
Does anyone know of a good framework or application to rapidly build front-ends for MySQL and PHP based web applications?

Can anyone recommend a good, visually attractive PHP framework or application to rapidly create back office / admin interfaces to MySQL based applications. I generally have to build bespoke back office UIs for every PHP web based application I write and wondered if there is an easier way of quickly building a web front-end to MySQL data...

Proper model-view-controller design

I have a Java project that I'm trying to implement with a model-view-controller design. I have the backbone of all of the components established. I'm having some trouble deciding on how to connect it all together, particularly the view and the controller. I have a class called MainView that extends JFrame. I have various other classe...

Design: Handling mouse events dependent on modifiers...

Apologies if this is a bit of a vague question with no proper answer. Please move/close it if it's not in the right place. I've written a few relatively trivial GUIs in WxWidgets and Qt, and I'm persistently unsure how to architecturally handle the following situations: You catch a mouse event to do something to a graphical object in...

Which GUI framework to learn when you know scripting and HCI

I have some knowledge about Human computer interaction and some basic knowledge programming scripts (Python) that run from start to finish and automate some tasks I want to do or calculations. In the past I built interfaces in HTML with PHP behind it. I would like my python scripts to evolve from the command line and build some applicat...

Blackberry storm 9530 tracing touch events while scrolling

hey in my screen there is a an edit field and 2 custom button fields as "OK" and "CANCEL" Below buttonfield there are some more focussable label fields when i write a name in edit field and press enter then focus comes to "OK" button but how to set focus on "CANCEL" button. Moreover while scrolling the focus does not automatically mov...

Tool for making quick UI drafts

I'm looking for a tool that can be used for sketching UI (specifically web UI). The sketches/drafts can look as simple as if it was drawn by hand on a whiteboard. Preferably, this tool should be free/open-source and run on Linux as well as on Windows, but this is not a must. Could you recommend? ...

Flash GUI Interface Hud

Hi, I would like to create a main menu and a hud within the application that stores and displays user information. Buttons like sound and main menu options should exist.. Now i cant seem to find any examples of how to create this user interface / hud. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks, CS4 AS3 ...

How to design a user user interface for high latency conditions?

Hi all, Working on an application that controls a remote robot where there is the potential for significant delay between pressing a button and that action actually happening. Furthermore, there is the potential that the command did not successfully reach the intended recipient after all (due to network unreliability, etc.). Additional...

Python GUI framework for Mac OS X

I'm trying to find a good "python GUI framework" for Mac OS X, but I haven't found anything good until now, only wxWidgets which I don't like and it's also unstable. Any suggestions? ...

Make Android Activity looks like dialog

Hi, I am trying to open a dialog on widget click. I have solved the problem skinning the activity started on click with android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog". Unfortunately I cannot reach the same look of a dialog. This is the outcome: while I would like to reach this result (except for the but...

Java JFrame pack() issue

Hi guys I am attempting to overlay images on top of a background image using the standard java utilities. See the pictures below... I have code that seems to create the background image (can you verify that it really works?) And I have created an extension of JPanel that I use to display images (the class is called ImagePanel) However...

How do I set up QtDesigner for a project that has animated elements?

I'm writing a project to simulate creatures moving around a map. These can be represented by simple circles, but I need a map/grid and those circles animated on top of the map. What elements should I use in QtDesigner to set up for this kind of GUI in my project? I've yet to do anything like this before ...

Java Simple Question about working with JPanels

Just a quick question here. I have a program in which I need to create a number of JPanels, which will then each contain some objects (usually JLabels). There are a few operations that I have to do each time i create a new JPanel, and I'm wondering if the order in which I do them has any bearing, or if there is a standard practice. Th...

fastest way to draw a screen buffer on the iphone

I have a "software renderer" that I am porting from PC to the iPhone. what is the fastest way to manually update the screen with a buffer of pixels on the iphone? for instance in windows the fastest function I have found is SetDIBitsToDevice. I don't know much about the iphone, or the libraries, and there seem to be so many layers and...


Maybe it is to much to ask... I want to make a online WYSIWYG HTML / CSS builder where the graphic designer can build a website template without knowing CSS /HTML. For that purpose there should be a GUI to build a website template. That means HTML and CSS are created out of the choices selected in the GUI. http://www.constructyourcss....

Where to specify window component's position?

I created module in netBean platform, then I created window component there, and I want to specify default position in main window. For exapmle position "editor". Where I can do it? ...

Linking a qtDesigner .ui file to python/pyqt?

So if I go into QtDesigner and build a UI, it'll be saved as a .ui file. How can I make this as a python file or use this in python? ...

Best way to animate a circle moving around a screen in Qt?

If I wanted to, using Qt, simply have some circles move around in a white box, or a graphic, what would be the best method of this? Would I need to draw white/the graphic behind where the circle moved from every time? Is there a simple way of accomplishing this in Qt? ...

Code a timer in a python GUI in TKinter

I need to code a program with GUI in python (I'm thinking of using TKinter, 'cause it's easy, but I'm open to suggestions). My major problem is that I don't know how to code a timer (like a clock... like 00:00:00,00 hh:mm:ss,00 ) I need it to update it self (that's what I don't know how to do) ...

Google App Engine UI Widgets

Are there any UI widgets available to the python side of Google App Engine? I'd like something like the collapsed/expanded views of Google Groups threads. Are these type things limited to the GWT side? ...