
Using text field with AdapterView

Is it possible to use AdapterView with text fields in android? My query returns a set of values and for each I want to place that within a textfield, so that the user may edit the value. Also, I want to click a button to create a new empty field, so that I may insert a new entry. If you know of good example, then please let me know! ...

Python: Attractive, clean, packagable windows GUI library

I need to create a simple windows based GUI for a desktop application that will be downloaded by end users. The application is written in python and will be packaged as an installer or executable. The functionality I need is simple - selecting from various lists, showing progress bars, etc. No animations, sprites, or other taxing/exoti...

What are the Open Source alternatives to WPF/XAML?

If we've learned anything from HTML/CSS it's that, declarative languages (like XML) do a good job of describing User Interfaces because: It's easy to build code preprocessors that can template the code effectively. The code is in a well defined well structured (ideally) format so it's easy to parse. The technology to effectively parse ...

[Java] What toolkit to use to make more then one thread in painting? Swing, GWT, FX, Qt or what?

I want to write a multipaint application - a program that enables users from different computers to draw simultaneously on one image. What toolkit should I use? I've already discovered that Jambi is not appropriate in this case, because: Any number of threads can paint at any given time, however only one thread at a time can paint on a...

Java SWT: wrapping syncExec and asyncExec to clean up code

I have a Java Application using SWT as the toolkit, and I'm getting tired of all the ugly boiler plate code it takes to update a GUI element. Just to set a disabled button to be enabled I have to go through something like this: shell.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() { public void run() { buttonOk.setEnabled(true); ...

how to develop a program to minimize errors in human transcription of hand written surveys

I need to develop custom software to do surveys. Questions may be of multiple choice, or free text in a very few cases. I was asked to design a subsystem to check if there is any error in the manual data entry for the multiple choices part. We're trying to speed up the user data entry process and to minimize human input differences bet...

Linking a GUI toolkit to C++ input

Hey there! This is my first time asking here but I've been a reader for ages! A fantastic place to learn! I was asked to design a simple board game as a programming project this semester (using C++) and to implement GUI for a bonus mark. I was rather lost reading through tens of possible GUI toolkits and not knowing which one to use. I'...

Tabs vs. Home Screen For Android Application?

I have an Android application that I've been working on, and it's implemented using tabs to separate the different functions that it performs. See the article here The above article talks about how instead of implementing the Twitter application using tabs they decided to go with a home screen and a tool bar because of some of the lim...

Learning Eclipse Visual Editor Swing with Java

I am trying to create a java GUI project for school using Eclipse Visual Editor with Swing. But i am having a lot of issues learning this since this is the first time i am making a GUI. Like when i drag JPanel into my screen, it creates a function for it, but how do i call it in a separate file? I guess my question is does anyone know...

MVC/MVP/MVVM frameworks for Java GUI applications

Can anybody recommend a (preferably open-source) framework for decoupling GUI from model in Java desktop applications? ...

Open new panel with button clicked.

Java Swing GUI: I am using ActionListener to preform the action when a button is clicked. What i want to do is when a button is clicked, open a new panel, but load/get the new panel from a different file. This is what i have so far but i rather just link to another file. THANKS! =] public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionE...

WiX built-in WixUI Dialog Sets have horizontal lines that are just a little too short (picture included)

I am creating an installer for my program using WiX (Windows Installer XML). I have used the following code to begin using the built-in WixUI Dialog Sets: <Product ...> <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" /> </Product> This, however, creates a dialog set with horizontal lines that are just a little bit too short on every dialog as shown h...

Why is my GUI unresponsive while a SwingWorker thread runs?

Hello, I have a SwingWorker thread with an IOBound task which is totally locking up the interface while it runs. Swapping out the normal workload for a counter loop has the same result. The SwingWorker looks basically like this: public class BackupWorker extends SwingWorker<String, String> { private static String uname = null; private...

Can you change the style of an object based on a property within the object in WPF?

I have a class for message, and the objects are being displayed in a ListBox and there's a property for the message based on whether it's sent to or from the user. Is there a way to create two different styles and change them depending on this property? ...

Developing multiple user interfaces for an application

I want to develop an application which has a graphical user interface that could be developed by using different widget toolkits. For example I want to use Qt, GTK+ or even ncurses as a building block for my user interface for the same application. Moreover users could choose which GUI implementation will be used during the next startup ...

Ruby Canvas (GUI)

Hi dear community! I need draw some lines/circles/rect/etc from ruby into something like canvas. I tried wxRuby and fxRuby but they are have no good examples to draw simple lines. Just tried to install qtruby on Windows and its fall cause of some number of errors. So: 1) Which API for ruby to draw on canvas I need? 2) Give me a litt...

deriving activity diagram-based GUIs and CRUD them with a DB?

i received a big book full of processes. i was thinking about the end user (they will be lawyers) and decided the best GUI would be showing activity diagrams or business processes. It reminded me Quickbooks and how non-accountants can successfully use it and understand accounting processes. i began doing research before sending my proje...

DIV with text over an image on hover.

OKay first off this is really really similiar to the homepage. In the simplest form possible. I have an image, and i'm trying to CSS it so that when i hover over the image, a DIV shows up with some text and a partially transparent background color. I have no idea how to do this.. ...

Can you cast an object to one that implements an interface? (JAVA)

Can you cast an object to one that implements an interface? Right now, I'm building a GUI, and I don't want to rewrite the Confirm/Cancel code (A confirmation pop-up) over and over again. So, what I'm trying to do is write a class that gets passed the class it's used in and tells the class whether or not the user pressed Confirm or Canc...

Passing ActionListeners in Java, pack()

Two questions. First question is I'm trying to create a simple form that when you press a button, it adds a Person object to the ArrayList. However, since I am not used to GUIs, I tried creating one and am first just trying to get the user input from the JTextField, create an ActionListener object of the appropriate type, so once that ...