
How do I run two GUIs in MatLab in parallel?

I am using MatLab and I have two GUIs. When I click on a push button in one GUI, the second GUI will invoke, and both GUIs both can work in parallel. If any body knows answer to this question please give reply to me. I have two GUI forms. In the first one I am rotating a line in a circle (by using the polar function. This is for my rad...

Flex and fake Mxml initialisation without actually showing the component, (more insise)

Hello, I have a TitleWindow mxml class wich has several components, and listeners. On its creationComplete and init state i add some listeners which listen for events on its gui. This TitleWindow is only shown when the user click on a "button", i made TitleWindow a singleton with the following code: public static function getInstanc...

WinForms Events for Inheriting Controls for UI Style

Follow up to this question: So I have created my "base controls" from which other controls inherit from. For testing, I am trying to change one of the base label's font. But it is not propagating to the controls that inherit from it. On one of the forms, I c...

How can I implement a gmail-style label chooser?

What's the easiest way to implement (something like) Gmail's interface for labeling messages? Does any javascript library have a widget like this? Behavior: Click a label in the dropdown to immediately label the message. Check multiple labels and then "Apply" to add multiple labels (not sure I like the "Apply" requirement...) Type i...

State Machines and User Interface work -- any examples/experience?

Hello I'm looking for ways to de-spaghttify my front-end widget code. It's been suggested that a Finite State Machine is the right way to think about what I'm doing. I know a State Machine paradigm can be applied to almost any problem. I'm wondering if there are some experienced UI programmers who actually make a habit of this. So, t...

What are some great web based interfaces that you use on a day to day basis?

I definitely appreciate a good interface and as a developer, I try to create them for my users. But appreciating a good interface and designing one are a different thing. I'm looking for good interfaces (such as IMHO StackOverflow, Gmail) as examples of good UI from which I can model my own UI's. ...

Are there MVC embedded system GUI examples?

I'd like to apply the MVC pattern to a GUI we are developing for an embedded system. In this case my understanding is we would need to provide the underlying framework for listener/event actions between the Controller and View. Also, I have seen some examples where the Model send an event to the View, but perhaps that is not correct. Doe...

wxPython toolbar help

I am new to Python. I am writing an application using wxPython and I currently my code that generates a toolbar looks like this: class Window(wx.Frame) def __init__(self, parent, plot): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, "Name", size =(900, 600)) self.Centre() self.toolbar = self.CreateToolBar(style=(wx.TB_HORZ_LAYO...

Is there a FireBug like utility for inspecting a Winform Application?

Howdy, I am designing a program that dynamically creates its own GUI at run time. I am looking for a firebug like utility that allows me to move my mouse around the form to see different controls highlighted and see what their size, padding, margins, etc are set to. Thank you, Keith ...

Creating a Windows checkbox in a VBScript that will be executed by cscript.exe

If I have a VBScript like... inputControl1 = InputBox("Hello World") WScript.Quit How can a check box be created in there rather then the InputBox? I know VBScript itself does not have a checkbox control like the InputBox, but is there some library I can use to do something like the following? inputControl1 = CreateObject("library.c...

Windows GUI C++ Programming

I want to learn C++ GUI programming using Visual Studio 2008. I'm not sure where to start though. I learned C++ in high school, but not GUI. I've been doing C# for about 3 years now and thats how I "learned" GUI programming. Now I want to learn how to write GUI's without the use of the .NET framework, so where do I start? ...

How do I make a winforms progress bar move vertically in C#?

I'm working on a winforms jukebox in C#. I'd like to have a vertical progressbar for the volume control. Does anyone know how to do that? ...

How should validation behave

In the very common scenario where you have a textbox, and some kind of validation rule which constraints the valid entries on that textbox. How should a failing validation affect the content of the textbox especially in the case when there originally was a valid value entered before the invalid. Example: Imagine a form where one can ent...

How would you design a good search UI?

I want to provide my users with an 'advanced' search engine. I basically have a lot of search criteria to chose from : some are very simple/common and will be largely use (ie time period, item id) some are a bit less mainstream and some won't be used a lot, but I still want to provide them Overall, I have around 30+ criteria to chose...

Is it a good idea to have the same feature available from two different menus ?

It happens sometimes that one feature seems to belong to more than one place. Trivial example, let's say I've got the following menus : File Pending orders Accepted orders Tools Help I've got a search feature, and the same search window work for both pending and accepted orders (it's just an 'order status' combo you can change) Whe...

wxPython dialogs

I am writing a class in wxPython that displays error dialogs. Here is my code: import wx class Error: def __init__(self, number, string): self.error_type = number self.error_message = string self.choose_error() def choose_error(self): if self.error_type == 1: self.DisplayMessage1() elif sel...

Dynamic UI vs Static UI

I've been wondering, at what point should I give up the convenience of a static data entry form with designer support for a dynamic UI which removes a lot of code duplication? There seems to be a conflict in the programming world where people constantly try to remove code repetition to improve maintainability and yet when it comes to fo...

Getting java gui to open a webpage in web browser.

I am trying to get a java gui to open a web page. So the gui runs some code that does things and then produces a html file. I then want this file to open in a web browser (preferrably Firefox) as soon as it is created. How would I go about doing that? ...

Image viewer - standard gui controls, bottom-up or what?

I need to make a basic image viewer. The main concern is how to implement (in terms of gui components and image manipulation) such features as: zoom in-out, scroll and 'hand tool'. There seems to be several options for achieving this goal, differing mainly in degree of putting responsibilities on the graphical interface framework as opp...

Twips, pixels, and points, oh my!

or "How I learned to stop worrying and learned to love measurement systems" I wanted a central spot that I can refer to later to give me a quick low-down on various units of measurement used in programming. SO seemed the best place to put it, and while I could go ahead and answer the question myself, y'all are a much smarter bunch than...