
Is WPF an extraordinary thing?

As long as I program, I always did it with MS-technologies. There was DOS, MFC , VB6, then .net with WinForms and now WPF. In all these technologies, the GUI-thing was always more or less the same, because it based on Win32 (except DOS). With WPF now all has totally changed. MS introduced a lot of new possibilities, beginning with the d...

Implementing a GUI framework that acts as both search and input

Hi, How would you implement a reusable gui framework or such in a DDD environment that acts as both search and input? Example: MVP-architecture Entity - Person - Name - Age - JoinDate - etc. GUI - PersonView (input) - Name (TextBox, accepts string input) - Age (TextBox, accespt integer input) - JoinDate (DateTimePicker) - etc...

How to create a GIMP/Delphi MDI like interface using WinForms?

I need to create an application that can have numerous documents open on several (between 2 and 6) monitors. The current version of the application uses a traditional MDI interface which does not work well with multiple monitors. I am thinking of making an interface similar to GIMP/Delphi 7 which has a main program toolbar and all other ...

ReadFile() Output to WinAPI edit Dialog

Ok, let's see if this all makes sense. Today, as I began working on a small project, I ran into an error I can't seem to get over. The function of the program I am working on is to read data from a pipe (which is the output of another program) and update an HWND ("edit") control dialog using WinAPI. Now, I've been successful at updating ...

Android: How to switch between Activities like switching desktops in Home app?

I'm developing an Android Application that has three very similar Activities. I would like the user to be able to switch between them by swiping left and right on the screen. This is how I managed that up to now: I followed this post Then I changed the method onSwipe() in this way: @Override public void onSwipe(int direction) { In...

Android GUI where different panels are shown/hidden based on context?

I'm making a drawing app. In the centre of the screen, I want the app to contain the user's drawing. At the top of the screen I want buttons for different drawing tools. When a drawing tool is selected, I want buttons specific to that tool to appear at the bottom of the app (e.g. the brush tool might show a "increase brush size" button a...

AIML interpreter - objective c - gui

I want to create an objective c application that interprets a list of .aiml files then make a GUI for it. I want to do this so I can chat with the aiml files within the application. Any ideas on how to do this?? Sample code? has anyone done this before? Thanks! Elijah ...

Need to get information from Qt4ruby Form's textedit(textbox) and pass back to string for console.

I think this problem is best described in code. I'm sure the solution is close, I just haven't been able to find it. I've been looking over the Qt4 api as well as doing tutorials. Here is my code so far: require 'Qt4' class PictureCommentForm < Qt::Widget def initialize(parent = nil) super() #setFixedSize(300, 100) @comm...

Efficient undo/redo for Photoshop-like mobile app

I'm trying to write a painting app for a mobile device (Android) that will have a bit more functionality than MS Paint (e.g. various brushes and brush settings, selections, layers) but won't be as complex as Photoshop. I need my app to have a decent undo/redo feature. Unlimited undo/redo is probably not possible. I'd be happy with being...

Using Winelib to port a Windows-only GUI toolkit

I love just about everything about the DFL GUI toolkit for D except that it only works on Windows because it's basically a pretty, high-level wrapper around the Windows API. How hard would it likely be to simply port such a toolkit to Linux (I don't really care about any other OS besides Windows and Linux) using Winelib? What are the o...

Please refer a GUI Modelling tools for a .Net object database?

I am planning to use an object database, say eloquera ( If I use RDBMS as storage, there are a lot of GUI modelling tools. But I cannot find one for object database. In other words, a GUI modelling tools to generate .Net (C#) code. If you know one, please tell me. Thanks, Ying Actually I have h...

How to get Block Style Progressbars in Aero / .NET 4

I have three ProgressBars of the three styles. Blocks and Continuous are now rendering the same, whereas I remember Blocks used to render as Blocks. is this unique to .NET 4, Aero Glass, or Windows 7? How can I tell my app to use the classic Blocks? ...

Webview in a small window

Is it possible to make the webview stay as a small window, instead of get the full screen? ...

Resources about how to develop a Java look and feel

Hi everyone! I'd like to learn more about developing a Java look and feel. Could anybody please give me some web adresses where i can find resources about laf development? Thanks in advance, David ...

I want to limit how often a Tkinter callback is run

I'm writing my first GUI program with Tkinter (first program in Python too, actually). I have an Entry widget for searching, and the results go to a Listbox. I want the results to update as the user types, so I made a callback like this: search_field.bind("<KeyRelease>", update_results) The problem is that updates the search many tim...

How are controls put in the caption bar?

I noticed Firefox 4, Opera and Chrome, and IE 7/8 put buttons and controls in the title/caption bar, how is this done? Thanks ...

How do I force the main GUI thread to update a listbox after it is updated from a different thread?

I'm tinkering away on a multithreaded downloader, using a producer/consumer queue construct; the downloading parts works fine, but I'm running into a problem keeping the GUI updated. For now I'm using a listbox control on the form to display status messages and updates on downloading progress, eventually I hope to replace that with prog...

Game GUI design for building new units

I'm developing a multiplayer strategy wargame based on a hexagonal grid, and trying to make the user interface as intuitive and simple as possible. The basic interaction is "select unit then select action by clicking on a target". For example, when you click on a unit all the potential actions for the unit are highlighted. This is conte...

Do any of the R GUI assist with power calculations / analysis?

I met with several people who are familiar with SPSS and would be reluctant to wade into R but might be encouraged to do so from the comfort of a GUI. Do any of the GUIs provide support for power calculations? I searched around for about 15 minutes and could not find anything to tell me that they could. Do you happen to know? ...

Show a TextView in front of a VideoView?

Is there a way to show a TextView in front of a VideoView? ...