondered the best way to automate use of a GUI in windows. When I was about 15, I wrote a little application that used some simple Windows API functions to automatically click on certain locations on the screen based on a script. This could be used to automate GUI applications, but surely it's not the best way. So, my quest...

getting JSlider bar to move on mouse click event

Hi, I have a JSlider which shows bet sizes (for a poker game) I am trying to achieve the effect that when a mouse click occurs the slider jumps forward by a bet amount (i.e. a big blind amount) rather than just incrementing by one. If the mouse click happens to the left of the bar i want it to decrement by a fixed amount else increment...

GUI freezing after datagridviews have been updated using backgroundworkers

I have made an application which runs three backgroundworkers simultaneously. It basically updates three datagridviews, which it is doing spot on. My problem is if I press maximizebox button or anywhere in any of the datagridview the program hangs for quite a long time. I am able to use the horizontal scroll but not vertical scrolls. I h...

C# slider control but - music studio style

I'm about to implement a slider control component in .NET that's along the lines of a music recording control. With the timebased equalizer graph, and with the abilities of a regular slider. How to go about this? ...

Dynamically sizing Views as a percentage (or similar)?

To use as an example: lets say that I have 2 EditTexts and one Button that I'm using as a login form. I want the EditTexts to be the same size, one after the other, with the login Button half their widths. Something like this: The only way that I've been able to find to make the button 1/2 the width (but still maintain it's dynamic si...

Blackberry stopwatch implementation

I'm trying to write a blackberry app that is basically a stopwatch, and displays lap times. First, I'm not sure I'm implementing the stopwatch functionality in the most optimal way. I have a LabelField (_myLabel) that displays the 'clock' - starting at 00:00. Then you hit the start button and every second the _myLabel field gets updated ...

C# equivalent to Objective-C's addSubview

Hi, Does C# (WinForms) support adding a view or control to another control? Could anyone give me an example? Thanks in advance. I use this code in Objective-C. [aView addSubview:anotherView]; ...

How did the Lunar Lander example make the image backgrounds transparent?

Hello. I'm trying to make a GUI program with the Android SDK, using their Lunar Lander example as a significant self-teaching tool in the process. I've noticed their sprites' images' backgrounds, which were at least usually pure white, did not show up in their program. I want to ask how they did that, since their site doesn't explain ...

Set property of NumericStepper declared as UIComponent

I have a NumericStepper declared as a UIComponent: <![CDATA[ private var component:UIComponent; component = new NumericStepper(); ]]> I need to change the .maximum value of the NumericStepper but due to the UIComponent not having a .maximum property the following code fails with the error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property m...

Java Simple ActionListener Questions

I have a main class in a program that launches another class that handles all the GUI stuff. In the GUI, i have a button that i need to attach an ActionListener to. The only problem is, the code to be executed needs to reside within the main class. How can i get the ActionPerformed() method to execute in the main class when a button is...

Drawing graphics on top of a JButton

I have a situation wherein I have a bunch of JButtons on a GridLayout. I need each of the JButtons to have: a background image (but retain the ability to keep the default button look if needed) custom graphics drawn on top by other classes I have no trouble with the background image, since I am using setIcon() but I am having problem...

Java - Problem in JTree

There are 2 JTree: JTree1 and JTree2. Note that the nodes (country, city, colors, blue ...) all will be implemented as JCheckboxes so that user can select particular colors for each city or for the whole country by selecting their corresponding checkboxes. Problem: Q1. I want that each country or city can have its own colors selected...

Lookin' for a container and memory pool solution...

In an embedded program I have a screen object that needs to manage a list of items to display. The initial list of items will be pulled from a simple DB on screen load and the list will be updated via "Add" and "Remove" events. This list needs to be sorted according to certain criteria. I am looking of a container class that can help me ...

Split a complex GUI window into several files in Netbeans

After building the application GUI, I realised it was a little bit too complex and I could reuse some of the Swing components. The result is a complex class with many anidated JPanels. My question is: does Netbeans provide a way to split a JPanel and its children components into a different class? If I do it by hand, will the GUI desig...

UI Design tool for android

Can anyone please suggest any good GUI Design Tool apart from Droiddraw? ...

Can a QT window be completely styled, including the menu bar when running on Windows 7 or Vista?

I noticed that the sample apps from QT show their menu bar as opaque, and with a color that doesn't match any of the styling on the window. It seems as if the windows being created by QT when running on Vista or Windows 7 don't pick up the translucency that are no the mainstay of the new Windows look and feel. Is there a way to override ...

Cross-platform GUI language/toolkit

I am attempting to write a cross-platform GUI application that would be deployed to Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. My requirements are: Single code base for all three deployment platforms, without a large amount of conditional logic for handling differences between platforms. Looks as close to "native" as possible on all three platform...

Seeking good examples of report data selection user-interface

In an ongoing attemt to reinvent the wheel only when necessary, I am looking for good examples of user interfaces for data selection for reports. I hope to see examples raising the bar above the following: ...

Resize entire QTableWidget (not columns or rows)

Probabaly a newbie question here. Is there a way for the user to drag resize QTableWidget? My QTableWidget is nested inside a tab widget, therefore it is not a window by itself. I tried implementing a QSizeGrip, but when I drag resize the grip the entire window resizes and not just the table. ...

Equivalent of PostMessage in C# to synchronize with the main thread with MVVM?

I must be retarded with searching, because here's another seemingly common problem that I haven't been able to solve. Here's my problem -- I am using WPF and MVVM, and I have a statemachine that executes in the model. If an error occurs, I need to pass information up to the ViewModel to display the error. This part seems to work okay....