
Cross platform 2D Vector + Raster API + hardware accelerated - does this exist?

Requirements: Retained graphics mode API For 2D objects only (though 3D transforms of these 2D objects is of interest) Cross-platform Vector graphics drawing Raster compositing + support for opacity masks - hardware accelerated of course... Animation API Package size - can it run in an embedded environment? This is not for a game, bu...

Visual software system monitor

anyone ever see the visual monitoring tools factories and plants have? they show components of the manufacturing system in something reminiscent of a flowchart or visio diagram, but instead of a static image, each component has some interactive element (e.g. showing system stats or messages) I want to build something like this for an al...

Line-breaking widget layout for Android

I'm trying to create an activity that presents some data to the user. The data is such that it can be divided into 'words', each being a widget, and sequence of 'words' would form the data ('sentence'?), the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence' would exceed the available horizontal spac...

Favorite graphical subsystem to program in

Ok, this is an interesting question to ask because everyone has a say in it. What is your favorite library to program in for GUI's and the language that you program it in. Give a short reason why. (ex. Gtk, Qt, Windows, etc..) Just an FYI, this includes any scripting language that you program a GUI in Python, Perl etc... Frankly I'v...

Tabbing in text boxes

How can I make a text box that allows users to enter tabs, and does not send the user to the next element when the tab button is pressed? ...

ToolStripButton with Popup Menu?

I'm doing the GUI for a paint-like program, where the user will be able to select a drawing tool from a ToolStrip. Some of these tools have variations, and I'd like the user to be able to select one via a popup menu. Anyone familiar with the Photoshop toolbar interface will know what I'm after: the user can either click the button and s...

Giving user feedback during long-running process and user-interface/business-logic separation

When a long-running process is being executed, it is a good practice to provide feedback to the user, for example, updating a progress bar. Some FAQs for GUI libraries suggest something like this: function long_running_progress() do_some_work() update_progress_bar() while finish do_some_work() update_progres...

What are the relative merits of wxHaskell and Gtk2HS?

Which is better for developing GUI applications with Haskell, wxWidgets (via wxHaskell) or GTK (via Gtk2HS)? What are the pros and cons of each? Does it vary depending on which platform you are targeting (I would primarily be working on OS X but would like my programs to work on Linux and Windows too)? ...

Compare tool that can mask differences?

I do a lot of file comparisons (source, logs etc.) and need to mask certain sections e.g. dates / times / line numbers which cause every line to be different. Beyond Compare allows you to pre-process the files but then you have to write pieces of code to do this. Is there a GUI type tool that allows you to mask sections of the file via...

Top tips for designing GUIs?

A while back I read (before I lost it) a great book called GUI Bloopers which was full of examples of bad GUI design but also full of useful tidbits like Don't call something a Dialog one minute and a Popup the next. What top tips would you give for designing/documenting a GUI? It would be particularly useful to hear about widgets you d...

Is F# a usable language for .net windows development

I have been hearing about F# and Microsoft now have a guy who is blogging and coding away in redmond somewhere about it. Can you really write GUI code from F# (I'd love to see an example of say adding a button to a form and subscribing to the onclick event for instance) Does F# have full access to all of .Net? I'm honestly curious and...

Native looking GUI framework for Mac and Windows

I am currently searching for a GUI framework that looks and works native under Mac and Windows. Further I dont want to use C++ but e.g. C#, Java, Ruby or Python. Thx a lot. ...

XML Based UIs

What is the best/recommended generate UIs based on XML parameters? Objective is: Adding new objects/parameters to UI should easy and fast without disturbing the other elements. The UI is currently built and rendered using JSP/Servlets. ...

Examples of Wizard controls

I'm creating a Wizard control (in Flex) and wanted to look at some examples of good Wizard controls in .NET, Java or other languages. I'm especially interested in situations where next/prev steps are determined by the input of the current step. For instance, choosing one of several options in the start screen will lead you to different ...

Flex equivalent of ProcessMessages and unresponsive UI during long loops

I find that my Flex application's UI becomes unresponsive during very long processing loops (tens of seconds). For example, while processing very large XML files and doing something per-element... Is there an equivalent of "ProcessMessages"? That is, a call that would tell Flex to continue responding to UI events, even in the middle of ...

Where can I find a GUI designer for Python?

Does anyone know of any GUI designer for python like Glade but for windows? ...

How to redirect all console output to a GUI textbox?

I currently have a program that prints lines of text to the screen in various manners such as 'System.out.println()' statements and for loops the print all elements in an array to screen. I am now adding a GUI to this program. My problem is that I want to print everything that prints to eclipse's console to a textbox in my GUI instead. ...

Horizontal scroll position when a winforms treevew item is selected

We have some code that uses the .net Windows.Forms.TreeView. When an item in the view is selected then code does treeView.BeginUpdate(); // ... some stuff ... SendMessage(treeView.Handle, WM_HSCROLL, SB_LEFT, 0); treeView.EndUpdate(); This is so that the tree view display doesn't scroll right (which is the default behaviour - to show ...

JTable with a complex editor

I have many custom editors for a JTable and it's an understatement to say that the usability, particularly in regard to editing with the keyboard, is lacking. The main reason for this is that my editors are always created with a similar (though often more complex) situation to this: @Override public Component getTableCellEditorComponen...

UI Past, Present, Future

I am giving a short talk on the subject from a programmer's perspective. I was thinking about talking about UI design along 3 axes: Proximity: How close the code you write is to the UI Interactivity: How flexible and powerful the UI can be Complexity: How difficult it is to build a user interface (technical/implementation) I was the...