
Most Natural GUI Toolkit

On episode #41 of the Stack Overflow Podcast Jeff and Joel discussed GUI ideologies that lead to poor usability. What GUI toolkits have you seen that most beneficially influence the programmers that use them? What level of separation (between user-interface and implementation) do you find most efficient for testability and usability? ...

Graphically template a .NET winforms application

I created a pretty fancy winforms app for my company. We had a graphic designer create the GUI, which was a pain to implement, all graphical buttons, lots of layered backgrounds and logos, animations, etc. But now my company wants to resell it under different brands. But since I mostly coded it well, I told my higher ups I could have ...

What's the best approach to get Date/Time input from the user?

This is a wheel that's been re-invented again and again over the years. The Problem: The user needs to input a Date/Time Basic considerations We want to make it as easy as possible for the user to enter the desired date/time Some applications call for historical dates, some applications call for future dates only, some will need to ...

How can I make it so that a JPanel updates itself once the window scrolls?

I'm new to Java so this is probably pretty simple, but I'm not sure how to make it work. Basically, I have a class which I use to draw a grid, which extends JPanel. I put this class in a window, inside a JScrollPane. The scroll works the way I want it to, except the drawing inside my class doesn't update itself once the window scrolls. ...

Calling this from inside a nested Java ActionListener.

Suppose I have this: class external { JFrame myFrame; ... class internal implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ... myFrame.setContentPane(this.createContentPane()); } } ... } createContentPane returns a Container. Now, if I wa...

What event would I need to be able to tell that the mouse was moved over a JMenuItem?

I'd like to handle the case where the mouse goes over any of the JMenuItems. I don't need the user to click one of the JMenuItems; simply to move the mouse over any of them. Basically, he has to click the JMenuBar to show the menus, but he doesn't have to click any menu item. I wanted to use an actionPerformed listener on the JMenuBar -...

Double buffering with wxpython

I'm working on an multiplatform application with wxpython and I had flickering problems on windows, while drawing on a Panel. I used to draw on a buffer (wx.Bitmap) during mouse motions events and my OnPaint method was composed of just on line: dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self.buffer) Pretty standard but still I had flickering probl...

How to Make a Mouse Scroll Programmatically?

Related question: mouse drag & drop (identical code snippet) how do I a make mouse scroll programmatically? I've tried: SetCursorPos(32, 32); mouse_event((uint)MouseEventFlags.RIGHTDOWN,0,0,0,0); mouse_event((uint)MouseEventFlags.RIGHTUP,0,0 ,0,0); SetCursorPos(38, 38); mouse_event((uint)MouseEventFlags.LEFTDOWN,0,0 ,0,0); ...

Set dropdown direction in WinForms

By default, a winforms dropdown always extends to the right from the dropdown button / menu item. However, I have a toolbox button (similiar to chrome's options button) which is on the far-right side of the window; when clicked, the default menu would always extend outside of the window. Are there any built-in ways to make the menu drop...

Looking for some examples of GUI apps with great design.

I will start developing my next desktop application in about a month. In the past I have delivered functional software that hasn't wowed anyone, including myself, in the usability or aesthetics department. Does anybody know of any resources or guides or even books that could showcase examples of good design in desktop software? There s...

Is it possible to produce a small preview or thumbnail image of a Crystal report in code?

I'm using Crystal to display the reports in my project, and I'd like to be able to display a small preview or thumbnail image of the report to the user when he or she is picking a report to display from my UI. Is there any way to produce these thumbnails dynamically from code? The user has the option to add or remove reports by adding ...

PyGTK widget opacity

Is there any way to set a widget's opacity in PyGTK? I know there's a function for windows: gtk.Window.set_opacity(0.85) but there seems to be no equivalent for arbitrary widgets. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

In Java, is there a way to obtain the component where an event is being handled?

Suppose I have 4 squares colored blue, white, red and green (myComponent) associated with the mouse press event. At one point, the mouse is pressed over one of them - say, the yellow one - and the event is activated. Now, the control flux is inside the event handling function. How do I get the MyComponent - the yellow square - that caus...

Gui toolkits, which should I use?

I am writing a fairly large and complex data analysis program and I have reached the point where I think it is about time to build a GUI for the program. So my question is: Which GUI toolkit should I use? I am completely new to coding and building GUIs and would appreciate any guidance that can be offered. It doesn't have to be the sim...

User Interface Design Tool

I'm searching for a User Interface Design tool to visualize a possible GUI in a documentation. I must not generate code. I know that Microsoft Visio provides a functionality. But are there any alternatives? Which software do you use for visualizing a GUI? Thank you in advance. Best regards from Switzerland Thomas PS. Another well-know...

.net Date period selector

Hi everyone, I am looking for a .net control that allows the users of my webapp to select a period in time. Basically something like the control google provides in their analytics application, where you can select a begin and enddate in one calendarcontrol. It doesn't even has to be ajaxenabled because it is against company guidelines ...

How to get the selected node in the package explorer from an Eclipse plugin

I'm writing an Eclipse command plugin and want to retrieve the currently selected node in the package explorer view. I want to be able to get the absolute filepath, where the selected node resides on the filesystem (i.e. c:\eclipse\test.html), from the returned result. How do I do this ? ...

Developing lightweight (no runtime) Windows based GUI applications using free tools.

Does anyone know of free tools (languages, environments) that would support development of GUI applications on the Windows platform? I am looking to be able to create a single executable file that has no dependencies on any external runtime or library. I would like to be able to then run this EXE in a very similar manner to Process E...

Building an application with "drawer" in Linux/Mac/Windows

I'd like to build an application with a "drawer" GUI element, like it is all over the place in Mac OS X. Is it possible to do so in Linux/Windows? Is it possible to build it crossplatform? ...

In what languages/platforms is Invoke for GUI operations required?

I understand that in .NET, one needs to use Control.Invoke(delegate) to perform operations on a control. This lead me to wondering in which environments Invoke is actually required. As far as i know, it was not required in older versions of, say, Visual Basic and Pascal. In particular, what is the status of Java (possibly version-depende...