
store state/expanded nodes of a jtree for restoring state

Hi, I am working with JTree. I would like to know what is best the way to know which nodes are expanded in a JTree, so as to save its state (i.e. save all expanded paths). So that if I call model.reload() the Jtree would not stay collapsed, but I will be able to restore its original state to the user. I.e. all expanded nodes will be ex...

Is there any good guide for gui programming?

Hi I am a web developer, writing complex widgets and managing their flow, sometimes I feel that I need to know some patterns and practices in GUI programming in general. I am aware of observer pattern, command pattern etc. But I want to know something more ... wondering how "facebook" manages their widgets controls. Suppose i will go thr...

Implementing a tabbed Windows dialog window in C.

Background: I’ve inherited a project, about 10k loc implementing an odbc driver. To configure the driver a configuration window is opened. The configuration window is defined by an .rc file (a resource script) which defines all the buttons and checkboxes using x,y coordinates. Up until now when adding a new feature I just copy/pasted an...

Open Source using S3, RackCloud etc

Hello all, Wondering if anyone knows of an open source project which is basically but using S3 or RackCloud or others. I have googled like I have never googled before and couldn't find anything. Tried different terms etc ... nothing. I would love to host my own solution instead of paying $25 per user per month. We have a lot of...

Windows platform programming.

I am hired by my local company here which makes small accounting/billing/payroll softwares to manage its clients' companies. Most of them use windows platform and the softwares themselves will not be too complex ones. I want to ask which language should i opt for? Python, C#, or something else which will make the GUI programming t...

Custom OSX window skin?

How do I make custom buttons for my app window on OSX? I'd also like to skin the entire window. Are there any easy classes or ways to do this? Any tutorials that show how? ...

How do i force a wpf window/control refresh of disabled elements

I was pulling out my hair trying to figure out why the normal Dispatcher.Invoke command did not work for redrawing my window, but now I the issue seems to be related to the content being disabled. I'm using the Dotnet 4.0 full framework. If i use private void DoSomething() { HandleBusyEnableDisable(false); DoSomethingThatKeepsItB...

GtkButton just shows text but no image

Hi, I have a GtkButton inside a GtkHButtonBox that doesn't show the image I'm adding to it. It just shows the text. Here's the code: GtkImage *image = (GtkImage *) gtk_image_new_from_file("Gateway-LT21-netbook-2-540x359"); GtkButton *button = (GtkButton *) gtk_button_new_with_label("test"); gtk_button_set_image(button, (GtkWidget *) i...

Tkinter or wxpython

Hey guys I want a simple gui for one of may apps and am a noob when it comes gui itself. Tkinter and wxpython are the two standards in python i see.. Which one is simpler and more intuitive? ...

Future of GDIPlus Windows User interfaces: which will be the replacement?

Almost all Windows applications with GUI (WinForms or Native) use GDIPlus. But this technology is quite old, and it shows many limitations. Alternatives are WPF, or Silverlight, Flash? But Developer Tools like Visual Studio and Delphi still use GDIPlus as reference. When will this change? ANd moreover: will there be a portability? Lik...

Focus on disabled controls in Silverlight

We have a situation in our Silverlight 3 app where we have buttons that execute save/commit actions on the form. While the commit is happening, the Command that the button is bound to has its CanExecute set to false so that the user can't initiate another action until this one completes. Setting CanExecute to false causes the button to b...

Errors with Java Swing - Unknown changes

Hi, I have been working on a Swing based java program for a while now, today I have been editing the JComboBox (using Netbeans so I am unable to directly edit the code for it), at some point between edits the below errors have sudddenly appeared. Obviously at this point there is far too much code involved to post, but does anyone have a...

Handle key presses using draw2d and swt.

Hi! Every org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure class has addKeyListener() method. But when key presses not every Figure handle it. What kind of figure handles key-events? Thanks. ...

real time gui for python using only traits.

Is it possible to create a ui using traits from python to make an interface for a cellular automata simulation? ...

How to evaluate/translate Logic sentences defined in XML Files

I am going to work with some XML files containing logic sentences like these: <condition> <or> <not> <eq> <variable> <name>X</name> <variabletype>Test</variabletype> <datatype>String</datatype> </variable> <c...

ui controls for

i have been using the basic toolkit that is provided with VS 2008 I am currently looking for UI control toolkit from third party. I am basically concentrating on Gridview, treeview, textboxes, hoover, buttons and graphs(piecharts) Order of preference: 1.) Totally free( can be used commercially no royalties) 2.) semi free ( can be us...

Turn photoshop design into Java GUI

I can't seem to find anybody who has done or posted something like this; Essentially I want to design my own UI in photoshop and then slice down the images to use it in a Java application. Essentially coding in the PSD file as the GUI. Is this possible? If so, can anybody lead me in the right direction? I'm not sure what editor to use f...

GUI development package

I am new to GUI development. What is the best GUI development package for python on linux (ubuntu being more specific)? ...

How to use GUI form created in ItelliJ IDEA

I'm create simple gui form with one button in IntelliJ IDEA 9. Class wich was created with form is not JFrame or any another swing class. How i can call my form in my source code? ...

JComboBox causes a runtime error

Hi, I'm trying some GUI development in Java and when I added the following code, I got a runtime error during initialization of the class: public class Search_Album_Main_Tab extends JPanel{ JComboBox search_list; JTextArea searched_data; JButton search_button; Results_Main_Tab rmt; Search_Action_Listener lis...