
win32 select all on edit ctrl (textbox)

I am creating my textbox with these options. I can copy/cut/paste/undo, but when i hit select A it doesnt select all. I can right click and click select all but ctrl a doesnt do anything, why? wnd = CreateWindow("EDIT", 0, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_MULTILINE | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_AUTOVSCROLL, x, y, w, ...

How much should your development UI resemble the final product?

Except perhaps at bigger (or better) shops, the development UI is done by the developers. In your experience, how much has this impacted the final product, and how much time should we spend getting the development UI right? ...

What RAD tools are out there for GUI building in Perl?

I need to do some quick-and-dirty Perl GUI building. I can't afford a Komodo License. What would people recommend as a free (as in beer) alternative. I don't care if it is UNIX or Windows or both. I would be using either Win32 Perl or Perl/Tk depending on what has the best solution. I would also look at any PM's that use something else. ...

How do I limit mouse pointer movement in wxWidgets?

Is there a way to limit mouse pointer movement to a specific area in wxWidgets? I know there is an API function ClipCursor() in Windows, but is there a method in wxWidgets for all platforms? ...

How to create a dashboard user interface using ASP.NET MVC?

I am currently building an application using ASP.NET MVC. The data entry pages are fairly easy to code, I just make the Model for the page of the type of my business object: namespace MyNameSpace.Web.Views.ProjectEdit { public partial class MyView : ViewPage<Project> { } } Where I am struggling is figuring out the best wa...

Dragging an image in WPF

I'm trying to create a WPF application where I can drag an image around. Currently I have an image placed in the center of the window, and I'm thinking of using the three mouseevents MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp to calculate the new position when dragging the image. Are there any other good ideas on how to do this? I'm totally new ...

What is a good Very-High level UI framework for JavaScript?

I need to write a temporary Web-based graphical front-end for a custom server system. In this case performance and scalability aren't issues, since at most 10 people may check the system simultaneously. Also it should be PHP or Python (server) & JavaScript (client) (can't use Flex or Silverlight for very specific non-programming related ...

What program should I use to mock up GUIs?

I want to mockup a GUI system so that I can figure out how best to represent what I need. Normally, I would design a GUI in something like glade and then write a quick mockup in Python which implements only the GUI logic (ie, making menus/sub windows etc appear) and not business logic. Are there any tools which automate this? I mean, ...

Default font for Windows Forms application

Hello, Everytime I create new form in my application, it uses "Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt" font by default. I'm not changing it, because I know that in this case my form will pick up whatever default font in system is. However, when I run my application, the font is still anything but Segoe UI. Why this happens? How do I make sure th...

"Always on Top" Windows with Java

In Java, is there a way to have a window that is "Always on top" regardless if the user switches focus to another application? I've searched the web, and all of the solutions lean to some sort of JNI interface with native bindings. Truly this can't be the only way to do it?.. or is it? ...

Beginner Visual C++ 6 tutorial

Hi people, here is my situation. I have an small console application written in C++ (it makes and saves a .avi file into HD). I have to make it a visual app in order to set times, frames per second, etc. I have NO IDEA how to start. I never used Visual C++ before. I can't even open a simple "OK, Cancel" dialog box... I need the most b...

Dump stored proc output params into a DataGridView row

Hi, i'm a long-time newbie to c#, and this question may be too obvious, so please forgive if i'm "doing it wrong." Using Visual Studio 2005 Pro, C#, SQL Server 2000 EE SP3. I have a stored proc that takes one input param and returns several output params pertaining to that input. I am also calling it successfully, and String.Format-ing...

How to implement (UI-wise) a button

I am designing the (G)UI of a program, and have stumbled across a problem; The program will convert a number into different units, and the layout of a unit been cvonverted to is: [Unit name (when clicked gives information)] [Special status, if any][Output in textfield that can also be used for input (to convert to other units)] I want ...

Pattern for null settings

Hi, I would like to hear your thoughts and ideas about this one. in my application i have controls that are binded to objects properties. but.. the controls always looks like that: a check box, label that explain the settings and then the edited control (for ex: text box) when unchecking the checkbox i disable the text box (using bind...

Determining your websites color scheme

One of the biggest issues I have, from a UI standpoint, when building a new website is figuring out what colors I will use and of those colors, do they actually work well together. I found this site that has really helped me out and I figured I would share it with all of you and also get some responses back about either sites similar o...

How do you make a Swing/JFace/SWT GUI addressable?

I have a "fat" GUI that it getting fairly complex, and I would like to add links from a place to an other, and add back/forward buttons to ease navigation. It seems to me that this would be easier if my application was addressable: each composite could have its URI, and links would use that URI. Are there design patterns applicable to t...

How can I communicate over TCP sockets from JavaScript?

I'm thinking about how limiting it is for AJAX apps to have to poll for updates, when what would be ideal is for javascript to be able to set up a real two way connection to the server. I'm wondering if there is some method of integrating javascript with a browser plugin that can make a tcp connection so that I could pass data into and o...

How do you develop an application to draw, edit and save UML models in Cocoa?

Will the individual UML diagram shapes be NSView subclasses or NSBezierPaths? How are the diagrams created and managed? ...

Best UI for Search/Filter/Boolean expression

There are some simple ones, some complex ones, but I cannot find the gold standard. Can anyone point me to "the best" way to let a user define a search criteria (or filter) to retrieve results? This is complicated since: * Need to support about 10 different types of elements * Support And, Or, Not * Parenthesis (a killer to 95% of the ...

JButton expanding to take up entire frame/container

Hey everyone. I'm trying to make a swing GUI with a button and a label on it. im using a border layout and the label ( in the north field ) shows up fine, but the button takes up the rest of the frame (it's in the center field). any idea how to fix this? ...