
wxPython GUI BoxSizers

Ok I have an application I am coding and am trying to get a layout simpler to this: Notice how the text is left justified and the input boxes are all aligned, I see this in the wxPython demo code, but they all use the flexgrid sizer and I am trying to only use BoxSizers (due to them being simpler and because I only understand a little ...

In menus for "...", should one use ellipsis sign or just three dots?

Microsoft's reference ( doesn't say anything, but it seems that currentle everyone uses three dots (...) and not the unicode sign (…). Is it OK, or maybe there are some guidelines I'm not aware of that recommend using the unicode sign? ...

extjs apps on iphone

This is an extjs single-page application which works fine in FF, IE, and Safari. There are several problems with viewing or using this extjs app in the iphone. The extjs panels/windows do not resize, as it would in a normal screen. When the user zooms out, the expanding viewing area is blanked out. An example image is below: Ip...

Best workflow for binding website user accounts with facebook accounts

I need to implement facebook-connect to a website where users already might have their internal accounts. If internal account doesn't exist, it should be created from facebook credentials. Also it should be possible to link an existing account to facebook account. The technical implementation is clear to me, but I am more interested abou...

wpf forcing update UI window during a procedure

Hi everyone! I need only to show a custom control (a clock with rotating hands) and with this to replace the mouse cursor, if I use a file .cur or .ani to replace the mouse cursor Me.CUrsor = New Cursor("absolute path of the .ani file") there is no problem: I can change the cursor during a procedure: but the quality of the animation is ...

Reorder widgets in Qt

Hi, I would like to have suggestions as to how to use Qt to implement the following: I have multiple identical widgets that I want to display once at a time. I know that QToolbox exists, but the problem is the following: I need to change the order in which the tabs or buttons appears (see image): The widget that is set to an index ...

How to display a tiled background for all resolutions?

I have a texture.png which I would like to tile, to create a textured background for my window. Will I run into any problems with different screen resolutions? If so, what is the best way to support a textured background for multiple devices? Should I have 1 image instead? How large should it be? ...

Basic GUI for Python?

Possible Duplicate: Practical GUI toolkit? Hi, I'm just getting my head around Python, and have been building some stuff from tutorials, examples, etc. As my programs are getting more complex after a few weeks' tinkering, I'm getting overwhelmed by the pile of data my console is serving me (working on an app with lots of input...

c++ win32: executing a method on ui thread due to an event on background thread

I've got a background thread that is polling a server. When there's data, i want to handle the data on the ui thread. If I store the hwnd of the main window. How can I get a particular method -- static void DataHandler(void* data) to be executed on the ui thread. I think creating a timer passing the hwnd and the function pointer w...

Java Game - Easiest way to draw buildings.

It's my first time doing Java GUI stuff, and I have a few questions. I'm making a simple side-scrolling game - planning it out, specifically. The window is going to be 800x800. There's going to be buildings drawn as the game scrolls (every 40 px or so). I'm thinking that I'll make one 900px black rectangle, and then set copies of it at...

Generic user interface for editing C# application configuration files

I am developing some little tools in C#, basically they just work fine as a console application with some configuration values read from the exe configuration file (System.Configuration). But editing an XML file is not what you could call a great User Experience, so I am searching for a tool/library that could create a simple configura...

WPF forcing GUI update using Dipatcher

Hi everyone! I need only to show a custom control (a clock with rotating hands) and with this to replace the mouse cursor, the problem is that if I write: Me.gridScreen.Visibility = Visibility.Visible ' some operations that takes about 1 second Me.gridScreen.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden (gridScreen is the grid that contains the user-...

Java - keyTyped Troubles

I keep getting the same error when I try to run my program and press a key. The error indicates the problem is in the keyTyped function, but it looks good to me. What do you think? Code: //Key Listener. private class GameKeyListener implements KeyListener { public void keyTyped (KeyEvent event) { char inputKey = 'd'; if(isStart ...

Python GUI for portable app

I am developing a python app, using python and sqlite and GUI to re-create a Access 2007 report generating app. Since the app is portable, I'm looking for GUI solution for python that user doesn't need to install addition things before using the app. Is there any GUI solution suits my need? Thanks! ...

Android View Design Issues

I've been playing about with the layout of a view with Android (lets say within the MainActivity) and I'm looking to create this sort of layout using 3 ImageView's (where each block represents an image): This is rather easy to pull of using LinearLayout's but only if you specify the exact size and position of each ImageView. This then...

Is there any other way besides browser extensions that one could have a GUI bar hover over any website a user visits?

Goal I want to create a web app with a horizontal GUI bar that floats with the user as they move from site to site. e.g. A user will sign into the web at the home page and then proceed to say Google to start searching for their topic. Once they are signed in and leave the web app homepage a horizontal GUI bar will appear on each page th...

identify whether a GUI event was fired directly by the user or because of a code assignment in .Net

Suppose you are using a control such as NumericUpDown which has the value property. and you set the value numericUpDown1.Value = 10; then the .net will fire the event numericaUpDown1ValueChanged(sender, args), also the user can directly set the value of this control and the .Net will fire the same event with the same sender. to be able ...

Sending keyboard input to a program from command-line

How do you send keyboard input to a program? That is, under a Linux GUI, is there a good manual (programmable) way, or tool, of simulating keyboard input on a running program on Linux, so that I can send from the command-line, e.g., "Control-T" to a Firefox process and "echo 'hello'\n" to a Gnome-Terminal process without actually focusi...

How to create or modify the google maps controls?s

I wonder how sites like and customized the google maps ui for their website ex1:,FL/x_map/#for_sale/Pinecrest,FL/x_map/2_p/ ...

Resource files or 'CreateWindow' function for GUIs?

My program has a static interface, but I don't know what's the best way to make my interface. With resource files or with the CreateWindow function using the WM_CREATE message? Thanks ...