
Do Character User Interfaces have a future?

We've got products built both with GUI and CHUI. Going forward, we're looking at redesigning a lot of our software and mainly taking the route of going all GUI. My question to the group is, do we need to account for keeping a CHUI around? What are the advantages of CHUI over GUI? Many times in the past people have said that CHUI is faste...

Browser-based application or stand-alone GUI app?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find it. What are the benefits/limitations of using a browser-based interface for a stand-alone application vs. using a normal GUI framework? I'm working on a Python program currently implement with wxPython for the GUI. The application is simply user-entry forms and dialogs. I am consi...

How can I set up a callback to run *before* a jquery animation?

I'm trying to set up a loop where an animation runs a certain number of times, and a function is run before each iteration of the animation. The timing ends up being off, though -- it runs the callback n times, then runs the animation n times. For example: for (var i=0;i<3;i++) { console.log(i); $('#blerg').animate({top:'+=50px'},7...

Ribbon UI for Visual Studio 2010 or beyond?

One of the PDC2008 presentations showed off the new VS2010 UI (not the same as the current beta) that was built with WPF. Some of the new code effects looked fairly nice (comment xml parsed and styled within the code editor). It got me wondering if Microsoft would ever change the VS UI to the Ribbon; like Office, the change could possi...

MFC Event Handlers

Just wondering what the difference between MFC control messages prefixed with the following is: LVN (e.g. LVN_ITEMCHANGED) HDN (e.g. HDN_TRACK) NM (e.g. NM_HOVER) Also, I am using a ListControl and trapping when the user clicks on an item using the NM_CLICK message. I also want to trap when a user selects a new item view a key e.g. up...

How do I copy a WPF resource in xaml?

I want to assign a resource I already have a second name, similar to using the BasedOn property of Styles. Specifically I have a brush that I use for a group of elements called ForegroundColor and I would like to use it in a control template (a ComboBox) calling it MouseOverBackgroundBrush. I would like to do something like this: <Resou...

Characteristics of a good UI designer

What are the characteristics of a good UI designer? How much does one have to have graphical design abilities these days as opposed to interaction design abilities. I see this of growing importance with the advent of WPF and Silverlight. I personally consider myself good at interaction design, but would like to strengthen my skills in t...

Remove the dotted line on a Win32 common control without owner-draw

Is there any way to remove the dotted line rectangle, which indicates the keyboard focus, on a Win32 common control, without owner draw or subclass them? It seems that under WPF one can control the visual style of the focus rectangle, but I failed to find corresponding API on a Win32 common control. ...

What's the best/easiest GUI Library for Ruby?

Whats the best/easiest GUI library out there for Ruby? I would prefer a cross-platform GUI library, but currently I'm only concerned about Windows (Win32). I am having difficulting finding any that seem to be easy to use. Are there any? ...

Swing Matisse GUI - cannot add custom made bean to "Other components"

I made a custom ValueObject class with properties (getters/setters) and I need this class for data binding of elements on form. So I want to drag it to "other components" on matisse editor so I can bind it - and nothing happens.... Any similar experiences? The same issue is happening both on NetBeans 6.5 and MyEclipse 7.0M2 ...

Multiple control buttons for a maximised MDI child in .NET WinForms

That's what I get when I try to automatically maximize MDI children. The code is something like this: this.IsMdiContainer = true; child = new Form(); child.MdiParent = this; child.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; child.Show(); Any ideas why do I get multiple control buttons ? ...

Can you find a solution using just css, to make an element centred when it appears on its own, and aligned to the right when it appears with another element?

The problem: We have a page that ordinarily has two elements arranged side-by-side. <div id="container"> <div id="element1">content</div><div id="element2">content</div> </div> But in some conditions only element2 is on the page e.g.: <div id="container"> <div id="element2">content</div> </div> Despite exploring a few angles fo...

GUI Framework for flash (as3)

I can't seem to find any GUI framework's for as3 that are as good as any the applications I already see out on the web; Is this something most people code themselves or am I missing something in flash itself? I'm looking for dialogs/windows, buttons, text boxes, combos, drop downs, menus, etc etc and the ability to extend the components...

How do I set up radio buttons in Excel?

I want to use Excel to capture survey results. I want to have a large number of questions each with 5 radio buttons ranging from Excellent to Poor. Each radio button should correspond to a numerical value stored in a set of data cells somewhere (e.g Excellent = 13, Poor = 10, Good = 5 etc). I would like to be able to cut and paste these ...

When should I use Radio Buttons?

IMHO Radio buttons should retire. The ComboBox (Drop-Down list mode) should always be preferred.Drop-Down list takes minimal screen space, and you can add/remove items programmatically.No need to resize anything (hard), or disable irrelevant options (ugly). Can you think of a situation when a Radio button is still useful? ...

VB6: Interacting with an invisible form

So, I have a form in VB which is visible except when the program is started silently, in which case the form is still loaded but the interactions are done programmatically. However, in a tiny number of cases I want forms created within the invisible form to be visible. What is the best way to accomplish this, ideally without creating n...

TkInter Invoke Event in Main Loop

How do you invoke a tKInter event from a separate object? I'm looking for something like wxWidgets wx.CallAfter. For example, If I create a child object and pass it my root Tkinter.Tk() and then try to call a method of that root window from the child object my app locks up. The best I can come up with is to use the .after method and...

Override System Draw on WM6+

Im developing a "desktop" for WM6+ and i was wondering if i can override the draw that WM does when it starts the OS (like the start menu, softkey bar, and background) basically have my program draw the today screen instead of windows. My program will of course integrate everything that the original "screen" integrated. C++ ...

How to create a GUI inside a function in Matlab?

Is there a possibility to write a GUI from inside a function? The Problem is: The callback of all GUI-functions work in the global workspace. But functions have their own workspace and can not access variables in the global workspace. Is there a possibility to make the GUI-functions use the workspace of the function? function myvar = m...

What is the quickest path to writing a lightweight GUI program on Windows?

I want a small (< 30MB) standalone Windows executable (a single file) that creates a window which asks the user for the location of a directory and then launches a different program in that directory. This executable has to run on XP, Vista, Server 2003, and Server 2008 versions of Windows in 32-bits and 64 bits on x86-64 architecture...